Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño Wiki

Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño Wiki es una enciclopedia colaborativa de Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño (BPIE) en Español, una serie web creada por jacknjellify en YouTube. El programa cuenta actualmente con cinco temporadas, consistentes en objetos antropomórficos que compiten en desafíos para ganar la Isla de Ensueño (Una isla de lujo), u otro premio. Puede leer y cualquiera puede contribuir o editar acerca de los concursantes y los episodios de esta emocionante serie web.


Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño Wiki
Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño Wiki
“X viaja hacia el centro de la tierra a 4446 kilometros por hora, Oh Noo."
— Cuatro

"El Regreso del Cohete" es el episodio 13 de Batalla por BPIE y el episodio 44 (por fecha de lanzamiento) o 53 (por orden en el universo) de la serie en general. Fue lanzado el jueves 11 de julio de 2019, exactamente 1 año y 1 día después del episodio anterior, y en español fue lanzado el 10 de septiembre de 2024.



Aniquilación T.O.T.A.L.[]

Un nombre mejor que ese[]

Equipo ¡Hielito![]

Comida Gratis[]

¡Los Perdedores![]






  • Figuras de palitos




  • Plátano Manzana
  • Papá de Cake
  • Concha de caracola
  • Tarjeta de crédito
  • Caja de jugo
  • Batido
  • Moca
  • Siete
  • Carro de la compra
  • Cinta
  • Melodía
  • Auriculares de realidad virtual

Pantalla de votación[]


Antes del pastel en juego[]

Bolsa de Vómito se ve arriba de Spongy en uno de los Aviones de papel, navegando inútilmente en la Piscina, debido a que Firey Jr. le dijo a Spongy que podía 't. Barf Bag intenta convencer a Spongy de que termine el día, a pesar de que ella lo apoya, porque ya casi se ahoga 5 veces, que se están quedando sin aviones de papel, y ni siquiera obtuvieron el permiso de Four. para usarlos. Sin embargo, Spongy se niega y dice que no cree que él pueda hacerlo, pero Barf Bag dice lo contrario.

Son interrumpidos por Taco gritando llamando a Barf Bag. Taco le pide pasar el rato, pero ella se niega y dice que está ocupada. Taco le suplica, diciendo que ella es la única persona disponible. Barf Bag se niega, diciendo que Lollipop es una de las amigas de Taco, pero Taco aclara que ella y Lollipop son mutua y que todavía está enojada con su equipo por ignorarla. Barf Bag intenta dar un consejo pero finalmente es ignorado.

Luego, la cámara muestra a Libro espiando a Taco a través de un par de binoculares, trayendo consigo a un Lollipop desinteresado. Los dos inmediatamente notan un sonido de sorbido, atribuido a Saw, quien hace la pose de introducción de Four.

Saw es inmediatamente saludado por Lollipop, pero Book lo regaña por "dejar Bleh atrás" último desafío. Saw explica que estaba haciendo una "limpieza de olores" para eliminar sus vapores de 8-Ball y que les dijo a Lollipop y Taco que se había ido. Gaty explica que Taco estaba "demasiado ocupado siendo rechazado" y a Lollipop le gusta saber más que a los demás. De repente, Saw sufre un espasmo de gritos y Lollipop pregunta si Saw eliminó por completo los vapores. Saw dice que sí, pero continúa gritando. Los miembros de Bleh la miran raros, y Book denuncia a Saw por retrasar la noticia de su "abandono". Saw intenta protestar, pero Book todavía cree que ella los "abandonó". Gaty y Lollipop se ponen del lado de Saw, argumentando que ella tenía una razón completamente válida para irse.

Este resulta ser el punto de quiebre de Book. Ella agarra a Ice Cube y dice que no tolerarán esto, atribuyendo el hecho de que Bleh tiene personas que han "descuidado" y "burlado" del equipo. El discurso posterior de Book presiona a Ice Cube para que diga lo que piensa: Ice Cube no está de acuerdo con Book y quiere cambiar de equipo, lo que sorprende a Bleh. Cuando Book le recuerda que ya no está en BFDIA, Coiny escucha y tiene un arrebato. Cuando Gaty le pregunta a Coiny si tiene algo en mente, él dice que no y se aleja. Book intenta hablar con Ice Cube, pero Icy se va en su propia dirección.

Juego del Pastel[]

Ice Cube camina hacia el Cake at Stake de Team Ice Cube!, donde es encontrada por Four y Gelatin. Gelatin intenta indicarle a su equipo, aunque rápidamente Se inserta en el equipo y se sienta en un banco de picnic con el resto del equipo Ice Cube. X dice que no estaría de más dejar que Ice Cube observe la eliminación, y Cuatro, aunque molesta por esto, le permite hacerlo. Cuatro dice que hay una gran multitud mirándolos, y les dice a los espectadores que pueden hacer que sus propios Personajes recomendados aparezcan entre la multitud y que uno podría unirse al espectáculo. Cuatro saca el pastel del episodio, sopa caliente. Cuatro le arroja la primera cucharada de sopa a Barf Bag, pero la quema mientras grita de dolor. Los siguientes concursantes seguros son Spongy y Gelatin, escaldando al primero, y el segundo pidiendo a Cuatro que enfríe la sopa antes de tirarla. Lo hace usando el cubo de hielo cercano, encogiéndola, y la sopa ahora fría se le arroja a Gelatin (quien se queja de la sopa fría que lo empapa). Donut y Bomby están a salvo. Una cucharada de sopa vuela por el agujero de Donut y golpea la gelatina, y la otra cucharada golpea el plátano de Bomby. El plátano es succionado por Black Hole, quien se queja de que "acaba de conseguirle [a Bomby] ese plátano".

Todo depende de Naily y Firey Jr.. El primero es el último a salvo, evadiendo la sopa, y Firey Jr. ha sido eliminado con exactamente 10,000 votos, por lo que Cuatro celebra. Firey Jr. se ofende por esto y lo ve como una burla. Donut se niega, pero Naily dice que se lo merecía. Barf Bag dice que Firey Jr. no era una gran ventaja y que ser eliminado fue su primera pequeña victoria. Mientras es absorbido por la EXIT, Firey Jr. denuncia a su equipo, llamándolos pedazos de basura. Naily celebra su eliminación y Donut está de acuerdo con ella a medias. Un pequeño cubo de hielo sale de la sopa, se aleja y decide seguir a iance.

Anuncio de Cara Amarilla[]

La escena inmediatamente se corta en un Cara Amarilla anuncio anunciando el Fork Attractant, hasta que es interrumpido por Fries. El anuncio trae a Marker, Bell y Lollipop desconcertados, quienes quieren verlo, pero Fries interrumpe a todos y critica a Lollipop no solo por querer ver el anuncio cuando estaba vendiendo [[Fork Repellent]. |todo lo contrario de lo que vende Yellow Face]]. Lollipop dice que Fries "no entiende las fuerzas del mercado", toma una fritura y se marcha. Bell le pregunta a Fries qué está pasando y Fries responde que Four y X están a punto de anunciar el próximo concurso.


Cuatro y X están de pie con una expresión en blanco en sus rostros. Fries le dice a Bell que el desafío está por comenzar, pero Bell no ve lo que está pasando, pero Eraser entra y está de acuerdo con Fries, afirmando que si sus caras están en blanco, están a punto de anunciar algo. Después de unos momentos de nada más que especulaciones y supersticiones por parte de los tres Free Fooders, X comienza a flotar pero inmediatamente cae en picado al suelo, para sorpresa de los Free Fooders. Luego, Cuatro anuncia que X se está precipitando hacia el centro de la Tierra a 2,763 millas por hora.

Pillow interrumpe a Cuatro, asumiendo que los equipos tendrán que rescatar a X. Cuatro agarra a Pillow con la lengua, chilla y luego se la traga, para consternación de Tree. Cuatro explica que Pillow estaba equivocado y que X en realidad está buscando su tesoro. Aparentemente, Cuatro debe evitar esto, ya que debe ser el único tesoro de X. Si un equipo encuentra el tesoro de X antes que él, estará a salvo.

Cloudy, Tree y Fanny le piden a Four que recupere Balloony, Bottle y Bubble, respectivamente. Eggy le pide a Four que recupere a "su compañero de equipo posiblemente muerto", pero Leafy la empuja antes de que pueda recordar su nombre.

Después de que Tennis Ball le pregunta cómo descubrir cuál es el tesoro sin leer la mente de X, Golf Ball le muestra a Tennis Ball su Mutual Mind Reader, que puede leer la mente de los demás. Ella prueba el MMR en Cloudy, Saw y Bell, luego explica una falla en la que los sujetos pueden leer un pensamiento de la mente del usuario. Luego, Tennis Ball lo usa y descubre que los tesoros de X son esmeraldas subterráneas, algunas de ellas en 133, -82, -7,63, pero accidentalmente envía un pensamiento que consiste en "X es estúpido". La televisión aconseja al equipo que mantenga este secreto para poder tener una ventaja, pero Grassy se lo grita a todos en voz alta.

Iance comienza a cavar un gran hoyo, liderado por Lightning. ¡Equipo Cubo de Hielo! y Beep ve esto y síguelos por el agujero. Cake, de The Losers! está a punto de hacer lo mismo, pero él y Eggy comienzan a discutir sobre si hacerlo, refiriéndose a sus conexiones espirituales con Loser. La discusión es detenida por Pin y Coiny.

Death P.A.C.T. se dirige hacia el Evil Canyon, pensando que las esmeraldas están allí, pero Black Hole los detiene. Les dice que este plan contradice su objetivo de prevenir la muerte, ya que Evil Canyon es un lugar mortal, y que se han olvidado de Pillow, a quien presumiblemente Cuatro mató. El equipo batea los brazos en respuesta, demostrando que no les importa, horrorizando a Black Hole.

Golf Ball le ordena a Robot Flower que consiga el Rocket Ship. Su equipo entra y Blocky gira rápidamente el satélite para excavar en el suelo.

Mientras Iance excava, se detienen y se dan cuenta de que el equipo Ice Cubers está a punto de caer sobre ellos. Todos cavan de lado, ¡pero el Equipo Ice Cube! todavía aterriza encima de Bubble. Mientras ella lucha por levantarlos, el resto del novio desvía a los miembros de Beep a un pozo. Están a punto de continuar, pero Flower cae accidentalmente encima de Bubble y la hace estallar.

En Death P.A.C.T., Pie de repente deja de agitar los brazos y se da cuenta de que necesitan recuperar a Pillow. Van y le piden a Cuatro que la recupere, pero Cuatro les dice que no está muerta. Después de discutir un poco con Four, Tree intenta que Four abra la boca para poder atrapar a Pillow, pero falla. Cuando Pen insulta a Cuatro diciendo que 5 es mayor que él, Cuatro chilla, permitiendo que Death P.A.C.T. para entrar.

Todo este tiempo, los compañeros de equipo de Bleh han estado discutiendo entre ellos sobre cómo algunos de sus compañeros (Taco) los han abandonado. Book y Gaty se esconden detrás de un arbusto y discuten en privado sobre la actitud de Book, sobre por qué Book se ha vuelto irracional y cómo su equipo ha entendido mal a Taco. Gaty le dice a Book que busque la definición de sí misma, ya que es un diccionario, y luego de hacerlo, Book comienza a darse cuenta de sus errores.

Beep usa el vómito ácido de Rocky para disolver el suelo debajo de ellos, permitiéndoles continuar cavando.

A medida que la vista se aleja para mostrar dónde está cada equipo, los perdedores, la comida gratis y el Death P.A.C.T. todavía están en el nivel del suelo. iance se mueve hacia la derecha, Beep continúa hacia abajo y A Better Name Than That va hacia abajo en el lado derecho de la pantalla. ¡Equipo Cubo de Hielo! Va hacia la izquierda y se dirige hacia una especie de esfera blanca y brillante. ¡Equipo Cubo de Hielo! Luego llega a una zona brillante y misteriosa. Luego, el episodio pasa a una pantalla negra con las palabras "Continuará en BFB 14". Luego aparece una pantalla de votación, pidiendo a los votantes que voten por su personaje favorito y diciendo que no afectaría a BFB 14.


Gelatin grita "¡Dios mío!" cubierto por una pantalla negra.

Aún en carrera[]

Fanny TeamIcon
Bubble TeamIcon
Flower TeamIcon
Ruby TeamIcon
Cloudy TeamIcon
Nickel TeamIcon
Woody TeamIcon
Rocky TeamIcon
Marker TeamIcon
Foldy TeamIcon
Eraser TeamIcon
Fries TeamIcon
Bell TeamIcon
Gaty TeamIcon
Book TeamIcon
Taco TeamIcon
Saw TeamIcon
Dora TeamIcon
Coiny TeamIcon
Eggy TeamIcon
Pin TeamIcon
Clock TeamIcon
Needle TeamIcon
Firey TeamIcon
Cake TeamIcon
Leafy TeamIcon
Pen TeamIcon
Tree TeamIcon
Remote TeamIcon
Pie TeamIcon
Pillow TeamIcon
Bottle TeamIcon
Donut TeamIcon
Spongy TeamIcon
Bomby TeamIcon
Naily TeamIcon
Grassy TeamIcon
Blocky TeamIcon
TV TeamIcon


24,187 votes have been cast. (-6,498) (-21.18%)

Contestant Votes Percentage of votes Absolute vote increase Relative vote increase Percentage change
BarfBag TeamIcon Barf Bag 1,182 4.9% 471 66.24% +1.39%
Spongy TeamIcon Spongy 1,561 6.46% 47 3.10% -1.01%
Gelatin TeamIcon Gelatin 1,634 6.67% -1,815 -52.62% -10.35%
Donut TeamIcon Donut 1,817 7.52% -249 -12.05% -2.68%
Bomby TeamIcon Bomby 2,791 11.51% 2,107 308.04% +8.14%
Naily TeamIcon Naily 5,202 21.51% 4,024 341.59% +15.7%
Plantilla:TeamIcon Eliminated Firey Jr. 10,000 41.3% 8,515 573.40% +33.97%

Storyboard cut[]

Before BFB 13 was animated, a storyboard containing what turned into BFB 13 and 14 existed, possibly being more different than the final version.

The Cut is currently unreleased, but there is a possibility of it being released.


Voice acting[]

Characters who did not have any lines were not included. For a full list of voices, see Credits.


  • This is the first episode to be released in 2019.
  • Those who don't have any speaking cues are Bomby, Dora, Firey, Foldy, Needle, Puffball, and Remote.
    • If both parts are counted, it's only Dora, Firey, and Remote.
  • Team Ice Cube! is the third team to lose 2 members, the second being iance, and the first being Beep.
    • Coincidentally, they all placed last in BFB 1, BFB 2, and BFB 3, though not in that order respectively.
  • Bottle was recovered, so she does not have her fortune cookie and Tree anymore, which she had since "Fortunate Ben" and "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", respectively.
    • Pillow is currently in possession of her fortune cookie and Taco broke Tree out while in his mind.
  • According to the description of "BFB 13 this Thursday.", this episode was to be 21 minutes in length, but turned out to be 22 minutes and 56 seconds.
  • Clock is still missing after the events of "Enter the Exit".
  • Satomi confirmed that while she did write a few lines for this episode, she wouldn't consider herself one of its writers.[1] Though she appeared as one of the writers in the credits.
  • No team was up for elimination in this episode due to the fact that it's a two-parter and continues right along with the next episode.
  • This is the first episode to be animated by Niall Burns (XanyLeaves).
  • This is the first BFB episode to have more than 1 recommended character scene.
  • This marks Ice Cube's biggest speaking role in BFB and her biggest since "Take the Plunge: Part 1".
  • Bell says (in her head) her string is attached to something giant before Blocky interrupts.
    • It could to be a Giant Cloud as it theorized by the viewers.
  • If you look closely at the scene in the BFB intro where all the characters are shown, everybody's limbs and facial features are drawn smoother, and some have updated poses. You can also see Saw has her pink handle, making her have the only permanent change that is shown in the intro.
  • Dora and Saw are the only contestants who don't have their original character designs on the voting screen.
  • Dora changes her hairstyle in the middle of the episode, going from her old hairstyle to wearing a ponytail.
  • According to Michael and Cary during their reaction to BFB 13, the scene where Robot Flower launches Fanny was going to be the original thumbnail.
  • Flower makes a reference to the finale of BFDI when she killed Bubble "permanently".
  • This is the first time that a contestant was eliminated with a vote count equal to a multiple of 100, let alone a power of ten.
  • Firey Jr. received 10,000 votes, which is a multiple of 100. The other contestants who have received vote counts equal to a multiple of 100 are Pillow, Needle, Tennis Ball, and Loser.
  • The image that shows when Four said "Ten Thousand Votes!" is a collage of the profile pictures of the users that voted for Firey Jr.
  • When Four devours Death P.A.C.T., Tree's animation when being screeched in "Getting Teardrop to Talk" is reused.
  • When Eggy said "When I crack, I bleed Loser's color.", this could be a reference to actual eggs because an egg's insides (both the yolk and whites) are similar to the color of Loser's body (a white-ish yellow color).
  • The music that plays at the end of the episode is reused from the BFDIA 6 Deleted Scenes video.
  • This episode reveals Book's definitions of characters and herself can change over time if she or a character has changed.
  • Book's definitions of herself change rapidly. In order, they are:
    1. "a nice friend who has an elegant two-tone cover."
    2. "a nice-ish friend who has an okay two-tone cover."
    3. "a meh friend who has a bland two-tone cover."
    4. "a lazy friend who has a forgettable two-tone cover."
    5. "a stupid 'friend' who has a nondescript cover."
    6. "an irritating friend who has an unmemorable cover."
    7. "a troublesome friend who has an amateur cover."
    8. "a crummy friend who has a tasteless cover."
    9. "a bad friend who has an antiquated cover."
    10. "a MEAN friend who has a really ugly cover."
    11. After which only "MEAN" is intelligible
  • Satomi had mentioned a "secret project" had delayed this episode as early as November 2018. The secret project turned out to be Battle for Dream Island: Official Character Guide, which was the first published book related to BFDI.
  • At Cake at Stake, the contestants are sitting in the order of their votes in "Today's Very Special Episode".
  • Michael Huang returns working as an animator since "Questions Answered".

Continuity references[]

  • The episode's title is a reference to "Return of the Hang Glider".
  • Barf Bag and Spongy use the paper planes from "Fortunate Ben" in a swimming pool.
  • Barf Bag and Taco speaking to each other could be a subtle reference to the episode "Vomitaco" as they both were together in that episode.
  • Ice Cube tries to switch teams, which she and other contestants could do in BFDIA.
  • Bottle tells Death P.A.C.T. they should go to the Evil Canyon.
  • Black Hole states that he got Bomby a new banana, which he owed him in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?".
  • Donut says that there's no one quite like Firey Jr. which is a reference to the many other times he said it, such as his speech in "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", and again in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?".
  • Fries states that the contest always starts with X floating mysteriously into the air, which is a reference to when he does in "Getting Teardrop to Talk" and "Get to the Top in 500 Steps".
  • Fanny's line, "Recover Bubble" is the same line she used in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?".
  • Bell thinking "I'm glad the top of my string is connected to a giant--" is a reference to "Today's Very Special Episode" when some of the contestants climbed her string to see what it was connected to.
  • Bell getting Golf Ball's thought about sending people to her incinerator is a reference to "Zeeky Boogy Doog".
  • Gelatin complains about being soggy just like he did in "Zeeky Boogy Doog".
  • Snowball, after celebrating successfully digging to the side, makes his IDFB intro face.
    • Snowball would make this face again after iance blows Beep into a hole.
  • Four saying there was a large crowd watching Cake at Stake (the recommended characters) was a reference to BFDI 15 and 16.
  • When Woody smiles near the end of the episode, it references to when Teardrop smiles in "Getting Teardrop to Talk".
  • The coordinates 133, -82, -7.63 are a reference to "Hurtful!", where Leafy mentions that you can survive 1338 days without eating, and to Yoyleland being 2763 miles away from where BFDI is set.
    • Four also says that X is hurdling towards Earth's center at 2763 miles per hour.
      • X's speed is also roughly 0.75 miles per second or 1.3 kilometers per second, which is 1/5 of the first cosmic velocity. It would take him 2 hours, 51 minutes, and 56 seconds to get to the center of the Earth and back.
  • Lollipop's line "Looks like it's time to get this book's cover judged" is a reference to "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know".
  • Book's first words "I'm a dictionary and you better believe it!" are the same words used in her debuting audition in "The Reveal".
  • When Woody "tongues it", it references to when Ice Cube makes an "ugly face" in "Get Digging".
  • In the same scene, Nickel calls Woody his "boyonocerus" (a portmanteau of "boy" and "rhinocerus"), which is what he called him in "Lick Your Way to Freedom".
  • When Ice Cube says that she wants to do what she wants instead of what Book wants it was a reference to "Get in the Van", except it's the other way around in this episode being where Ice Cube doesn't want to do what Book wants.
  • Book's definition for Battle for Dream Island Again states that there was a winner, but it wasn't clear, since it was blocked by one of Book's pages.
  • Book's definition for Bottle is: "can shatter.", which is referencing's Ice Cube's definition in "Reveal Novum". and also a nod that Taco shattered her Last Episode.
  • Blocky's Funny Doings International is indirectly mentioned in Book's definition for Blocky.
  • Bracelety's definition in Book references her love of games, as shown in "Getting Teardrop to Talk".
  • When TV says, "Now we must keep this secret, so we have an advantage over the other teams." and "To be fair, you WERE the impostor who turned out to be Puffball last episode.", it shows various clips of various season 1, 2, and 3 episodes, sentence mixed.
  • When Book states that the show was no longer BFDIA to Ice Cube after she tells Book she wants to switch teams, Coiny says "OH MY GOSH, I KNOW THAT!" which is a nod (that he didn't tell to Gaty) to when he would force people into joining his team in BFDIA.
  • Saw yelling out "EIGHT!" when a word has "eɪt" is a result of inhaling 8-Ball's fumes in "Questions Answered" when he was crushed by the moon after being eliminated.
  • When Tennis Ball says "10,000 is also 10 to the 4th!", it is a reference to "The Reveal" when he says "8 is also 2 to the 3rd!"
  • Four saying "But Ice Cube, what are you doing here? You are in another team!" is a reference to "Sweet Tooth" where the Announcer said "And Ice Cube, what are you doing here? You are in the other team" to her.
    • The same line is also likely referenced to again when Robot Flower says the same thing but to Fanny.
  • In the voting screen:
    • Blocky's icon is a reference to one of his angry idle poses in BFDI.
    • Book's icon is possibly a reference to her BFDI 17 pose.
    • Teardrop's icon references her voting video for BFDIA 3.
    • Coiny's icon references the idle pose that he has been making since BFDI.
    • Gelatin's icon is most likely a reference to his IDFB intro pose.
    • Marker's icon is possibly a reference to his BFB intro pose.
    • Four's icon has the same pose that he makes in the BFB intro.
    • Donut's icon is a reference to his BFDIA intro pose.
    • Firey's icon is a reference to his BFDIA 5 pose when he sit on Puffball.

Cultural references[]

  • Bell says (in a thought) her string is attached to something giant, but didn't get to finish since Blocky showed up at the last second. If she meant a giant person, this may be a reference to the English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Dora changing her hair is debatably a reference to Dora and the Lost City of Gold, where the main character has that hairstyle.
  • A drum riff sounding similar to "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson is played when Balloony correctly interprets that Woody wanted to use Rocky's vomit to dig (reused from BFB 1).


  • When Grassy yells A Better Name Than That's plan, Remote's red button is on the left. Her red button is back on the right for the rest of the episode.
  • At 19:00, Remote and Tree are missing an arm.
  • Saw states that she told Taco that she would be gone after BFB 8, even though Taco died in BFB 7, so Saw shouldn't have been able to talk to her at the time.
  • In the captions, at 22:13, "boyonocerus" is misspelled as "boyonoceros".
  • Rocky is still orange despite getting back his natural color in the previous episode.



Name Timestamp
Here demo 0:00 - 1:09
music of four's 3D hand 1:15 - 1:34
Evolekaf 1:35 - 3:00

3:03 - 3:27

Infetterence 3:46 - 4:51

5:00 - 5:49

Abacaba (Remix 1) 5:51 - 6:00
Abacaba (Remix 2) 6:00 - 6:12
Gkfifphoh 6:19 - 6:39
Driving 6:42 - 6:53
Ballers 7:14 - 8:09

8:29 - 10:42

Coins (Remix) 10:56 - 11:09

11:32 - 11:57 15:06 - 15:18 15:24 - 16:22

Dinklie 12:05 - 13:29
Hush (Multiple Pitch Changes) 13:37 - 14:13

14:21 - 14:22

Tid 14:33 - 15:00
Dowel 16:38 - 18:05
Whirlwind Montage 18:20 - 19:21
Penta 19:26 - 19:31
Consy 19:33 - 21:16

21:19 - 21:29

Chugvolution 21:33 - 21:51
Tent 22:32 - 22:50


Plantilla:Episodios de 2019

Episodios de Batalla por la Isla de Ensueño y otros videos
BPIE1 BPIE: "Vamos por todo: Parte 1" • "Vamos por todo: Parte 2" • "Barreras y precipicios" • "¿Eres más listo que una bola de nieve?" • "Dulcero" • "Cruzar el puente" • "El poder de tres" • "Misterios desconcertantes" • "El ciclo de la vida" • "La pesadilla de los insectofóbicos" • "¡Llorón!" • "Elevado" • "Con ventaja en la carrera" • "No pierdas tus canicas" • "Medio pan es mejor que nada" • "Vomitaco" • "Boliche, ¡ahora con explosiones!" • "La revelación" • "Nueva revelación" • "La anulación" • "El héroe del jardín" • "El brillante" • "No perfores mi carne" • "¡Eso duele!" • "La pesadilla de los insectofóbicos Parte 2" • "El regreso del ala delta"

BPIEN2 BPIEN: "Sí, ¿quién? Quiero saber" • "Ponte a cavar" • "Pesadilla de Insectos" • "Centro de Recuperación" • "¡Entren en la Van!" • "BPIEN 5b" • "Basta de Nieve" • "¡Es un MONSTRUO!" • "La Ciudad Perdida de Yoyle" • "Buen Descanso" • "Alerta... ¡Intrusos!" • "Carnoso" • "Atrapa Estas Manos" • "Prueba la Dulzura" • "Mucho Lodo" • "La Pesadilla de los Insectofóbicos Parte 4" • "Well, Look Who It Is!" • "PointyPointyPointy ♫"

EIPB33 EIPB: "¡Bienvenidos de vuelta!"

BPB BPB: "Obligando a hablar a GOTITA" • "Lame Tu Camino Hacia La Libertad" • "¿Por Qué Harías Esto en un Columpio?" • "El Episodio Muy Importante de Hoy" • "El Afortunado Birome" • "Cuatro Se Pasa de la Raya" • "La Bola Mentirosa Que No Quieres" • "Preguntas Respondidas" • "Este Episodio Es Sobre Bola de Básquet" • "Entrar a la Salida" • "Llega a la Cima en 500 pasos" • "¿Qué Opinas del Juego de Roles?" • "El Regreso del Cohete" • "No Caves Directamente Hacia Abajo" • "El Cuatro Es Lava" • "The Escape from Four" • "X Marks the Spot" • "Take the Tower" • "How Loe Can You Grow?" • "A Taste of Space" • "Let's Raid The Warehouse" • "Who Stole Donut's Diary?" • "Fashion For Your Face!" • "The Game Has Changed" • "The Tweested Temple" • "The Hidden Contestant" • "Uprooting Everything" • "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning" • SOS (Save Our Show) • "Chapter Complete"

BFDI:TPOT: "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" • "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" • "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters" • "Gardening Zero" • "Fishes and Dishes" • "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" • "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" • "Balancing P.A.C.T." • "Outbreak At Stake" • "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" • "Out Of The Blue" • "What's Up Bell's String?" • "Category One"

Próximos: "EIPB 2" • "BFDI:TPOT 14"

Cortos: "Thanks for 4 years!" • "BFDI Is Back" • "Papel Higiénico" • "Ballers" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "HELP US get to VIDCON 2019" • "Happy Birthday, Battle for BFDI!" • "BFDI's Road to Half a Billion Views" • "You're A Loser, But..." • "Thanks for 600,000 subscribers!" • "Aw, Seriously?" • "BFB Contestants React to Wiki Comments" • "Thanks for 800,000 subscribers!" • "PUMPKIN 2.0 - BFDI Halloween Shorts" • "If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge" • "If X-MAS in Among Us was a BFDI Challenge" • "Thanks for 900,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 1,000,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "Claustrophobe's Nightmare • "Twosday" • "Fish and Chips" • "Why is the BFDI Mouth everywhere?" • "Firey and Gelatin Steal a Van"

BFDI Mini: Episodios de BFDI MiniEpisodios de BFDI Mini AgainEpisodios de BFDI Mini DeluxeEpisodios de BFDI Mini, Seriously!

TFI: "Crying Contest" • "Balance Beam" • "Mile Run" • "Elimination Volleyball!" • "Rope Climb" • "Dodgeball" • "Spelling Bee" • "Breath Holding Contest" • "Dice!" • "Spinner" • "Bowling 1" • "Bowling 2" • "Stack 1" • "Stack 2" • "Hurdles 1" • "Hurdles 2" • "Hurdles 3 and 'WETHFPC'" • "Jumbo"

TFS: "Mountain Climb" (inédito)

TFP: "Balance Beam" • "Dodge Ball" • "Mountain Climb" • "Balloon Toss" • "Teams" • "Boats" • "Bridge Crossing" • "Eating" • "Pyramid" • "Pole Vaulting" • "Test Taking" • "Obstacle Course" (todos inéditos)

Especiales Reanimados: "BFDI 1a+1b Reanimated! Fan-made MAP (Multi Animator Project)" • "BFDIA 1 Re-Animated By 95 People! - (Fan-Made)" • "IDFB 1 Re-Animated By 108 People! (Fan-Made)"

Cancelados: Corto de Celebración de la victoria de YoylecakeCorto de diciembre del 2016

YTPMVs: Intensive BFDI UnitRock My BFDIBFDI-chapp3000 SubbiesEliminating BFDIDear Viewers6000 SubscribersThanks for 20,000 subscribers! (Last BFDI)BFB 13 this Thursday."Revenge", except every syllable is from BFDIUNREAL BFDI — Thanks for 1 Billion Views!

Promocionales: Vote YoylecakeYou can help BFDI win an Award!The Official Firey Plush is here!VOTE for who the next BFDI PLUSH should be!The Firey Plush is ON SALE + NEW BFDI HOODIE!Marker and Coiny plush have arrived!BFDI & Inanimate Insanity Meet Up!TWO OF THEM!? - BFDI X Inanimate Insanity 2023 Event

Compilaciones de TikToks: BFDI TikTok CompilationTop BFDI/A TikToks CompilationBFB TikTok CompilationAll our food does THIS... — BFDI's Best TikToks of 2020Firey Discovers Gravity (BFDI TikTok Compilation)

Elecciones antiguas de BPIE: Fictional BFDI Election

Otros: Animaciones exclusivas para redes socialesThe BeiBei SquisherX Finds Out His ValueFirst BFDI Animation Ever???Salmon FiveyearsA super fresh minty clean announcementDoing It Again!BFDI Second Season VotingChoose Your FateBFDIA 6 Deleted ScenesBack 2 School Bad NewsBFDI's Best Hiatus EverBring BFDI Episode 1 Part 2 Back (also YouTube face reveal)The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)BFDI and II Finally Cross OverHow to Fold your FoldyThe Lost Ice Cube Recordings*struggles to contain fans at 2019 meetup*Battle for Dream Island: Official Character Guide Promoción de InstagramBFDI Recommended Characters2918 meetup steamAll I Want for X-mas — SONG by Four & X from BFBApply to join BFDI! Animators, Audio Editors, Background/Prop Artists and MoreThe Secret Behind BFB's SplitRecommend a Character - Become a Jacknjellify MemberThe 22 Best Questions You Asked Us — BFDI + II MeetupLo-Fi Beats to Yoyle ToBlocky Prank Compilation - Battle for Dream IslandWho's The Real Firey? (ft. Leafy Plush)Thanks for 700,000 subscribers!We Discovered Our Forgotten "Firey" ComicsMessage to Loser (Lyric Video) - SONG by Four from BFBWe asked TikTok to VOTE the best object - BFDI MiniTikTok voted on our objects again: BFDI MINI DELUXEAll BFDI soundboard videos! (compilation)Best BFDI Season 1a moments (according to data from you viewers!)What if BFDI was in r/place?BFDI *was* in r/place!The LOST NEWSPAPERS of Four and X3,000 PEOPLE came to the BFDI x II Meetup in LA…
