Air Conditioner; bobbo44445
Big Giant Hole; JoshuaJoyCleyn. Not to be confused with
Black HoleBlue Eraser; jamalioHabbo14 L0VRINA
Boots the Monkey; brigetteandcody2. Based off of the Dora the Explorer character of the same name
Bright Radiant Plasma Needle; JordanCuddly
Chandelier ' Chandelure; ChandeProsche, SassyPin
Country Battle; EtienneLuu
Evil Flower; Rhinobuddroblox, TheRanterGuy
Evil Monkey; JhonnyFinster. Based off of the Family Guy character of the same name
Firey and Match Kissing; TheMagneficentTrio
Giant Cookie; SBProductions12
Giant Purple Beads of Death; FR0SLASS
Goldfish; Pacothediscoking
Good Flower; MVboys2, MrDoubleGAngster
Green Yoshi; girlslovapicachu95
Hai the Cat; supermegadudeify
Happy Gilmore; Cowgirl27733
Jacknjellify; mariojuigi3128, TotalSimIsland
Joe from Blue's Clues; shyguywarrior
Large Spiky Blue Firey; TDICaitlincookegroup
Male Leafy; AnaisWuv, SuperDinorum
Meteor Shower; JACKIEMON1
Michael Jackson; Jumsumoto
Michelle Obama; PakoWhiteWaffles
mrs. Piggy; theviperman77
Neon Light; GoombaStampede
No Cake Sign; monkeymonful
Orange Bubble; mrchip1016
(image is reconstruction) One Recommended Character Per Recommender Sign; rct3proyo
Pencil Sharpener; VivaPinata0407
PencilDitz; DaKillahBunnyz
Pink Spongy; Ashleylover66
Playstation3; TDIReloaded
Robot Spongy; coolmatt1019
Seasonal Leafy; MatrVincent
Soccer Ball; Anthonym9499
Soldier Coiny; Unknown1337s
Spikey Mervert waluigifreak789
Tampa Bay Lightning Team; HOCKEYDOGS64
Tennis Racket; Lohuydahutt
Toilet Paper; Anotherc001guy
Tord Anakin, Emo, and Jett; ScienceBowlett3192
Total Drama Lego Complete Cast; captainjking
Yo Grandma; Totaldramafanclub58
Yoyle Grapes; MrArdiazboyz
Zombie Blocky; superdarkepic
Zombie Bubble; jedimaster2041