Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This article lists the interactions between Barf Bag, Bell, Bomby and Needle.

They are the first four eliminated contestants who were taken by One, starting in "What's Up Bell's String?". All four of them were sent to One's Field together. They travel across it until they eventually reach a door that leads to the Equation Playground.

See Bomby and Needle for interactions specifically between these two.

Episodes suggesting a friendship[]

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", when Bomby decides to ignite himself, Barf Bag is extremely concerned for him and even tries to talk Bomby out of it, but is then grateful since he insists.

In "What's Up Bell's String?", when encountered by One, Bomby is seen clinging onto Bell.

In "Seasonal Shift", the four are seen walking towards a red door together. Bomby is seen holding Bell again.

Neutral interactions[]

In "Today's Very Special Episode", Barf Bag and Bomby are seen climbing Bell's string.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Barf Bag and Bomby sit together during Cake at Stake.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Barf Bag uses Needle to climb to the top of the building.

In "Category One", Barf Bag and Needle are seen together in the Road of Reconsideration.

Episodes suggesting a conflict[]

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Barf Bag tells Bell to get away from her team's stack, calling her an idiot. She ends up chasing Bell with her team when she starts carrying their stack everywhere.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", Needle finds Just Not hanging under the balance beam, Nickel then shoos her, making her kick him in the face, to which Bomby comes to defend Nickel against Needle, but she kicks him off the balance beam.


  • Out of the four of them:
    • All four characters are voiced by Kenzie Bryant, except Bomby.
    • All four characters' have names that start with B, except Needle.
    • Barf Bag is the only one who wasn't metal or had metal parts.
    • Bell is the only limbless contestant and The Strongest Team on Earth. member and she is only one who has never been on a team with Pin or Coiny.
    • Bomby is the only male, BFDIA newbie and Just Not member.
    • Needle is the only one whose name doesn't start with a B and season 1 veteran.
Barf Bag
Interactions with Everyone, Bell, Bomby and Needle, Donut, Lollipop, Pin, Spongy
Others Variations of Barf Bag
Interactions with Everyone, Barf Bag, Bomby and Needle, Snowball
Others Bell's string, Variations of Bell
Interactions with Everyone, Barf Bag, Bell, and Needle, Fries, Naily, Needle, Nickel, Pillow
Others Variations of Bomby
Interactions with Everyone, Barf Bag, Bell and Bomby, Bomby, Coiny, Coiny and Pin, Ice Cube, Leafy, Nickel, Pencil, Pin, Tennis Ball, Yellow Face
Others Needle's slaps, Variations of Needle
