This article lists the interactions between Clock and Winner.
Clock and Winner's relationship is complicated because they have both shown moments of friendship and conflict. For instance, Clock was excited to see Winner on their team and even tried to name their team after Winner. However, Winner did not want their name in the team name. Additionally, Clock pressured Winner into performing a talent they were not comfortable with. Winner also seemed glad that Clock was eliminated.
However, the two mended their friendship in "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", after Clock apologized to Winner for making them feel uncomfortable, with the latter accepting it.
Episodes suggesting a friendship[]
In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Clock is surprised to see Winner in the game and seems insulted over the fact that Cake and Eggy don't know them. Clock even knows about Winner's history with Loser. He then joins the same team as them. He tries to name his team The Winners! but Winner says that they don't really want their name in the team name. Clock understands and the name gets changed to The S! When the team realizes they can have Winner throw them to the top of the building for the challenge, Clock and Winner high five, with Winner placing their hand on Clock's face.
In "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", after Clock is teleported into Winner's subconscious, and apologies to them about his obsession over them, explaining that he only wanted to make them popular again, because he was forgotten by his own team in the past, and wanted them to avoid that same path like him. Winner accepts his apology, ending their ongoing conflict.
Neutral interactions[]
In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Clock compliments Winner, not noticing he is making them uncomfortable. When he is told to help them stack, he stammers and goes to help. He tells Winner goodbye when they suspect Ice Cube died. He enthusiastically welcomes back Winner when they return, but is upset when Cloudy tells them to go recover Bottle. He says hi to Winner when they return again, and when asked what Eggy's problem is, he tells them to be more specific. After Bell knocks their tower over and Winner gets back to stacking, Clock says they can still chat while they stack.
In "Fishes and Dishes", Clock asks Winner if they have any ideas for the challenge, Winner replies "Uhh".
Episodes suggesting a conflict[]
In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", when Bottle suggests to Winner to ask Clock, Winner asks "do I have to?".
In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Clock suggests that they should build a performance stage for the amusement park. Although, this is because he wants to see Winner perform again. Later during the challenge, Bottle attempts to talk to Clock but he is so busy staring at Winner that he doesn't notice. When the time comes for The S! to put on their act, Clock interrupts just as Yellow Face is supposed to get on stage, claiming that Winner will be performing. Clock insists that this could be Winner's chance to get back into the mainstream. Winner says they aren't ready, but Clock says they'll be perfect and pulls them on stage. However, just as Two is expecting to see a performance, Winner walks away, disgruntled. Clock tries to ask what's wrong to which Winner angrily states that they didn't agree to this and that Clock shouldn't push them into doing things when they aren't ready. Clock explains that he wasn't trying to force them, but Winner walks away, wanting to be alone, which makes Clock frown.
In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", when he's announced as eliminated, Clock asks Winner to talk some sense into Two, apologizing for the stage incident. He is devastated when they say their team would be better off without him. When he is eliminated, Winner quickly smirks, suggesting that they are glad Clock did so. In the stinger of the episode, Clock is encouraged to talk to Winner. While nothing is heard, Winner runs away, seemingly upset by what Clock said. Afterwards, Clock returns to the hotel with his head down, feeling miserable.
In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", Two attempts to talk to Winner about what happened between them and Clock. Winner gets mad and tells Two that they don’t want to deal with Clock anymore because he treated them differently due to their past, and tells Two that they act the same by giving them "special treatment" in comparison to everyone else.
In "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", after Winner tells their team their backstory and Clock appears behind them, Winner is seen mad.
- They are both on The S!.
- They are both recommended characters.
- They are both armless (if you do not take into account Winner's extra arm).
- They both have an emphasis on blue and its shades in their design.
- They both have a special part in their body that they can control (in the case of Winner - extra arm, in the case of Clock - his clock hands).