Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Marcador girando

"Pino, Eu não sabia Marcador era TÃO longo."Porta, "O Pior Dia da Vida do Buraco Negro" (alterado)
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Personagem Galeria Relacionamentos



marcador em tpot


Você quer brincar de Jogar a Terra comigo?
— Marcador para Grampeador, em varias ocasiões.

Marcador (Marker em inglês) é um competidor masculino na Batalha pela Ilha dos Sonhos e em Batalha pela Ilha dos Sonhos: O Poder do Dois.

Ele é um dos 30 ex-personagens recomendados que poderiam ter participado de Batalha pela Ilha dos Sonhos no A Revelação, mas ele apenas ganhou 9 votos e foi enviado para a ADP (Armário dos Perdedores).

Em Batalha pela Ilha dos Sonhos Novamente, ele obteve 109 votos, o que não foi suficiente, por isso foi enviado para a PDF (Prisão dos Fracassados).

Em SIPB, Marcador recebeu apenas 110 votos (exatamente um a mais que a 2 temporada), empatando com Bola 8 e Torta.[1]

Em Battle for BFDI, Marcador competiu na equipe Free Food até a Divisão em "The Escape from Four," quando ele entrou no novo show do Dois.

Em Batalha pela Ilha dos Sonhos: O Poder do Dois, Marcador compete na equipe Death P.A.C.T. Again e Death p.a.c.t yet again


Marcador aparenta ser um marcador branco com um roxo símbolo oval na sua lateral. Ele possui uma tampa roxa que possui o mesmo tamanho que o resto de seu corpo.

Marcador desenhado



  • Existem 2 Marcadores (roxo e laranja)
  • Os Marcadores não possuem tampas.
  • Os Marcadores são mal desenhados.
  • Os marcadores têm uma linha ondulada roxa/laranja no meio de seus corpos.
  • Os Marcadores não possuem braços.


  • Marcador é agora azul.
  • Marcador é melhor desenhado.
  • O Marcador agora tem braços desenhados aproximadamente.


  • Marcador possui seu contorno mais fino.


  • Marcador perde seus membros.
  • Existem outros 15 Marcadores de várias cores (preto, azul, verde, amarelo, etc.)
  • O rosto do Marcador está mal desenhado.

BPIS 17 (um dos 30 personagens recomendados)

  • Marcador tem uma tatuagem em seu braço, e é roxo novamente.
  • Marcador ganha sombreamento.
  • O Marcador tem duas elipses ao seu lado em vez de linhas onduladas.
  • Marcador volta a ter membros.
  • Marcador possui assets de olhos e boca de BPIS.
  • O corpo do marcador não está mais mal desenhado.


  • Marcador é mais roxo.
  • Marcador agora tem uma tampa.
  • Marcador agora possui contorno.
  • Marcador possui seu corpo principal mais curto.


  • Marcador possui linhas mais grossas.
  • Ele perde a ponta fina e agora tem a ponta do cinzel.


Marcador é um personagem humorístico e animado que gosta de jogar jogos estranhos como Jogar Terra. Ele não parece ser muito inteligente, já que ele não sabe como jogar Pedra Papel Tesoura até Dobra ensiná-lo em "O Episódio Muito Especial de Hoje". Ele também pode ser um trapaceiro desonesto às vezes, como visto em "Você sabe que esses botões não fazem nada, certo?" quando ele pressiona o botão "para cima" e continua correndo para entrar no caminho do Time Mais Forte da Terra. Ele ficou bravo, como mostrado quando quis "punir" Pirulito por não ser Dobra dentro de um jawbreaker ou quando ele participou do ataque a Dois no final do TPOT 1 por ele não explicar direito as regras.

Marcador mostra-se extremamente leal à sua equipe e está determinado a ajudá-los de qualquer maneira possível, como mostrado em "Jardinagem Zero", onde, mesmo depois de ser incendiado, ele rasteja em direção ao seu bracelete para salvar Ice Cube. preservar o mantra de sua equipe de prevenir a morte. Apesar de sua falta de inteligência, Equilibrando o P.A.C.T.O. revela que Marcador tem a cabeça um tanto equilibrada quando diz a Buraco Negro e Ventilador para pararem de lutar e evitar a eliminação de sua equipe encontrando uma brecha.

Biografia no Guia Oficial de Personagens[]

Marcador é um marcador roxo lavável. Ele gosta de escrever mensagens nos seus braços como "IMUNIDADE VAI PARA MIM!"

Marcasor é de boa natureza e animado. Ele também ama jogar jogos! Seu favorito é Jogar Terra, mas ele deseja jogar muitos outros jogos com seus amigos Dobra e Grampeador. No entanto, ele não é tão bom em Pedra-Papel-Tesoura, porque ele continua torcendo os seus dedos em fornatos de casas. E formatos de 4. And hecatonicosahedroid-shapes.

Você Sabia?: Uma outra coisa que Marcador gosta de escrever em seus braços é "GAMER."


  • Maleabilidade: Marcador consegue formar formas com suas mãos que são normalmente impossíveis, tais como uma casa, Four, e um hecatonicosahedroid. Entretanto, de acordo com o Character Guide, isso não foi de propósito.



Battle for Dream Island[]

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Marker in Battle for Dream Island

In "A Leg Up in the Race", there are two Markers: a purple marker recommended by AlphaZaver and an orange marker recommended by alexlion0511. Both of them have patterns including curly lines on their bodies. Both were seen running around along with some other recommended characters after Firey set them on fire.

In "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None", a Marker runs into a vat of hydrichloric acid.

In "Vomitaco", Marker appears as a background character.

In "The Reveal", Marker reveals his tattoo in his audition to join the game. The tattoo read "Immunity goes to ME!". However, Marker didn't make it into the game, as he only got 9 votes in "Reveal Novum", along with Taco and Dora, and was sent flying into the Locker of Losers.

In "The Glistening", Marker appeared orange. Marker was also recommended by TheRyanExperiment and was one of the RC's to vote for Ice Cube.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", Marker variants watch the final Cake at Stake.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

Em "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", Marcador apenas recebeu 109 votos e ficou em 41° lugar, o que não foi o suficiente para entrar no jogo, então ele foi jogado para a LOL mais uma vez.


Em "Welcome Back", Marcador recebeu uma chance de entrar em IDFB mas não conseguiu votos suficientes.

Battle for BFDI[]

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Lightning asks Marker (along with Stapy) if they want to be friends. Marker declines and then asks Stapy if he wants to play toss the dirt with him. They both start digging up dirt. During team picking, Marker follows Stapy and joins Free Food. During the challenge, Bell is concerned about their chances of winning when Foldy dies, stating no one else could get up to the basket. Marker then tells Bell to turn around to an angry Puffball.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Marker yells at Four demanding Foldy be recovered. Later, Marker and Stapy "punish" Lollipop to death due to her not being Foldy.

In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", Marker asks Puffball if she wanted to play Toss the Dirt with him. Puffball agrees after calling the game "dirty". This, however, does not happen as Fries tells Puffball to do the challenge instead.

In "Today's Very Special Episode", Marker asks to play rock paper scissors with Foldy and Stapy. He says he doesn't know how to play, but Foldy teaches him. He's told that whoever farts the most gas wins. He doesn't think that's how it works, but Stapy gets him to play anyway. Marker points his finger, which is an illegal move. He then plays a house, then a hecatonicosahedroid. He then plays 4 which Foldy and Stapy freak out about. The 4 grows out of Marker's hand and turns into Four. In the challenge, Marker presents the year's hottest look, which caused Four to shoot out some hearts at his team. They get first place.

In "Fortunate Ben", Marker gets trapped inside his team's paper plane by Stapy which causes them to fall out of the sky. As they fall, Marker tells his teammates that they have to slow their plane down. His team manages to win thanks to Stapy using his staples to break the landscape.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Marker (along with the rest of Free Food) looks away from Pen when he has the Twinkle of Contagion. Pen nearly managed to get Marker to turn around when he says he has some very tossable dirt, but Fries stops him. Marker was avoiding Pen at the start, but got tricked into looking at him when started running the other way. He loses the twinkle when


looks at him from space.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Marker is in the group of characters who greet Loser at the beginning. when Lightning zooms in on Donut too far with Camera, Marker believes Donut is a vampire. Lightning zooms out and can see him, but Marker says he still has evidence.

In "Questions Answered", Marker can be seen moving from the moon to earth. His team loses the challenge due to Stapy and Puffball's cheating.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", Marker asks to play "eat the dirt" with Stapy, which Stapy declines. Coiny then offers Marker some dirt to eat, starting the intro. At the start of Cake at Stake, he is seen with Coiny's dirt fully eaten. When X gets "promoted" to host, Marker, along with the other alive members of Free Food affirm with his regular cake choice. During the contest, Marker wins for his team when Yellow Face tells him to play toss the balls, which turns into toss the dirt once the balls are in their team Basket. Fries tells Marker that he can stop digging.

In "Enter the Exit", Marker played the number four claiming that he knew how to bring Four back. However, this did not work (since Four was dead). Firey Jr. noticed this and called Marker an idiot after he had no proof that this had worked "last time", due to Stapy and Foldy being absent.

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Marker was seen smiling at Foldy with Yellow Face. Ruby then came and unfolded her, shocking Marker.

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Uncapped Marker as a recommended character.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", after Yellow Face started to advertise the Fork Attractant, Marker was intrigued, along with Bell and Lollipop, stating that he wished nothing more than to watch it.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Marker's only role is explaining to Fries (while using his body to draw a simple diagram) that Four once said "You don't need frills to make a feast for the eyes," encouraging Fries to give fake emeralds to Four.

In "The Four is Lava", Marker is recovered, as he died offscreen between the events of the previous episode.

In "The Escape from Four", Marker is first seen walking with everyone else to watch Four struggle at sucking up Spongy. Marker can also be seen helping with pulling the eliminated contestants out of Four. He later switches to Two's show, TPOT, after seeing them turn the sun into a spiky ball so that they could hit Four with it.

Battle for BFB[]

In "X Marks the Spot", Marker is in the crowd of characters who gasp when X is snatched away by the Four-Colored Team.

Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two[]

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Marker in Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Marker is seen asking about what's wrong with prime numbers. He later tries joining Foldy's team, but is flung away by Bell. He lands next to Lightning and teams up with him, with Lightning being bothered with how he now wants to be friends after rejecting his offer in BFB 1. They both join Death P.A.C.T. Again. During the challenge, he informs the team they can't use the elevator after it breaks. He also suggests using Fanny to propel themselves onto the building, but she's not strong enough for that. Remote gets an idea and uses him to visualize her plan. When Pie says that she's vandalizing the wall, Marker says she isn't and that his ink is washable. As Remote carries her team up the stairs, Marker gets dropped, and he presses a button on the elevator before running back up. This causes the elevator with The Strongest Team on Earth. to stop at that floor, but they still beat Death P.A.C.T. Again, meaning Marker and the rest of the team are up for elimination. He stomps on Two when the contestants start attacking them.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Marker receives a paper clip from Robot Flower, which he can be seen playing with as his team tries to get a battery. During Cake at Stake, he is in the bottom two with Pie, and is the last one safe, receiving 6,095 votes. He goes off to play video games while Two begins the intro sequence. During the challenge, when Black Hole asks how he can help, Marker says "You suck, don't you?", which Black Hole takes offense to. Fanny clarifies that he meant that he could use his suction ability to help. This backfires when Black Hole accidentally sucks up all of Death P.A.C.T. Again's blocks. Marker agrees with Tree's idea to steal other team's blocks, and he and Fanny take Rocky from The S! when they see him vomit blocks. Marker panics when he sees Remote get killed in a puddle of battery acid, and leaves Rocky behind at the Recovery Center after he kills Remote by vomiting acid onto her. Marker and Tree then stay behind to build their team's stack. When Teardrop destroys one of their blocks, Marker attempts to use his paper clip to keep the stack from collapsing. This fails, and the paper clip ends up getting launched into the back of Robot Flower's head. Marker suggests targeting Teardrop as an act of revenge, leaving Tree as the only member to rebuild their stack. Teardrop starts firing at his team, killing Fanny first, forcing the rest to take cover behind a fence. Lightning saves Marker from Teardrop by pushing him down, and Marker avenges Lightning's death by wrestling the laser gun from her and taking it by biting her arm. Teardrop then fires a laser from her finger, knocking Marker over, allowing her to take back the laser gun and finish him off. Tree recovers Marker before the challenge ends, and their team places 4th overall, with five blocks stacked.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Marker agrees his team should take the backseat for the challenge to focus on preventing death. In the challenge, Marker and his team follows Are You Okay after hearing the words hammers and factories to prevent any possible death. When Eraser calls Death P.A.C.T. Again cool, Marker says that he always knew he was cool. Marker grabs a random sheet lying on the ground for the landing pad they make for in case someone falls off Are You Okay's rollercoaster. Marker can be seen later building the structure of the landing pad. When the team sees Are You Okay's dangerous roller coaster, Black Hole says that they made the right choice preventing death, with Marker replying that he knew it. Marker's team ends up getting 1st place, with Two rating theirs a 10/10, treating it as a trampoline. During the rating, Eraser chases Teardrop with a Zap Ray while accidentally killing numerous people, which disappoints Marker as they weren't able to prevent it. When Two announces two teams are up for elimination, Marker thinks it's because they're "Two". In the stinger, when Eggy rejects the cheesecake covered in glass shards used for Cake at Stake, Marker volunteers to eat it for her. The episode ends as Marker screams in pain.

In "Gardening Zero", Marker's team is sent to the jungle to protect their Funny Plant. When Lightning accidentally electrocutes it, the team agrees that they'd be better off without him and Marker pulls off his bracelet to send him away. Later, Puffball shows up with Lightning’s bracelet, intent on killing Death P.A.C.T. Again’s plant. Marker's team took precautions and built a castle around the plant meant to thwart all dangers to it. However, Puffball simply flies over the castle walls, gaining access to plant. Puffball is then reminded that her team would lose, even if she killed another team’s plant and she leaves. She arrives back with Ice Cube and puts Marker's team in a tough position of having to choose if they should kill their plant and lose or allow the plant to slowly absorb Ice Cube until she dies. After all attempts at saving Ice Cube and the plant fail, the team decides they should save Ice Cube. Marker gets the idea to grab Two's scissors to snip the plant and removes his bracelet to retrieve them. After he grabs the scissors, a burning Grassy suddenly appears out of nowhere, and Marker runs right through him, setting himself on fire. He manages to crawl his way back to the bracelet and gets the scissors to his team. Tree snips the plant, saving Ice Cube, while also putting their team up for elimination. Marker's burning body then proceeds to set the entire jungle on fire.

In "Fishes and Dishes", Marker is first shown dancing next to a Funny Plant when Yellow Face is doing his advertisment. During Cake at Stake, Marker is the first one safe on his team with 10,484 votes. For the challenge, Marker says that they can just hold their breaths, walk into the canal, and look for the plates. When asked how they'll communicate, Marker says that he took a Yoyle Dance class that allows one to communicate through dance. In the Goiky Canal, Marker, Tree, and Fanny search for their plates while putting their Yoyle dancing lessons to use. Fanny ends up dying due to losing their breath after spotting the dead bodies of the FreeSmarters. Marker suggests that he and Tree stay closer to the surface and continue holding their breath. Later, Marker and Tree spot Pen and Eraser with plates. They snatch the plates from them and then kick them down into the depths of the Goiky Canal. They aren't able to reach the surface due to the water being frozen. Lightning melts the ice by zapping it and gives the plate they found to Two, making them safe.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Marker is first seen with his team, with Black Hole saying that they should make a simple meal for Two. Marker, and the rest of his team, runs to an abandoned Gelatin's Steakhouse restaurant. While at the restaurant, Lightning accidentally burns Marker with the stove, leading Black Hole to suck up the fire, to Lightning's annoyance. Lightning then throws a dead fish to Marker, but he's sad to find out that it's dead, saying that they can't use it. Black Hole states that they can still use it because it's already dead. Marker says that the fish is long gone and says that they can honor its memory by making it a fish roll. Marker, and his team finish the fish roll, but he is still sad that the fish is dead. Black Hole and Lightning say that they can bring it back to life. The team runs to Golf Ball's Underground Factory. Tree accidently trips on a chocolate ball, leading Marker to ask if Tree is okay. Tree then finds a time reversal ray and uses it on Marker. Marker, after his transformation, is back to when he wasn't burned. Marker and his team use the time reversal ray to recover the dead fish. The team then wastes time dancing, leading Fanny to get upset and to say that they should show the fish roll to Two. Marker gets bitten by the fish, to his annoyance. The team runs to Two, ready to show Two the fish roll. Marker then presents the team's food. Two realizes that the fish is alive, and they got eaten multiple times. Two gives the team a 2/10, to Marker's surprise, and leading the team to be up for elimination. In the stinger, Marker gets mutilated by Four after attempting to steal their food.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Marker is the second contestant safe on his team and gets to jump into the Yoyle pit. Marker is then zapped by Lightning when he starts to rampage over his elimination. For the challenge, Marker's team is assigned with fixing the World's Largest Oven. As soon as they arrive there, Marker says that they need to smash it because of how deadly it is. Fanny stops her teammates from doing this however because it would just cost them the challenge, leading her to say that she hates the Pact, to everyone's shock. Black Hole and Fanny start to argue, so Marker tries to lighten the mood by telling Black Hole that Fanny loves the pact, which she immediately denies. Fanny attempts to change things up by causing death and gets Tree killed, along with Pillow and Black Hole. Later, as Fanny and Black Hole continue to fight, Just Not approaches them and offers to trade them a glass panel. They trade Tree's dead body for it and have Two install the panel into the oven, making Death P.A.C.T. Again the first team safe. Marker realizes that they only won the challenge because they caused a death, which Black Hole has a hard time accepting.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", Marker Tries recovering Tree using his 'special touch', but it doesn't work after many tries. During the challenge, he tells Black Hole and Fanny to stop fighting and that they're both right. Shortly after, he compliments Donut after he sees Tree's condition and says that it makes losing his arms look pretty good. Later, Black Hole asks Death P.A.C.T Again to help Tree as Puffball and Golf Ball are hurting him. Marker dives into the water and swims to Tree. Near the end, Are You Okay loses and Two instructs the viewer to vote before Marker interrupts them and clarifies that all his team had to either die or fall into the water to be up for elimination. Two acknowledges that and Marker explains that Fanny didn't die, she just got split in two while her mouth remains on the beam. Two says that it's seems like a technicality, but Marker along with Black Hole refuses to accept that and says that it's unfair. Two finally agrees and asks the other contestans to continue.



Season 1
Episode Votes
18 9 (to join)
Season 2
Episode Votes
1 102 (to join)
Season 4
Episode Votes
9 1,395
Season 5
Episode Votes
2 6,095
5 10,484
7 10,769
Total votes
Elimination Save votes Total
1,395 27,348 28,854


  1. "A Leg Up in the Race": May have burned to death (debatable).
  2. "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None": Walks into a vat of hydrochloric acid.
  3. "Reveal Novum": Is crushed by the sun with the other recommended characters in the LOL.
  4. "Don't Dig Straight Down": He was among those who perished in the lava (offscreen).
  5. "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life": Killed by Teardrop.
  6. "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters": Dies after eating the cheesecake with glass in it (debatable).
  7. "Gardening Zero": Ignited by a burning Grassy.
  8. "The Great Goikian Bake-Off": Mutilated by Four (however, he survived in the live version).

Non-canon deaths:

  1. "If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge": Sucked into Black Hole.
  2. "UNREAL BFDI — Thanks for 1 Billion Views!": Is partially sucked into Black Hole and is pulled out as Lollipop.


Total kills: 11

Character Number of times killed Episodes
Lollipop 1 "Lick Your Way to Freedom" (along with Stapy)
Ice Cube 2 "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life"

"Gardening Zero" (along with Grassy and Snowball)

Fanny 1 "Gardening Zero" (along with Grassy and Snowball)
Remote 1 "Gardening Zero" (along with Grassy and Snowball)
Tree 1 "Gardening Zero" (along with Grassy and Snowball)
Bell 1 "Fishes and Dishes" (along Tree, Robot Flower, and TV)
Snowball 1 "Fishes and Dishes" (along Tree, Robot Flower, and TV)
Grassy 1 "Fishes and Dishes" (along Tree, Robot Flower, and TV)
Basketball 1 "Fishes and Dishes" (along Tree, Robot Flower, and TV)
Eggy 1 "Fishes and Dishes" (along Tree, Robot Flower, and TV)

Non-canon kills:

  1. "Happy Birthday, Battle for BFDI!": Devours Cake along with many other contestants.



  • Marker is one of the two BFB characters with a purple and white color scheme. The other is Lollipop.
  • Marker is one of the eight characters who have been recommended variants of themselves (Uncapped Marker in Marker's case). The others are David, Four, Flower, Puffball, Bubble, Spongy, and Cake.
  • Marker is one of the characters with a plush, along with Firey, Leafy, Firey Jr. Pen, Woody, Loser, Four, X, Rocky, Coiny, Bubble. and Pin.
    • He and Firey Jr. are the only recommended characters with a plush. Coincidentally, both were recommended by alexlion0511.
  • Marker is one of the six contestants who have been voiced by both of the Huang Twins at one point. The others are Ruby, Coiny, Tennis Ball, Spongy, and Woody.


  • Marker is the only character who got 9 votes in "Reveal Novum" who didn't become a
  • Marker, Cake, Clock, Eggy, Bottle, Pillow, and Taco are currently the only contestants who have competed on multiple teams but never with a former teammate.
  • Marker, Robot Flower, Puffball, Leafy, and the other members of Death P.A.C.T. Again in TPOT 4 (excluding Lightning) are the only contestants that have purposefully made their teams lose.
  • Marker is the only contestant on Death P.A.C.T. Again who got more votes in TPOT 5 than they did in TPOT 2.
  • Marker is the first contestant to get a five digit number of votes out of two teams.


  • In BFDI 17, Marker has a tattoo on his arm reading "IMMUNITY GOES TO ME!"
    • It is unknown if Marker still retains this tattoo in his current redesign.
    • Cary stated that he had his tattoo removed.[2]
  • Marker's OMG phrase is "Oh My Artist" (OMA).
  • According to the Official Character Guide, Marker likes to write "GAMER" on his arms.
  • Marker was originally going to be voiced by his creator Alexlion0511, but this was changed.
    • As stated by Cary Huang on his reaction to BFB 1, they had dropped the idea as it would be easier for the production crew if they knew the voice actor in real life.
  • In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Marker says that Donut is possibly a vampire too. This could be a reference to Ruby stating that "Donut's blood tastes pretty good" in BFDIA 5a.
  • When Marker had the Twinkle, his body was completely white instead of glowing.
  • Marker's voting icon is the only icon drawn on paper.
    • Additionally, Marker's icon is also drawn with a purple marker.
  • Marker can be seen without his cap in "Don't Dig Straight Down" and "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?".
  • As a recommended character, he had a fine point tip, but now he has a chisel tip.
  • Marker's BFB design appears to be based off that of a Crayola marker.
  • He has a distinct voice characterized by "exaggerated mouth movements" according to Cary.
  • Marker is the third oldest recommended character to participate in a season at some point. This is proven in BFDI Recommended Characters.
  • It is revealed in TPOT 1 that his ink is washable.
  • The person that recommended Marker went on to make a Roblox game called Find the Markers.
  • Marker used to be orange, and at one point, blue according to the recommender of Marker, "alexlion05".
  • The Marker plush made an appearance on BBC Breakfast at 8:53 AM BST (UTC+1) on April 8, 2023, brought to an interview by English writer Aston Smith, the 11-year-old author of Things About Space.[3][4]
    • Due to the theme of the interview, the Marker plush was likened to "a space rocket with legs".
    • Aston's Marker plush made a second appearance, on ITV News Anglia on April 12, 2023, during the ITV News Regional program at 6:00–6:28 PM BST.[5]
    • This makes Marker the first BFDI character to appear in a news program.
  • Despite hating purple, Yellow Face is completely fine with him being on his team.


See also[]

  • Foldy, Marker, and Stapy
  • Marker and Stapy
  • Variations of Marker


External links[]

