Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
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New episode: "BFDI:TPOT 14: I SAID CAREFUL!!!"
BFDIA 15: Spore Day
Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two
Past episodes

BFDIA 15: Spore Day

9 players remain, the cast continues to shrink!

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Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two

Read here to know about the 5th season of the series.

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Past episodes

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BFDIA 15: Spore Day
Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two
Past episodes

Latest TPOT episode

TPOT 13 Thumbnail

"Category One" is the 13th episode of Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two, and the 83rd episode overall. It was released on September 14, 2024.

The episode starts with Firey and Leafy on the island they call Dreamier Island they aren't talking in this scene building a shelter. Then, Firey taps Leafy on the shoulder and they look at an incoming storm in the distance. The duo hide inside a wooden shelter as the storm begins to pick up. Then, the scene cuts to after the storm, where Firey emerges from the rubble and starts to calls out to Leafy, but to no avail, and then, One appears watching from the distance, with a smug look. (Full article...)

Previous episodes: "What's Up Bell's String?" • "Out Of The Blue" • "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" • "Outbreak At Stake" • More...

Latest BFDIA episode


"Spore Day" is the 15th episode of Battle for Dream Island Again, the 84th episode of the overall series, and the 40th chronologically. It was released on October 4, 2024.

The episode starts inside the LOL where Blocky is filming another prank. He gets a skillet and boils Teardrop with Firey Jr. He then figures out who to punch and chooses Eraser, who soon runs away and puts Roboty in his place. The latter releases tears as he is also being punched, and as his tears goes onto the skillet, it created an Infinite Loop of Teardrop Boiling (I.L.T.B.). The screen then shows a message that says the prank is under review by the Blocky’s Funny Doings Investigation Agency. (Full article...)

Previous episodes: "PointyPointyPointy" • "Well, Look Who It Is!" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4" • "Lots of Mud" • More...

Did you know...

  • ... that Camera (pictured) is the only non-contestant to appear in all five seasons of BFDI?


  • ... that FreeSmart and Bleh are the only teams to exclusively have female members?
  • ... that BFDI 8 had the most deaths ever?
  • ... that all of the teams in BFB have at least one original Squishy Cherry, with the exception of Bleh?
  • ... that Dream Island's value is one thousandth of the value of Earth?

On this day...

Today (November 13):

Tomorrow (November 14):

  • It appears that there are no events today.

In two days (November 15):

  • It appears that there are no events today.

Yesterday (November 12):

  • It appears that there are no events today.

Two days ago (November 11):

  • It appears that there are no events today.


Welcome to the Battle for Dream Island Wiki! We are a collaborative encyclopedia about Battle for Dream Island, and its sequels, Battle for Dream Island Again, IDFB, Battle for BFDI, and Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two. We have 2,437 articles, 311,189 files and 1,568 active users.

This wiki is not run directly by any member of jacknjellify. This wiki is fan-run and is not an official BFDI website. While we aim to stay as factual and true to the show as possible, we are not gospel. Information on this wiki can be incorrect, and don't refrain from doubting information and voicing your thoughts.

Battle for Dream Island is a web-series created by jacknjellify on YouTube. It revolves around a bunch of anthropomorphic objects who are competing in a competition to win the grand prize of Dream Island, a luxurious island.

Please add and share your knowledge, but vandalism and unwanted edits may lead to consequences. If you have any problems, leave a message on one of our admin's talk page.

Note that this wiki is for canonical BFDI information only. However, you're welcome to post fan-made materials on the fan page, your blog, or the fan fiction wiki.

For official BFDI news and information, check the links below.

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Huang Brothers Wikis

These wikis are about the creations of Cary and Michael Huang. Go to them for info or for help with your own wiki!

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Object show wikis

These wikis all relate to the popular genre of animated web-series known as "object shows", typically made on YouTube. Feel free to check them out for info and assistance!

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YouTube Wikis

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The Amazing Marble Race

Angry Grandpa

Angry Video Game NerdAnimator vs. AnimationAnnoying OrangeAphmauAsdfmovieAwkward PuppetsBaby Lamb & FriendsBattle for Dream IslandBB Ki VinesBridger5BT21Captain SparklezCabiiCarmen KingCartoon BeatboxChannel FrederatorClare SiobhanCoryxKenshinThe CubeDanTDMDavemadsonDesmond DennisDixie D’AmelioDude PerfectEddsworldEdgy OobiEpic Rap Battle ParodiesEpic Rap Battles of HistoryFine BrosFred FigglehornFried Chili Cheese DogsFoil Arms and HogThe Game TheoristsGliderGreatest Freakout EverHermitcraftHobbyKids AdventuresHow It Should Have EndediHasCupquakeIloveRumaniaInanimate InsanityJackSepticEyeJaiden AnimationsJan Jan Erico CartoonsJazzyMewFanJoeysWorldTourKelseyDangerousKPoppKnights of the multiverseKushowaLDShadowLadyLet Me Explain StudiosLilsimsieLittle Einsteins RebootMarioMario54321MarkiplierMcJuggerNuggetsMeta RunnerMiss Madson Entertainment Inc.MistylyneMLG ParodyMrBeastMultiCoolmoviesMVPerryNewScapeProNigaHigaOnyxking67OverSimplifiedPamtriPencilmationPewDiePiePopToonsTVRayWilliamJohnsonRhett & LinkRooster TeethSakuraStarlightsScarceSchaffrillas ProductionsScott the WozSeducktiveSMG4SMLSMLYTPSmoshSomeThingElseYTSonicWhacker55SpongeBob SquarePants SSqaishey QuackStacyPlaysStampylongheadStarman3Stephen GeorgSuperJeffyJhacirTeam CraftedThe CreaturesTitototterTomSkaTroye SivanThe FamousonsUnspeakableVanossVat19Vester&FriendsWassabi ProductionsWikitubiaYogscastYou'll Know What to Name itYouTube OriginalsZiraxiaZombieGrass
