Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Golf Ball Stub

"BradyLS, you're thinking too small!"Golf Ball, "Get Digging" (altered)
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BradyLS is an animator and prop/background artist for Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two.

Animation credits[]


Prop and background credits[]



  • He also created Half-Hourly Object Show.
  • He is also an animator on Tyler Lantz
2D Animators: Adam KatzAidan L. "Aidae"Aidan V.Aiden GomezAlem HadzicAllen LeeAnthony AcedoAtesh SakaryaBenjamin CrossBraden WhitesideBradyLSBrannon C. "BrannFlakes"Bryan NdubisiBok Bok ChoyCary HuangChristopher YehCormac OliverDaniel Adam ValleDawn ShimizuDerpadonDhunHERODiego "p0tatomango"Donato BorzaDoug F. "N64dude2000"Filip K. "Khoreo"Florence ChapellGabriel B. "G4bo"Giovanni EdwardsGriffin WeberIvan MaslovJackie Skinner "Chortle"John DubucJoseph PakKaLegendKenzie BryantLazlo T.LmadbroMaixi "Diamondcup67"Maroue ReusMason BozaichMichael HuangMukhtaar L. "Dygstrama"Neilizza SilvaNiall BurnsPolypawnsPotatoOfAwesomeRickToonsSacriSakaSam ReddenSatomi HinatsuScratchShlooSpherigonThattsCherryThe Bird GangDane Trent "WoopDoo"WuggoloXander ArchibaldYellowAngiruZakaroni

3D animators: Cary HuangCoby PalivathukalMaroue ReusRyan Dietrich "SirRyan18"

Prop and background artists
Adam KatzAidan L. "Aidae"Aiden GomezAnthony AcedoAtesh SakaryaB. Oktavio WolfmannBradyLSCarson C. "Pancaiks&Butter"Dawn ShimizuDerpadonDane Trent "WoopDoo"Diego "p0tatomango"Florence ChapellGiovanni EdwardsHariom PandyaIvan MaslovJoseph PakLazlo T.LmadbroMichael HuangPearl S. "Psipuppy"PolypawnsPunch-HolerSam ReddenSatomi HinatsuSlislugSuperuThattsCherryThe Bird GangWormBuffetWuggoloYellowAngiruXander ArchibaldZakaroniList of crew members hired after BFB 16