Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

"Oh. So that's why Character color codes is still so so small?"X, "How Loe Can You Grow?"
This article is incomplete, and there's not enough information. You can help the wiki by expanding it with more information.

Reason: More characters to be added
This page was last edited on July 20, 2024, at 17:30:49.

This is a list of the colors in the characters.

Main characters[]

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
8Ball TeamIcon 8-Ball      #1F1F1F      #505050 (Shine)
     #151515 (Shade)
No outline      White (Circle)
     Black (8)
Balloony TeamIcon Balloony      #00BF82      #4DD2A7 (Shine)
     #00A97D (Shade)
     #006443      #020003 (String)
BarfBag TeamIcon Barf Bag      #E1C1AA      #C6ADAA (Shade)      #826760
     #7B694C (Barf outline)
     #C7B188 (Barf)
     #B1A188 (Barf shade)
Basketball TeamIcon Basketball      #F47A46      #F69368 (Shine)      #92492A      #313233 (Line)
     #595959 (Line shine)
     #1E1E1E (Line outline)
Bell TeamIcon Bell      #D99A75      #CE8E75 (Shade)
     #EDB575 (Shine)
     #93513A      #000000 (String)
Black Hole TeamIcon Black Hole      Black No outline      #1513F9 (Accretion disk)
     #39FF14 (Accretion disk)
     #FF0000 (Accretion disk)
Blocky TeamIcon Blocky      #E84646 (Front)      #C12437 (Side)
     #EF777E (Top)
     #A81C38 (Outline)
Bomby TeamIcon Bomby      #626262      #747474 (Shine)
     #555559 (Shade)
     #333333      #D7C7A2 (Fuse)
     #CBB685 (Fuse shade)
     #9F916C (Fuse outline)
Book TeamIcon Book      #24B814 (Green)
     #139CB9 (Blue)
     #75CE60 (Shine)
     #1E9A38 (Shade)
     #11580A (Green)
     #084F56 (Blue)
     #FFFFFF (Pages)
Bottle TeamIcon Bottle      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     #FFFFFF (Shine)      #587C7C
Bracelety TeamIcon Bracelety      #62FFFF      #62E6FF (Shade)
     #62DBFF (Shade 2)
Bubble TeamIcon Bubble      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     #A8D8FF (Body)
     #EAF2FF (Body)
     #FFFFFF (Shine)      #64A9E1 (Outline)      #666666 (As Metal Ball)
Cake TeamIcon Cake      #8E716D      #593E3A (Shade)      #291D11      White (Cream and face)
     #F2E4D4 (Cream shade)
     #C3AB8A (Cream outline)
     #C2A075 (Cream shade outline)
     #D66D8F (Rim)
     #D76D8E (Rim shade)
     #A9514D (Rim outline)
     #A9466C (Rim shade outline)
     #E28277 (Blush)
Clock TeamIcon Clock      #607AAC      #5670AD (Shade)
     #667DB3 (Shine)
     #3A5170      #EAE5E2 (Face)
     #C1C4DB (Face shade)
     #395070 (Clock hands)
Cloudy TeamIcon Cloudy      #FFFFFF      #EFF2FA (Shade)      #8B95BB
Coiny TeamIcon Coiny      #EC9F00 (Coin)      #FFAD04 (Shine)
     #E19800 (Darker Shine)
     #9E6225 (Outline)
David TeamIcon David      White      #999999      #F7B64F (Tinted)
     #9D5211 (Tinted outline)
Donut TeamIcon Donut      #F5DFB1      #EFCD85 (shade)      #CA8E4D
Dora TeamIcon Dora      White      #999999      #261606 (hair)
     #663300 (hair outline)
Eggy TeamIcon Eggy      #F2EBE6      #E0D3DC (shade)      #633D59 (outline)
     #5F365D (outline shade)
     #FFDF62 (spots)
     #ECC866 (spots shade)
Eraser TeamIcon Eraser      #E47E93 (Body)      #DF6A82 (Shade)
     #E6919C (Shine)
     #AA4465 (Outline)
Fanny TeamIcon Fanny      #285AD0      #143DA3 (shade)      #1B2965      #E4E7EF (cage)
     #D2D6EA (blades)
     #8B95BA (cage outline)
Firey TeamIcon Firey      #FF9901 (Outer Layer)
     #FFCC00 (Inner Layer)
     #C47500 (Outline)
Firey Jr. TeamIcon Firey Jr.      #FF9900 (outer layer)
     #FFCC00 (inner layer)
Flower TeamIcon Flower      #FFFF33 (Pistil)      #F8E23D (Pistil Shade)      #D7AC00 (Pistil Outline)      #FF99FF (Petals)
     #F487FF (Petals Shade)
     #E570E8 (Petals Outline)
     #000000 (Stem)
Foldy TeamIcon Foldy      #84D4C1      #79C8C1 (left shade)
     (right shade)
Fries TeamIcon Fries      #DC3632 (box)
     #FFC600 (stripes)
     #CD272B (box shade)
     #F0BA19 (stripes shade)
     #611210      #E0E0E0 (inside box)
     #D35956 (inside box outline and stripes)
     #DEB465 (fries)
     #D89E59 (fries shade)
     #BB7735 (fries outline)
Gaty TeamIcon Gaty      #D1CDE7 (body #1)
     #DFDFEC (body #2)
     #A5A3D1 (shade)
     #B5B9DB (shade from hinges)
     #606389      #FFE88A (hinge)
     #FFF7D5 (hinge shine)
     #8E782B (hinge outline)
Gelatin TeamIcon Gelatin      (This character has transparency and gradients in his design.)
     #9BEA8C (shine #1)
     #68EC1D (shine #2)
Golf Ball TeamIcon Golf Ball      #E1E1E1 (Body)      #D3D3D6 (Shade)      #83818F (Outline)      #CDCDCD (Dimples)
Grassy TeamIcon Grassy      #70CE1E      #62C31F (shade #1)
     #45B12F (shade #2)
Ice Cube TeamIcon Ice Cube      (This character has transparency in her design.)
     #D6DFFF (Ice)
     #F3F6FF (Shine #1)
     #FFFFFF (Shine #2)
     #8CA9DD (Outline)
Leafy TeamIcon Leafy      #5EE104 (Leaf)      #56D24F (Shade)      #37AA00 (Outline)      #8BFE3F (Line)
Lightning TeamIcon Lightning      #FCF379      #FFF9BB (shine)
     #CAF575 (shade)
Liy TeamIcon Liy      #BCCFF2      #AAB6E5 (shade)
     #B4C6EE (switch shade)
     #8487C2      #B98F39 (interior)
     #AA7B2D (interior shade)
     #895019 (interior outline)
     #FFFBEC (interior toggle)
     #EBD795 (toggle shade)
     #F2E8C7 (toggle shadow)
     #FFFFFF (toggle shine)
Lollipop TeamIcon Lollipop      #CD79FB      #E1AEFC (shine)
     #BC70FB (shade)
     #8F49BA      #FFFFFF (stick)
     #DACEDA (shade of stick)
     #B2A5B2 (outline of stick)
Loser TeamIcon Loser      #FCE8A4 (inner layer)
     #F7D4A2 (outer layer)
     #FEF9E1 (shine #1)
     #FFFFFD (shine #2)
     #FDF2E0 (outer layer shine #1)
     #FFFDFE (outer layer shine #2)
     #F9D6A2 (inner outline)
     #CE806F (outer outline)
Marker TeamIcon Marker      #FFFFFF      #E5E5E7 (shade)      #A49BA9      #9353FC (cap and spot)
     #A26BF9 (shine of cap)
     #844BE6 (shade of cap)
     #6231A6 (outline of cap and spot)
Match TeamIcon Match      #F1CB7C (Stick)      #E8B267 (Shade of Stick)      #B77A49 (Outline of Stick)      #DC3A3A (Tip)
     #C62238 (Shade and Outline of Tip)
Naily TeamIcon Naily      #CDCDCD      #AFB2B6 (shade)
     #D1D1CD (shine on shank)
     #FFFFFF (shine on head)
Needle TeamIcon Needle      #CCCCCC (Body)      #B7B7BA (Shade)      #7D7D82 (Outline)
Nickel TeamIcon Nickel      #9FA4A2      #C7CECB (shine)
     #888E8C (shadow)
Pen TeamIcon Pen      #FFFFFF (Body)      #E5E6E7 (Body Shade)      #AAA8B2 (Body Outline)      #469EFF (Cap)
     #2E8CEE (Cap Shade)
     #177ADD (Cap Outline)
     #180156 (Ink)
     BB12EB (Ink Tint)
     #FFDD70 (Nib)
     #F5B95B (Nib Shade)
Pencil TeamIcon Pencil      #FFA909 (Coating Shade #2)      #FFBF48 (Coating Shade #1)
     #EF9738 (Coating Shade #3)
     #B96D00 (Coating Outline)      #B5B5B5 (Metal Ferrule)
     #C9C6C3 (Metal Ferrule Shine)
     #736F77 (Metal Ferrule Outline)
     #E47E92 (Eraser)
     #E07489 (Eraser Shade)
     #CB526B (Eraser Outline)
     #F3D08F (Top)
     #F0B775 (Top Shade)
     #C67F49 (Top Outline)
     #333333 (Lead)
Pie TeamIcon Pie      #E9C798      #DFB48C (shade)      #B37C53      #C1C1C1 (tin)
     #ADADB4 (tin shade)
     #EFEFEF (tin shine #1)
     #BBBCCE (tin shine #2)
     #515353 (tin outline)
     #3F48A0 (blueberry)
Pillow TeamIcon Pillow      #F0EDF1      #E2D6E5 (shade)      #937F8C (outline)
     #977E95 (outline shade)
     #AFA0AA (inside)
Pin TeamIcon Pin      FF0000 (Body)      #F23831 (Right Side)
     #DA0E1E (Shade)
     #A40B0B (Outline of Body)      #C3C3C3 (Tip)
     #999999 (Outline of Tip)
     #FFFFFF (IDFB body)
     #D3D3D3 (IDFB body outline)
Price Tag TeamIcon Price Tag      #F93A3A      #910F2E      #D6E2EA (hole)
     #FDFDFE (hole shine)
     #737281 (hole outline)
     #9CA5B2 (string)
Profily TeamIcon Profily      #91B4F3 (background)
     #3A66CF (profile icon)
     #7BA5F0 (shade #1)
     #2A50C6 (shade #2)
     #7BC3F5 (shade #3)
     #2A7BD9 (shade #4)
     #2B5688 (outline #1)
     #0A2777 (outline #2)
     #0A397E (outline shine #1)
     #2D588A (outline shine #2)
Puffball TeamIcon Puffball      (This character cycles between different hues when talking.)
     #F8BCF3 (shade)      #D77FC9
Remote TeamIcon Remote      #333333      #302D2B (top shade)
     #202028 (bottom shade)
     #000000      #737373 (central and top left buttons)
     #8E3148 (top right button)
Robot Flower TeamIcon Robot Flower      #D76BCD
     #FD81F2 (when talking)
(no shine or shade)      #A935A1      #E3E928 (center)
     #666666 (limbs)
     #949494 (limbs shine)
Roboty TeamIcon Roboty     #CC2222 (no shine or shade)      #820000 (outline)      #A61212 (plate)
     #940909 (screws)
     #EBF5C9 (teeth)
     #89A081 (teeth lines)
     #EDF5E9 (teeth shine)
     #C9E0C9 (teeth shade)
     #65E096 (eyes)
     #95EAB6 (eyes shine)
     #3C7258 (eyes outline)
     Black (antenna)
     White (antenna shine)
Rocky TeamIcon Rocky     #999999 (Rock)     #858589 (Shade)     #665E66 (Outline)      #669A00 (Barf)
     #CD9A00 (Chunk #1)
     #FECC00 (Chunk #2)
     #CDCD00 (Chunk #3)
Ruby TeamIcon Ruby (no body)      #C20518 (center shading)
     #FF4255 (top-left shading)
     #A30518 (top right shading)
     #FF2336 (top center shading)
     #D98FAE (top right shine)
     #390009 (outline)
Saw TeamIcon Saw      #D8D8D8 (blades)      White (shine)      #666666 (outline of blades)      #9A5E47 (old handle)
     #894F3A (nails)
     #7C544F (shade)
     #532E24 (outline)
     #FD92A4 (new handle)
     #FC6989 (nails)
     #F27C95 (shade)
     #B14B68 (outline)
Snowball TeamIcon Snowball      #EBEBEB (Snow)      #D8D8E3 (Shade)      #9DA5C4 (Outline)
Spongy TeamIcon Spongy      #F2D500 (Sponge)      #E1C600 (Shade)      #B79300 (Outline)      #E6C700 (Holes)
Stapy TeamIcon Stapy      #FF637E (handle)      #FE3565 (handle shade #1)
     #E62353 (handle shade #2)
     #A10C2E (handle outline)      #D7D7D7 (pusher)
     #C4C6CA (pusher shade)
     #9599A1 (pusher outline)
Taco TeamIcon Taco      #EDE0B6 (tortilla)      #E0CCB6 (tortilla shade #1)
     #C6B5A3 (tortilla shade #2)
     #957A68 (outline of tortilla)      #93D887 (lettuce)
     #7FB787 (lettuce shade)
     #588D62 (lettuce outline)
     #EA6657 (tomato)
     #871E12 (tomato outline)
     #B7C2D0 (fish)
     #96A8D0 (fish shade)
     #48596F (fish outline)
Teardrop TeamIcon Teardrop      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     #409DF5 (Tear)
     #67CFF5 (Shine)      #477BBB (Outline)      #41D805 (Tear)
     #CD9A00 (Chunk #1)
     #FECC00 (Chunk #2)
Tennis Ball TeamIcon Tennis Ball      #DAEC00 (Ball)      #C9D93D (Shade)      #8C964F (Outline)      #FFFFFF (Stripes)
Tree TeamIcon Tree      #E1C1AA (trunk)      #C6ADAA (trunk shade)      #826760 (trunk outline)      #00C444 (leaves/leaves print)
     #00DB44 (leaves #2)
     #00B25E (leaves shade)
     #007C33 (leaves outline)
TV TeamIcon TV      #B7B7B7 (frame)      #444444 (outline)      Black (screen)
     #333333 (screen shine)
     #F3F3F3 (outer layer of screen and face)
Winner TeamIcon Winner      #ABB3FF (body)      #97A1FF (shading)      #7A86FF (outline)
Woody TeamIcon Woody      #ECBC64 (Wood)      #E0A04C (Shade)      #B47934 (Outline)      #E49C4E (Wood)
     #D8914E (Dent #1)
     #EEAA61 (Dent #2)
     #D8914E (Shade)
     #9D5311 (Outline)
Yellow Face TeamIcon Yellow Face      Yellow (face) (no shade or shine)      Black (outline, eyes, mouth and limbs, as of Balancing P.A.C.T.)

TPOT Debuters[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
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Reason: More characters to add
This page was last edited on July 20, 2024, at 17:30:49.

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
9ballicon 9-Ball      #EDCF36      #E5B827 (Shade)
     #F9EF5A (Shine)
     #DAA017 (Outline)      #EDE4CC (White part)

     #E5D7BE (White part shade)
     #DAC9AF (White part outline)
     #FEFDFC (Circle)
     #000000 (9)

Anchor TeamIcon Anchor      #EDCF36      #22272F (Shade)

     #656C72 (Shine)

     #000000 (Outline)
Avocado TeamIcon Avocado      #2E382F      #202821 (shade)      #0C120D      #95EF5A (mesocarp)
     #7EE23C (mesocarp outline)
     #59B343 (mesocarp shade)
     #33A92C (mesocarp shade outline)
     #725227 (seed)
Battery TeamIcon Battery      #0C7565 (Body)
     #1DB796 (Sides)
     #0A5C51 (Body shade)
     #126B5B (Body bottom)
     #12937F (Body shine & sides shade)
     #2BB098 (Sides bottom)
     #36DDB0 (Sides shine)
     #02393C (Body outline)
     #05534B (Sides outline)
     #D5E1E9 (Metal cap)
     #97ADBC (Shade)
     White (Shine)

Guest Star characters[]

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
BBQSauceIcon BBQ Sauce      #512122 (Bottle)      #843937 (Bottle Shine)
     #612A28 (Bottle Left Side)
     #311017 (Bottle Outline)      #DCBBA6 (Lid)
     #C09B83 (Lid Shade)
     #F9EAD6 (Lid Shine)
     #826052 (Lid Outline)
     #FFFED1 (Sticker)
     #B8A58B (Sticker Outline)
     #FDFFED (Sticker Shine)
     #E4DFD3 (Sticker Shine Outline)
     #EDE1BC (Sticker Writing)
     #F9F5E6 (Sticker Writing Shine)
     #B9A68D (Sticker Writing Outline)
Pineapple focusing Pineapple      #F7BB2C (Fruit)      #FED743 (Fruit Shine)
     #ED9D24 (Fruit Shade)
     #FBB833 (Shaded Shine)
     #B56614 (Fruit Outline)      #78CC4C (Leaf)
     #43C248 (Leaf Shade)
     #A4D959 (Leaf Shine)
     #319D49 (Leaf Outline)
Black&white cookie team icon Black & White Cookie      #3C291D (Black Cookie)
     #E8E2D8 (White Cookie)
     #2D1F19 (Cookie Shade)
     White (Cookie Shine)
     #1C1810 (Outline)
Vegemite on toast team icon Vegemite on Toast      #C08152 (Toast)
     #F9E5C5 (Less-burnt Toast)
     #8A562A (Toast Shade)      #66380F (Toast Outline)      #3C170C (Vegemite)
     #7D4F2A (Vegemite Shine)
     #2D1106 (Vegemite Shade)
PanFlute TeamIcon Pan Flute      #CB624D (Flutes)      #F8825B (Flutes Shine)
     #A64C45 (Flutes Shade)
     #44121B (Flutes Outline)      #FEAF66 (Band)
     #E88D5E (Band Shade)
     #853F24 (Band Outline)

Recurring characters[]

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
Evil Leafy TeamIcon Evil Leafy      #FF0000      #DF0000 (Shade)
     #800000 (Dark circle)
     #700000 (Dark circle shade)
     #990000      #FF4848 (Evil midrib)
     White (Sclera)
Lego Brick TeamIcon Lego Brick      #FF0100      #CC0000 (Shade)
     #FF3233 (Shine)
LewisButVoting Lewis      #FFFFFF (Body)      #999999 (Outline)      Black (Sunglasses)
     #1F1F1F (Sunglasses shine)
Purple Face TeamIcon Purple Face      #A555FD      #000000
Tuneicon Tune      #0D0B0D (Note head)      Black (Stem and flag)
     #181818 (Head shine)
     Black      #666666 (Headphone shade)
     #999999 (Headphone shine)
     #990000 (Driver)
Waffleicon Waffle      #F7E7B7      #F3DC94 (Shade and holes)
     #F9EDCA (Shine)


Character Body Outline Other
Zero TeamIcon Zero      #C6C7CB      #000000      #C9C9CB (Limbs)
One TeamIcon One      #5F7AEC      #000000      #7C93F4 (Limbs)
Two Icon Two      #45C44A      #000000      #73D574 (Limbs)
Three TeamIconThree      #FF514F      #000000      #FF6C6C (Limbs)
Fouricon-new Four      #337CCF      #000000      #5691D3 (Limbs)
NewFive TeamIcon Five      #AE70AE      #000000      #B97EB8(Limbs)
NewSix TeamIcon Six      #2DA7E4      #000000      #78CDF3 (Limbs)
NewSeven TeamIcon Seven      #404040      #000000      #6E6E6E (Limbs)
NewEight TeamIcon Eight      #7D7D7D      #000000      #A5A5A5 (Limbs)
NewNine TeamIcon Nine      #DDE2EC      #000000      #F0F4FC (Limbs)
     #FED52D (skateboard #1)
     #FFFFCD (skateboard #2, skateboard wheel core)
     #6EA8FD (skateboard #3)
     #999999 (skateboard wheel outer layer)
Ten TeamIcon Ten      #FF9935      #000000      #FEB263 (Limbs)
Twoelf Twelve      #FFDA50      #000000      #FFF184 (Limbs)
Fourteen TeamIcon Fourteen      #339C47      #000000      #5FAE6F (Limbs)
Fifteen TeamIcon Fifteen      #BB2521      #000000      #BA5744 (Limbs)
X TeamIcon X      #FEFD33      #000000      #FDFE99 (Limbs)
Pi Scene 31 Pi      #9E5EB3      #000000      #AB74BD (Limbs)
Euler Euler's Constant      #748689      #000000      #8A9FA2 (Limbs)
Squareroot team icon Square Root of Two      #E962A2      #000000      #F78DBE (Limbs)
Tau team icon Tau      #2AA6F2      #000000      #65C1FD (Limbs)
Iimaginary Imaginary Number      (This character is fully transparent.)

Minor characters[]

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
Birthday Cake TeamIcon Birthday Cake      #FFFCC6 (Body)
     #FDEBFA (Glazed)
     #8ACFE5 (Candy)
     #F5CAE6 (Glazed shade)
     #FEFEFE (Glazed shine)
     #77B5D0 (Candy shade)
     #BAAB7C (Body outline)
     #C8819E (Glazed outline)
     #496D7C (Candy outline)
     #C74548 (Candle)
     #DBF0FB (Candle)
     #CF6163 (Candle shine)
     #E0F2FB (Candle shine)
     #692139 (Candle outline)
     #657C94 (Candle outline)
Quote Sam (character)      White (Textbox)      #666666      #010101 (Text)

BFDI Mini characters[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Reason: Need to add the characters from the six seasons
This page was last edited on July 20, 2024, at 17:30:49.

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
3body aduck A duck      Yellow (Body)      #CCCC00 (Body Top)      Black      #EF7913 (Beak)
     #AD580C (Beak shade)
     #934B0B (Mouth)
Evidence-Bag Pose Evidence Bag      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     White (Translucent bag)
     #D4CFD0 (Outline)      White (Paper)
     #FF7B95 (Zipper)
Frozen Yogurt episode 1 vote pose Frozen Yogurt      #EEEEA5 (Cup)      #E4DA9A (Cup shade)      #CDBA83 (Cup outline)      #FDD0EE (Yogurt)
     #F2C2F1 (Yogurt shade)
     #CB98CF (Yogut outline)
Glue Pose Glue      White (Bottle)      #999999 (Bottle outline)      #3367CC (Sticker)
     #FF8B18 (Cap)
     #CC6600 (Cap outline)
9b jackrussellterrierdogridingveryfastwithspeedaskateboardasskaterwithsunglassesinsummervacationtakingaselfiewithsmartphoneorcellphone Jack russell terrier dog riding very fast with speed a skateboard as skater , with sunglasses in summer vacation, taking a selfie with smartphone or cell phone      White (Body and sunglasses shine)      Black (Outline and sunglasses)      #A57F6C (Markings)
     Green (Skateboard)
     #FFCCFF (Phone)
Pastel Feather episode 1 pose 4 Pastel Feather      #FDF0FD      #E9D1E7 (Shade)      #80667C
24body purplegirlwithwindhairandangryeyes Purple Girl with Wind Hair and Angry Eyes      White      #999999      #9900FF (Wind hair)
Arose Rose      #FF3333      #CC0000      #006600 (Stem, face and limbs)

CaryKH characters[]

Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
Caryy Cary Huang      #FCFC00      Black
Comma EWOW Comma      #444446 (Body)      #9B999C (Body Top)
     #cbccd0 (Body Shine)
     #010101 (Outline)


Character Body Shade/Shine Outline Other
BlockyIconEarlyS1 Blocky (Early BFDI)      #E84646 (Front)      #C12424 (Side)
     #EF7E7E (Top)
     #AB1B1B (Outline)
BubbleIconEarlyS1 Bubble (Early BFDI)      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     #A8D8FF (Body)
     #EAF2FF (Body)
     #FFFFFF (Shine)      #64A9E1 (Outline)      #666666 (As Metal Ball)
CoinyIconEarlyS1 Coiny (Early BFDI)      #EC9F00 (Coin)      #FFAD04 (Shine)
     #E19800 (Darker Shine)
     #9E6225 (Outline)
DavidIconEp20 David (Early BFDI)      #FFFFFF (Body)      #999999 (Outline)
EraserIconEarlyS1 Eraser (Early BFDI)      #E47E93 (Body)      #DF6A82 (Shade)
     #E6919C (Shine)
     #AA4465 (Outline) (No Other)
FireyIconEarlyS1 Firey (Early BFDI)      #FF9901 (Outer Layer)
     #FFCC00 (Inner Layer)
     #D67F00 (Outline)
FlowerIconEarlyS1 Flower (Early BFDI)      #FFFF33 (Pistil)      #F8E23D (Pistil Shade)      #D7AC00 (Pistil Outline)      #FF99FF (Petals)
     #F487FF (Petals Shade)
     #E570E8 (Petals Outline)
     #000000 (Stem)
GolfBallIconEarlyS1 Golf Ball (Early BFDI)      #E1E1E1 (Body)      #D3D3D6 (Shade)      #83818F (Outline)      #CDCDCD (Dimples)
IceCubeIconEarlyS1 Ice Cube (Early BFDI)      (This character has transparency in her design.)
     #D6DFFF (Ice)
     #F3F6FF (Shine #1)
     #FFFFFF (Shine #2)
     #8CA9DD (Outline)
LeafyIconEarlyS1 Leafy (Early BFDI)      #5EE104 (Leaf)      #56D24F (Shade)      #37AA00 (Outline)      #8BFE3F (Line)
MatchIconEarlyS1 Match (Early BFDI)      #F1CB7C (Stick)      #E8B267 (Shade of Stick)      #B77A49 (Outline of Stick)      #DC3A3A (Tip)
     #C62238 (Shade and Outline of Tip)
NeedleIconEarlyS1 Needle (Early BFDI)      #CCCCCC (Body)      #B7B7BA (Shade)      #7D7D82 (Outline)
PenIconEarlyS1 Pen (Early BFDI)      #FFFFFF (Body)      #E5E6E7 (Body Shade)      #AAA8B2 (Body Outline)      #469EFF (Cap)
     #2E8CEE (Cap Shade)
     #177ADD (Cap Outline)
PencilIconEarlyS1 Pencil (Early BFDI)      #FFA909 (Coating Shade #2)      #FFBF48 (Coating Shade #1)
     #EF9738 (Coating Shade #3)
     #B96D00 (Coating Outline)      #B5B5B5 (Metal Ferrule)
     #C9C6C3 (Metal Ferrule Shine)
     #736F77 (Metal Ferrule Outline)
     #E47E92 (Eraser)
     #E07489 (Eraser Shade)
     #CB526B (Eraser Outline)
     #F3D08F (Top)
     #F0B775 (Top Shade)
     #C67F49 (Top Outline)
     #333333 (Lead)
PinIconEarlyS1 Pin (Early BFDI)      FF0000 (Body)      #F23831 (Right Side)
     #DA0E1E (Shade)
     #A40B0B (Outline of Body)      #C3C3C3 (Tip)
     #999999 (Outline of Tip)
RockyIconEarlyS1 Rocky (Early BFDI)     #999999 (Rock)     #858589 (Shade)     #665E66 (Outline)      #669A00 (Barf)
     #CD9A00 (Chunk #1)
     #FECC00 (Chunk #2)
     #CDCD00 (Chunk #3)
SnowballIconEarlyS1 Snowball (Early BFDI)      #EBEBEB (Snow)      #DBDFE2 (Shade)      #9DB0C4 (Outline)
SpongyIconEarlyS1 Spongy (Early BFDI)      #F2D500 (Sponge)      #E1C600 (Shade)      #B79300 (Outline)      #E6C700 (Holes)
TeardropIconEarlyS1 Teardrop (Early BFDI)      (This character has transparency and gradients in her design.)
     #409DF5 (Tear)
     #67CFF5 (Shine)      #409CF6 (Outline BFDI)
     #3179BB (Outline BFDIA)
TennisBallIconEarlyS1 Tennis Ball (Early BFDI)      #DAEC00 (Ball)      #C9D93D (Shade)      #8C964F (Outline)      #FFFFFF (Stripes)
WoodyIconEarlyS1 Woody (Early BFDI)      #ECBC64 (Wood)      #E0A04C (Shade)      #B47934 (Outline)
