Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Breathable Bubbles are an invention created by Basketball and Robot Flower for The Strongest Team on Earth. They first made their appearances in the episode "Fishes and Dishes". They are unique, large bubble-like devices that possess the remarkable ability to provide underwater breathing support. They are very mobile, making it easy to run and bounce underwater. They can also be really bouncy like a ball. The bubbles also appear to be very strong and durable. Two of them colliding into the robotic fish monster caused the machine to blow up while the bubbles themselves were unaffected.


The breathable bubbles are large, spherical devices that come in many shades of blue and have a striated pattern of white lines that run across them.


In "Fishes and Dishes", Basketball and Robot Flower present the breathable bubbles to their teammates, which they could use to move underwater without getting wet as they look for the plates. Despite their remarkable properties, they were met with ridicule from Golf Ball, who proudly showed off her Robotic Fish Monster. When Golf Ball starts showing off her Robotic Fish Monster to her team, Basketball's team steals the robot. This leaves Golf Ball's team with no other options but to use Basketball's bubbles. Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, Pen, and Eraser all use the bubbles throughout the course of the challenge. Only Pen and Eraser's bubbles are still in commission by the end of the episode as Golf Ball and Tennis Ball's bubbles were eaten by a Fish monster.

