シーズン1 (Battle for Dream Island)[]
通算 | クール中 n話目 |
サムネイル | タイトル | 投票結果 | 票数 | 公開日 |
1話 | 1a | "Take the Plunge: Part 1" | - | - | 2010年1月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 思い切りの日:パート1(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Twenty animated objects are told by a talking speaker, that they can win Dream Island.
20体のアニメ化された無生物達(通称「オブキャラ」)が突然スピーカーの説明で、夢の島を巡って戦うことになりました。 | ||||||
1話 | 1b | "Take the Plunge: Part 2" | - | - | 2010年1月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 思い切りの日:パート2(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
The two winners from the last episode chooses two teams for the competition.
前回勝った2体はチームの編成権を得ました。 | ||||||
2話 | 2 | "Barriers and Pitfalls" | Flower (4) | 7 | 2010年2月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) くねくねロードレース(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
This time it's an obstacle course! Eraser, Pen, Pencil, and Spongy go rescue Blocky. Firey and Coiny fiercely battle. It's a race against time!
今日は障害物競走!イレーザーとペンとペンシルとスポンジーがブロッキーを救出し、ファイリーとコイニーが激しく戦います。この制限時間のついた競走、勝つのはどっちだ! | ||||||
3話 | 3 | "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" | Spongy (4) | 12 | 2010年3月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 史上最凶の抜き打ちテスト(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
The teams are challenged one more time with a new task: a test. Don't cheat! Or doodle!
2チームがまたチャレンジに挑みます。今回はテストです。「カンニング禁止!落書き禁止!」 | ||||||
4話 | 4 | "Sweet Tooth" | Blocky (6) | 12 | 2010年4月2日 | |
ケーキ1つで天体異常(Lac) ケーキで審査でSHOW!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Pin thinks ice cakes are terrible. But can she, along with the rest of the contestants, possibly do any better!? Find out in this thrilling episode of BFDI!
ピンが「アイスケーキは嫌だ」と言います。でもピンは他のキャラクターとともに、 | ||||||
5話 | 5 | "Bridge Crossing" | Woody (9) | 14 | 2010年5月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 吊橋崩壊(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
With one more contestant gone, the anticipation builds as the two teams are faced with the hardest challenge yet: crossing a bridge! Falls and screams! Oh, no! Yikes! Wah, boo hoo! It's too hard!
また一人脱落するわ、橋を渡れないわ、タイブレークも起こるわ… | ||||||
6話 | 6 | "Power of Three" | Pin (5) | 13 | 2010年6月1日 | |
3という数へのこだわり(Lac) 3人寄れば鍵探しの知恵(9K) 三の力(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
You know those multivitamin commercials where they say that everything's getting smaller? Well, so are the teams... temporarily. Not everyone gets their desired team!
全てが小さくなると言うマルチビタミンのCMを知ってる?まあ、チームも一時的に小さくなるけど。しかも配属先はてきとう! | ||||||
7話 | 7 | "Puzzling Mysteries" | Needy (12) | 18 | 2010年7月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 密室トリックパズル(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Trapped in a room with nothing else to do, the contestants are forced to solve a jigsaw puzzle! Oh, and one contestant switches teams.
何もできない部屋に閉ざされたキャラたちはジグソーパズルを解かされる。あ、そう、一人はチームを変えられるよ。 | ||||||
8話 | 8 | "Cycle of Life" | - | - | 2010年8月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 連人往復走(9K) 命のサイクル(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
It's a race! Of the special relay kind! But instead of carrying a bar or a bag or type of food, the contestants will be forced to carry each other!
今日はレースの日!ただし、ふくろやかばんやたべものを持たない代わりに別の人を背負うこと。 | ||||||
9話 | 9 | "Insectophobe's Nightmare" | Blocky (8; 復帰) | 28 | 2010年9月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 競争の蟲の悪夢(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
No, it's not about insects. It's about a six-legged race! Get it? Six legs? Insect? Plus, it's a new stage in the whole battle for Dream Island! 虫のことではなく、5人6脚のレースのこと。6足じゃなくて。夢島戦記の新たなステージに突入! | ||||||
10話 | 10 | "Crybaby!" | Teardrop (5) | 29 | 2010年10月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) えーんえーん!寒いよお!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Boo hoo, it's a crying contest! And two other contests! Find out who gets eliminated and who stays!
泣き大会だあ!そのほか2つ含む。今度は誰が脱落するのか、乞うご期待! | ||||||
11話 | 11 | "Lofty" | Golf Ball (12) | 37 | 2010年11月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 手品を見せてやろう!ほら消えた!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Ooh, an aerial contest. Involving balloons and darts! And yet another gripping elimination ceremony!
おっ、今度は空中でのコンテスト。風船とダーツを使うよ。 そしてまたまた心を引く脱落の時間が! | ||||||
12話 | 12 | "A Leg Up in the Race" | Coiny (30) | 61 | 2010年12月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 不器用さんと史上最悪のスピーチさん(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
With an a heart-wrenching elimination ceremony, adrenaline-pumping ladder-climbing contest, and a heart-stopping twist in the entire fate of the series, this episode will probably make you die of excitement.
心折れる脱落の式典、アドレナリンが詰め込みそうなハシゴ登りと心臓が止まりそうな急展開には超興奮するだろう。 | ||||||
13話 | 13 | "Don't Lose Your Marbles" | Snowball (47) | 80 | 2011年1月1日 | |
私の球を溶かさないで(Lac) 赤いのかマルーンなのか(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
You're probably crying with joy. You'd better be, because this episode is filled with all of the causes to do so! Cry with joy, cry with sorrow, cry with laughter, or cry with mania! Do it all, be the jack of all trades, because this episode is bringing it on!
この回を見て幸せのあまり泣くかも。泣くかもしれない要因は他にも!喜び、悲しみ、笑い、熱狂、はたまた全部かも。 | ||||||
14話 | 14 | "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None" | Match (66; 脱落) Spongy (復帰) |
158 | 2011年2月1日 | |
アップルライフ方程式(Lac) 半分のほうが無いよりはマシ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
With all of its fourteenness, is finally here! Yet another contestant will go home this time. The competition gets more fierce as the remaining ten contestants realize they've reached the celebrated, yet also dreaded, half-way mark. What will happen?
ジュウヨンだらけの回がやって来た!今回また一人脱落するよ。残った10人はやっとこさシリーズの半分地点に到達。さらに激しくなるこの戦い、どうなる? | ||||||
15話 | 15 | "Vomitaco" | Eraser (99) | 220 | 2011年3月1日 | |
汚いタコスだ(Lac) ゲロタコス(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Ew. That doesn't sound very appetizing. But who needs palatability when you have Dream Island, the ultimate motivator? See who feels the same way in this heart-pumping and fist-pumping episode of Dream Island!
うゎ。まずそうな感じがする。でも夢島という名のモチベを出すモノがあれば味わう必要はないんじゃない?果たして誰が同じようなことを思ってるのだろうか。 | ||||||
16話 | 16 | "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" | Pen (144) | 259 | 2011年4月1日 | |
人形ボウリング(爆)(Lac) 制作費が尽きた件(9K) ボウリングに爆発を添えて(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The bowling balls themselves don't explode (aw, what a let-down), but something else does. And so will the tension, exhilaration, and excitement with this epic episode of BFDI!
ボウリング玉自体は爆発しないけど(残念)、他の何かはするよ。テンションも気分も期待も爆上がりな回だ! | ||||||
17話 | 17 | "The Reveal" | Blocky (112) | 288 | 2011年5月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 介入(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
So, how disappointed were you when you didn't see your character? Or how amazed were you when you did see your character? Don't you just love BFDI? Why, it's the best show in the world! Oh, and the contestants throw frisbees in this episode.
さて、君の推薦したキャラが前回までに出てなくて落ち込んでる?それとも出て来て驚いてる?BFDIってほんとに良いショーだよね。だって世界一のショーだもん。あ、そうそう、今回はフリスビー投げをするよ。 | ||||||
18話 | 18 | "Reveal Novum" | Tennis Ball (2人;脱落) David (102; 参入) |
450 | 2011年6月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) そして乱入(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
OMG, a recommended character comes into the game, and it's not one you wanted! Ha, ha, ha! Staring's involved, too!
わぁ!推薦キャラが一人ゲームに参戦するけど、君が選びそうな人じゃないよ!ハハッ! | ||||||
19話 | 19 | "Rescission" | Pencil (259) | 464 | 2011年7月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) からの廃止(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Yay, we thought that bringing in the new guy would be well received! Apparently not, so now we give you the voice to undo your decision! Have fun fun fun fun!
わーい! 新入りが良い評判を残していく…と思いきやそうじゃないようだから、(デビュー投票の)選択をやり直すこともできるよ! お楽しみに。 | ||||||
20話 | 20 | "Gardening Hero" | David (331) | 545 | 2011年8月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 残留チケットをなくす4の方法(9K) 迫真宇宙戦争部(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Space. Space? SPACE! Now with all your recommended characters!
ウチュウ? うちゅう?宇宙だ!君たちが推薦したキャラも大勢いるよ。 | ||||||
21話 | 21 | "The Glistening" | Ice Cube (10人+; 脱落) Flower (205; 復帰) |
856 | 2011年9月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) ブルースキードゥー、ウィーキャンドゥー!(9K) 輝きモノ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
You'd better get used to these random episode titles! Characters joining, others leaving.
今回のようなテキトーに付けた題名に慣れてもらわないと。誰かが参戦して、別の誰かが落ちる。 | ||||||
22話 | 22 | "Don't Pierce My Flesh" | Rocky (319) | 844 | 2011年10月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 箱壊れる(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Yeah! いえーい! | ||||||
23話 | 23 | "Hurtful!" | Spongy (432) | 816 | 2011年11月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 胸が痛いよ!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
In all of its glory! 絶頂の中だ! | ||||||
24話 | 24 | "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" | Flower (524) | 735 | 2011年12月1日 | |
打ち切りへのカウントダウン(Lac) 中止の蟲の悪夢(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
BFDI gets temporarily canceled, the remaining competitors get attacked by bugs, and as stated in the previous episode, there was no challenge.
BFDIが一時的に中止になって、残った挑戦者は虫に襲われる。前回言った通り、チャレンジなんてない。 | ||||||
25話 | 25 | "Return of the Hang Glider" | Bubble (228) Leafy (236) |
870 | 2012年1月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 帰ってきたハンググライダー(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Epically begin to watch from the epic beginning to the epic end of this epic end of an epic beginning of the epic end!
壮大に始まり壮大に終わるこの壮大な最終回を豪快に最初から最後まで見よう! |
シーズン2 (Battle for Dream Island Again)[]
通算 | クール中 n話目 |
サムネイル | タイトル | 投票結果 | 票数 | 公開日 |
26話 | 1 | "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know" | - | - | 2012年6月29日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) ダレガヤル?シリタイノ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Again. もう一度。 | ||||||
27話 | 2 | "Get Digging" | Donut (TLC) Coiny (景品) |
1,986 (1,008 👍, 978 👎) |
2012年8月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) おまいら穴掘れ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
n/a | ||||||
28話 | 3 | "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3" | Dora (LOL) Puffball (景品) |
6,248 (3,744 👍, 2,504 👎) |
2012年8月15日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 蟲の駆除の悪夢(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Even more bugs, more mortifying than ever!
さらに虫が増えて苦しみも増したよ! | ||||||
29話 | 4 | "Zeeky Boogy Doog" | Teardrop (景品+LOL) |
2,972 (1,621 👍, 1,351 👎) |
2012年11月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) ジーキィーブゥーギィードゥーグ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
n/a | ||||||
30話 | 5a | "Get in the Van" | Match (LOL) Puffball (景品) |
7,104 (4,240 👍, 2,864 👎) |
2013年1月2日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) ワゴンに乗れ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
※bはゲームだからここに無いよー! | ||||||
30話 | 5c | "No More Snow!" | - | - | 2013年4月14日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) もう雪ないよ!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
There used to be snow, but now there isn't.
ここは元々雪が積もっていたけど、今はもうない。 | ||||||
30話 | 5d | "It's a Monster" | - | - | 2013年7月7日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 怪物だ!(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
After creating a new HPRC, the teams continue the challenge.
新しいHPRCを作り、チャレンジは続く。 | ||||||
30話 | 5e | "The Long-lost Yoyle City" | (Bubble (LOL; 追放)[note 1]) | - | 2013年8月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) 捨てられた街・ヨイルシティ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Voting is over.
トウヒョウハオワッタヨ。 | ||||||
68話 | 6 | "Well Rested" | Puffball (LOL) Firey (景品) |
9,810 (5,852 👍, 3,959 👎) |
2023年9月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) しっかり休んで(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
n/a | ||||||
70話 | 7 | "Intruder Alert" | Rocky (WTF) Bomby (景品) |
269,548 (191,295 👍, 78,253 👎) |
2023年10月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 侵入者アラート(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Hork! Glorp! Gloop! Doot! | ||||||
72話 | 8 | "Meaty" | Firey (WTF) Ruby (景品) |
230,904 (163,438 👍, 67,466 👎) |
2023年11月13日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 肉っぽくて(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Hork Hork Hork! Glorp Glorp! Gloop Gloop Gloop! Doot Doot! | ||||||
74話 | 9 | "Catch These Hands" | Yellow Face (WTF) Bomby (景品) |
197,750 (141,252 👍, 56,498 👎) |
2024年1月31日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) この手を掴みたい(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
i am cary. i am scary. uhhh.... try my barely very-merry marynary and cheesy garlic bread!
われはcary。われはおそろし。ぇ- 僕のわずかにでもものすごくチーズがかかったガーリックトーストを試してみて! | ||||||
75話 | 10 | "Taste the Sweetness" | Gelatin (WTF) Tennis Ball (景品) |
151,907 (118,744 👍, 33,163 👎) |
2024年3月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 甘さがたくさん味わえる(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Hork Hork Hork! Glorp Glorp! Gloop Gloop Gloop! Doot Doot! | ||||||
77話 | 11 | "Lots of Mud" | Spongy (WTF) Ice Cube (景品) |
362,326 (266,905 👍, 95,421 👎) |
2024年4月1日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) たくさんの泥(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Mud is my favorite food. THis episode is all about mud! You'll see all the characters having a blast playing with mud. Evern Lewsi2! どろはぼくのすきな食べものです。 | ||||||
78話 | 12 | "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4" | Ice Cube (WTF) Ruby (景品) |
164,720 (109,058 👍, 50,662👎) |
2024年5月16日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 蟲ドッジボールの悪夢(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
hork gglropprog glorp proglolglrolrohoropgjorgj | ||||||
81話 | 13 | "Well, Look Who It Is!" | - | - | 2024年7月19日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) おい、これを見てみろよ!(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Say hork to those who glorp! | ||||||
82話 | 14 | "PointyPointyPointy ♫" | Golf Ball (WTF) Pin (景品) |
210,285 (152,560 👍, 57,725👎) |
2024年8月10日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) とんがり頭つんつん🎶(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
hork gglropprog glorp proglolglrolrohoropgjorgj |
シーズン3 (IDFB)[]
通算 | クール中 n話目 |
サムネイル | タイトル | 投票結果 | 票数 | 公開日 |
31話 | 1 | "Welcome Back" | - | - | 2016年9月1日 | |
おかえり、ただいま。(Lac) 戻ってきたよ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Looking into the new life of the objects living in Yoyle City.
ヨイル市に住み着いたオブジェクトたちの生活を見てみる。 |
シーズン4 (Battle for BFDI)[]
通算 | クール中 n話目 |
サムネイル | タイトル | 投票結果 | 票数 | 公開日 |
32話 | 1 | "Getting Teardrop to Talk" | - | - | 2017年11月3日 | |
ご注文はBFDIですか(Lac) ティアドロップを喋らせたい(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Battle for Dream Island. Battle for Dream Island Again. IDFB. And now, Battle for BFDI. 夢島戦記。 | ||||||
33話 | 2 | "Lick Your Way to Freedom" | Pencil | 9,983 | 2017年11月17日 | |
死体失踪事件(Lac) ペロペロレスキュー(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Pencil is eliminated. As a response to the teams' pleas to revive the dead contestants, Four traps the recovered in jawbreakers, which the teams must break open to be safe. | ||||||
34話 | 3 | "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" | Leafy | 19,843 | 2017年12月8日 | |
巨大ブランコとタイミンググリッチ(Lac) 暴走ブランコ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Leafy is eliminated. The contest is to swing around 50 times on a swing set. | ||||||
35話 | 4 | "Today's Very Special Episode" | Bracelety | 20,255 | 2017年12月22日 | |
君に捧げる4+4(Lac) 第『ヨン』話(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Bracelety is eliminated. To commemorate it being the fourth episode, the challenge is to replicate Four in art. | ||||||
36話 | 5 | "Fortunate Ben" | Liy | 20,389 | 2018年1月12日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) ベンとフォーチュンクッキー(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Liy is eliminated. The challenge is to avoid touching the ground while piloting paper airplanes. | ||||||
37話 | 6 | "Four Goes Too Far" | Roboty | 21,916 | 2018年2月2日 | |
4x0=(Lac) ピッカピカのゲームホスト(9K) ヨンの神隠し(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Roboty is eliminated. After Four is multiplied by zero, Donut becomes the new host. The contestants have 3 hours to avoid the Twinkle of Contagion. | ||||||
38話 | 7 | "The Liar Ball You Don't Want" | Loser | 23,119 | 2018年2月16日 | |
月を爆破しようとした女(Lac) 嘘つきには嘘つき玉の刑を(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Loser is eliminated. A shocking lie changes the way some contestants look at Loser. The challenge is to place the Liar Ball into a team's hole. | ||||||
39話 | 8 | "Questions Answered" | 8-Ball | 22,238 | 2018年3月10日 | |
イカサマ◇クエッション(Lac) イカサマクイズ(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
8-Ball is eliminated. A Better Name Than That and get off the moon. The challenge is to answer correctly in Donut's quiz show. | ||||||
40話 | 9 | "This Episode Is About Basketball" | Stapy | 22,340 | 2018年4月6日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) バスケ回(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Stapy is eliminated. X is found and reinstated as host. The challenge is to weigh down baskets using balls. | ||||||
41話 | 10 | "Enter the Exit" | David | 23,516 | 2018年4月28日 | |
何のために戦うのか(Lac) 出口入り(9K) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
David is eliminated. The contestants successfully recover Four. The eliminated contestants are revealed to stay inside EXIT. One eliminated contestant will rejoin. | ||||||
42話 | 11 | "Get to the Top in 500 Steps" | Leafy (復帰) | 32,543 | 2018年5月27日 | |
ボタンまで500段の階段(Lac) (9Kの訳なし) (Pixieyana38の訳なし) | ||||||
Leafy rejoins and is placed on The Losers!. The challenge is to climb a tall flight of stairs and press a button. | ||||||
43話 | 12 | "What Do You Think of Roleplay?" | Match | 30,685 | 2018年7月10日 | |
ロールプレイは規制されました(Lac) (9Kの訳なし) なりきり部屋についてどう思う?(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Match is eliminated. The contestants must uncover which of their teammates are actually outsiders. | ||||||
44話 | 13 | "Return of the Rocket Ship" | Firey Jr. | 24,187 | 2019年7月11日 | |
向かう先はセンター・オブ・ジアース A面(Lac) (9Kの訳なし) 帰ってきた宇宙船(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
BFB is back with a new episode! And the next episode is right around the corner! Join your favorite characters like Barf Bag and Ruby and not Pencil, as they see what's up with Four and X today!
ついにBFBの最新話がやってきた!Barf BagやRubyといった好きなキャラ(Pencilとかじゃなくて)と一緒にFourとXの様子を見てみよう。 | ||||||
45話 | 14 | "Don't Dig Straight Down" | - | - | - | |
向かう先はセンター・オブ・ジアース B面(Lac) (9Kの訳なし) 絶対に真下に掘らないで(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
WE DID IT GUYS!!! We're so proud of this episode and we're really really happy you finally get to see it! Most of this episode has been in the works for almost a year now, and some parts of it are as old as 2012.
Join Barf Bag, Gelatin, and the rest of Team Ice Cube as they venture into the unknown, never before seen location. And let's hope Rocky and the rest of Beep know what they're getting themselves into! | ||||||
46話 | 15 | "The Four is Lava" | Dora | 29,988 | 2019年12月14日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ヨンからマグマ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Oh my gosh! What's Four going to get up to this time? And what's that coming out of his mouth? Ew... Anyway, let's see who can survive the next epic challenge in the Battle for BFDI!
Join Firey, Leafy, Flower, Puffball, Bell, Blocky, and all the rest of your remaining pals as they venture to get to a common goal—and maybe try to prevent each other from doing the same. | ||||||
47話 | 16 | "The Escape from Four" | Spongy[note 2] Loser (復帰) | 39,850 | 2020年3月24日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ヨンからの脱走(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Goodness! Bruh, what's Pencil finding in there? Or who? Could it be a visitor of some kind? And by the way, what's up with our other, possibly less relevant pals, like Bubble, Firey, Leafy, Flower, and Spongy?
Let's see everyone escape from Four! And I mean everyone. Well, maybe there might be a few stragglers. | ||||||
48話 | 17 | "X Marks the Spot" | - | - | 2020年4月17日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) エックスがやってくるぞ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Taco asks Four whether the show is going to be able to continue, but Four is depressed due to losing X. The contestants form teams, and the challenge is to bring X back to Four. | ||||||
49話 | 18 | "Take the Tower" | Balloony | 51,320 | 2020年5月4日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 塔を壊せ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The teams must destroy the other teams' towers in order to win. | ||||||
50話 | 19 | "How Loe Can You Grow?" | Spongy | 50,477 | 2020年5月22日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) あなたは上手にアロエを育てられますか?(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The challenge is to help X's aloe vera garden by increasing the temperature of the Sun. | ||||||
51話 | 20 | "A Taste of Space" | Ruby | 52,418 | 2020年6月10日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 宇宙の味ってどんなの?(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
X is still on fire, and the contestants must help him cool down. | ||||||
52話 | 21 | "Let's Raid The Warehouse" | Loser | 51,914 | 2020年7月3日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 倉庫から奪ってこよう(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The challenge is to break into Yellow Face's Warehouse and get presents for the other team members. | ||||||
53話 | 22 | "Who Stole Donut's Diary?" | Taco | 56,990 | 2020年7月24日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ドーナツの日記は誰が奪った?(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The BRB is revealed to be a large, spinning building. Donut's Diary mysteriously disappears, and the Have Cots must question the Have Nots in court to discover which of them stole the diary. | ||||||
54話 | 23 | "Fashion For Your Face!" | Bubble | 59,779 | 2020年8月21日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ファッションをくらえ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
There's only eight contestants left, which is a number that's double Four! How will fashion affect the way these teeny-tiny teams handle the most shocking challenge yet? :O | ||||||
55話 | 24 | "The Game Has Changed" | Blocky | 57,729 | 2020年9月18日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ゲームは方針が変わりました(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Woody is appointed as the new host of Blocky's Funny Doings International. The teams merge, and the contestants must throw a party for Four. | ||||||
56話 | 25 | "The Tweested Temple" | Firey | 51,983 | 2020年10月13日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) おかしな神殿(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The remaining contestants must search for totems in the Archaic Temple. Purple Face continues to annoy the contestants. | ||||||
57話 | 26 | "The Hidden Contestant" | Woody Profily | 46,108 | 2020年11月6日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 誰だお前(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Has BFB had a hidden contestant all along? In this episode, the contestants try to grapple with this mystery! | ||||||
58話 | 27 | "Uprooting Everything" | Lollipop | 42,595 | 2020年12月11日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) とにかく試すしかないさ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The contestants arrive at the World's Largest Oven, and the challenge is to escape. | ||||||
60話 | 28 | "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning" | Leafy | 45,868 | 2021年1月15日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 冒頭から振り返ってぶつかりあえ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
The Announcer returns and reclaims his title as the host of BFB, and in a fit of rage Four dissolves into the ground and disappears. The contestants must do every previous challenge from BFB to win immunity. | ||||||
61話 | 29 | "SOS (Save Our Show)" | Teardrop | 71,828 | 2021年2月12日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ショー を 救え(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Teardrop is eliminated, leaving Flower and Gelatin as the final two. However, the Announcer reveals that BFB is cancelled, due to him using up the entire budget of the show. | ||||||
62話 | 30 | "Chapter Complete" | Gelatin | 77,131 | 2021年4月9日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) チャプター完了(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
BFB を賭けたFlower と Gelatinとの投票合戦...になるはずだった。 |
シーズン5 (Battle For Dream Island: The Power Of Two)[]
通算 | クール中 n話目 |
サムネイル | タイトル | 投票結果 | 票数 | 公開日 |
59話 | 1 | "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" | Winner & Price Tag (参入) | 59,151 | 2021年1月10日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) そのボタンは押しても意味がないのよ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Oh my wow! This episode is among one of the biggest projects us have ever done! And in this one, you even get to see Pen, and Rocky, and Black Hole! In fact, basically everyone is here. Well, everyone who you haven't seen in a while.
Get the latest on what they're up to, how they're doing, and what kind of troubles they run into! New friendships! New rivalries! New ways to vote! New... uh well you get the idea. Anyway yeah. So yeah that's the episode, please watch it and please look at the credits omg. | ||||||
63話 | 2 | "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" | Pie (脱落) Teardrop (参入) |
59,817 | 2022年7月18日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ブラックホールの人生最悪の日(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Epic win! Literally. This episode is pretty long. Did you know that's what epic means? And of course, what's a TPOT 2 without your favorite friends, like Winner, Price Tag, Black Hole (obviously), Rocky, Pen, and more! What've they been up to?
This time, they'll have to tackle the second challenge, to win The Power of Two! And... what's with this new voting system? (It's not new...) Please check out the credits!!! We are all in there! Waiting to be seen! Link above!!! | ||||||
64話 | 3 | "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters" | Foldy | 74,873 | 2023年1月28日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) パフボールがジェットコースターを考えてくれるようです(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Grassy, Winner, Foldy and Snowball (and their friends) are back--and this time they have to deal with...an a-twos-ment park? Sounds like something familiar but, trust us, it's brand new.
It's time to see the contestants compete once more for The Power of Two, with the introduction of a brand new voting twist! What is that twist? You'll have to watch to find out! | ||||||
65話 | 4 | "Gardening Zero" | Saw Cloudy | 67,824 | 2023年3月23日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 迫真環境破壊部(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
yayayayay!!!! It's like BFDI 20's Gardening Hero, but without the hero. | ||||||
66話 | 5 | "Fishes and Dishes" | Naily Remote | 59,035 | 2023年5月4日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) お皿とお魚たち(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Some plates! Some cakes! Bubbles! Cakes! Debris! A magnet? What do all of these have in common? They're all in TPOT 5, of course! Join Price Tag, Eggy, Grassy and others on another grand adventure! | ||||||
67話 | 6 | "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" | Eggy Fries | 59,182 | 2023年7月9日[1] | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ゴイキアン ベイクオフ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
More fish! More dish! If only people could get out of the treehouse! Join Cake, Bomby, Needle and Ice Cube (and their friends) on a brand new adventure to make some delicious meals! | ||||||
69話 | 7 | "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" | Clock Lightning | 66,833 | 2023年9月10日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ゴイキーの七大迷所(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Zappy Zappy! It's time to get smashy! Join "The S!" venture into an ad, and watch six other teams, try to clean up the Seven Wonders of Goiky! Ooooh the things the contestants do this round. How exciting! I wonder what happens after those credits. Better stay for those credits! I heard that Fanny is in this episode--you don't wanna miss that! So tune into this 30 minute episode and enjoy! | ||||||
71話 | 8 | "Balancing P.A.C.T." | Cake Rocky | 70,064 | 2023年10月25日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 協定よバランスをとれ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Help or get out of the way! Because we all need our space! Well...maybe Robot Flower, Grassy and maybe even Bottle do, at the very least. And there's like 30 other contestants too! But...we'd be here all day typing that out, haha. All this and more in a wild new episode of BFDI:TPOT! | ||||||
73話 | 9 | "Outbreak At Stake" | Puffball Coiny (CaS脱落) Teardrop (即時脱落) | 69,744 | 2023年12月18日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ゾンビでピンチでSHOW(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
Something's off about Barf Bag...whatever, we have a Cake at Stake today! And a fun little challenge, too! Maybe blowing up balloons or swimming backwards? But first...let's make sure Barf Bag is okay. | ||||||
76話 | 10 | "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" | Nickel | 76,682 | 2024年3月13日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) あなたの望んでいない悪夢(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
I wonder what Black Hole has nightmares about! Anyway, I don't even know why I said that. Can't wait to run a race or something. Hey, anyone seen Barf Bag, lately? | ||||||
79話 | 11 | "Out Of The Blue" | - | - | 2024年6月14日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) 青空を目指して(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
It's time to escape. 逃げる時間だ。 | ||||||
80話 | 12 | "What's Up Bell's String?" | Bomby Bell | 90,503 | 2024年7月15日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) ベルの紐には何があるの(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
I have a pen. I have a pit. Pen pit applepen pit. Also what's at the top of Bell's string, anyways? | ||||||
83話 | 13 | "Category One" | Barf Bag Needle Pencil Liy (復帰) |
347,346 | 2024年9月14日 | |
(Lacの訳なし) (9Kの訳なし) カテゴリーイチ(Pixieyana38) | ||||||
STOP HER! Who? Uh...huh. You got me there. But hey, an EXITOR is about to join BFDI:TPOT! And after that...we best try to find shelter.
番号 | サムネイル | タイトル | 公開日 |
1 | "Thanks for 4 years!" | Jan 2, 2014 | |
4周年祝い(Lac) 4周年ありがとう!(9K) | |||
2 | "BFDI Is Back" | Jul 23, 2016 | |
BFDIはまだ生きてるぞ!(Lac) ???(9K) | |||
Firey helps Coiny to get a book that says the release date of BFDIA 6. | |||
3 | "Paper Towel" | Jul 23, 2016 | |
紙を大切に(Lac) 紙タオル(9K) | |||
Blocky was seen drawing, then suddenly the glass of water next to him spilled. He looks over to some paper towel, but Eraser's rules only allow it to be used as toilet paper, and forbid taking them for other uses. | |||
4 | "Ballers" | Jul 23, 2016 | |
??? | |||
The contestants with arms (excluding Flower) are standing in a clearing together. A scarlet red ball is thrown towards Eraser and then it is passed from to one another. Three more balls, blue, green, and purple, are thrown in and the contestants also play with them. | |||
5 | "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" | Jul 23, 2016 | |
4周年の4周年祝い(Lac) 4周年の4周年ありがとう!(9K) | |||
The first cary production since IDFB! Note: This video is NOT canon.
Also, I uploaded this three hours late. It's supposed to have come out on January 2, 2018. :( | |||
6 | "The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)" | Jul 23, 2016 | |
晶晶つぶし(10周年だヨ!)(Lac) ???(9K) | |||
Thanks so much for 10 years, everyone!
Note: This video is NOT canon. Also, it is 100% a Cary production! The Rube Goldberg machine indeed did not have a successful run all the way through. So I'll post behind-the-scenes footage of the failures to my Humany channel at some point. |
- ↑ 6月25日と7月8日にイベントにて先行公開