Episode | Gallery | Transcript |
Episode | Gallery | Transcript |
What a lovely day to visit the lake, huh Woody?
All right, just gonna look left for no reason and-
Uh? Woody!? Where'd you go?!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *being dragged in the water*
Fries, what just happened? That Rusty Coin and that Anchor seem too happy. I wonder if they are involved in this-
Enough speculation! Lucky for you, I can read lips! Just one moment. It looks like Rusty is saying "Hats, hats, hats."
Ho-ho-ho, clearly you can't read lips my dear fry man, but luckily I can! He saying "Hats hats hats hats". Aw man, it looks like we're both really bad at reading lips.
Oh darn!
Hats, hats, and hats. So yeah, that fulfills our agreement that I'd say hats 400 times.
And how fun that was for the both of us!
If only they'd let us in on their conversation. There must be some way to find out what they're discussing!
Hey guys! Time to fill you in on what we were talking about over there.
Fries & Ruby
This here lake is home to an elusive fish monster.
I like to call her Chompy.
Chompy was last se-
I like to call her... Snappy.
Rusty Coin stares blankly.
Y-You like to call her... Snappy? But you just found out about her!
Snappy, Chompy, both good.
Chompy was last seen in 2013, some say she's an urban legend and she no longer is even in these parts!
Well this looks like a job for the famous Fries and Ruby duo to tackle this. And to save our friend!
Since when have you guys been a duo? Does anyone even know or care about you two?
Uh... couldn't I say the same about you two?
Mean, but... true.
Scene cuts to Fries and Ruby in a boat.
Let's find that fish, Fries!
Rusty Coin and Anchor suddenly appear from the right in their own boat.
Well, I'd hold that excitement. I've been searching this lake, for Chompy, for FIVE YEARS!
Um, hey! WE'VE been searching for five years.
*shushes Anchor* shzz-sshhhhh!
It's Rusty's time to shine, okay? Five years of searching, ever wonder how I got my rust?
Fries & Ruby
*both gasp*
It was from something else. But! This lake searching certainly hasn't helped! FIVE, YEARS! And now you join me, searching this lake.
Join us.
You'll be with me here, searching, forever! FOREVER! M-HAHAHA-mhmhm-hahaahahaaa!
Rusty Coin and Anchor sail away and into a nearby fog.
Well, better get this long journey started.
Scene fades to Fries and Ruby with a fake beard slowly sailing in the boat.
It's been soooooo loooooooong!
It's been ten seconds.
Let's just get this over with! *pulls out a fishing rod*
Ruby and Fries notice they caught something.
*fishing out* HYAA!
Chompy gets pulled out of the lake.
*throws away her beard* We did it! We're on our way to saving you, Woody!
Chompy moans.
Maybe it's worth doing it somewhere more private. What if Anchor and Rusty come over and hurt Snappy!?
I'm sure they don't want to hurt old Chompy. They probably just want a photo or something. But hey, let's just ask them?
Ruby and Fries swim over to Rusty Coin and Anchor
Hiya, fellas! Let's say you find Snappy, then what? You're not gonna, oh, I don't know, haha, hurt her, are you?
I think the plan was to kill her.
Yeah, and then we eat her. Kill, then eat.
Ruby and Fries speak simultaneously:
Oh my gosh, pretty dark.
That's much... That's much worse.
Scene cuts to Fries & Ruby's boat and Chompy.
Okay Snappy, we've got good news and bad news, and the bad news is that there's no good news, plus they plan to kill you...
Ruby! No time to stall! Start climbing Snappy!
You got it! I'm on my way, Woody!
[off-screen] Where are you Snappy? We're coming for you!
[off-screen] What kind of plan is that? Don't tell her we're coming. You know nothing about fishing!
That annoying dynamic duo of Anchor and Rusty Coin really looks like it's falling apart.
No time to worry about that, we gotta get this mouth open!
[off-screen] We should plan a diversion, just in case.
Thinking... Hmm... What can we do?
A thought bubble appears.
What if I dressed up as Snappy or something, and just swim around a while? And then, if they caught me, I'd jump out and go "Ha ha! Gotcha!" Meanwhile, you're off with the real Snappy, saving Woody and saving the day!
Ruby pops Fries' thought bubble.
What a beautiful idea, but there's no time for costumes. Let me think of something.
Another thought bubble appears.
What if you head to the bottom of the lake and you dig all the way to the ocean? Then Snappy swims to the ocean and we'll follow her there and chase her around the entire ocean and eventually find Woody!
Fries pops Ruby's thought bubble.
Feels like that'd, that'd take longer. Like, like, WAY longer!
I don't see you coming up with ideas!
I... literally just said one. But hey! Why don't we ask Snappy herself?
A smaller thought bubble appears. Chompy opens her mouth and moans.
If she's, like, imagining a plan, I can't see it or hear it.
[sarcastically] Me neither, which stinks, because I'm sure it's really good.
But no worries, because her talking made her mouth open! Fries, why don't you go distract the others, and I'll get Woody out of here.
You got it, buddy!
Scene cuts to Rusty Coin and Anchor on their boat.
I wish you'd give me credit for my efforts, too. I've been sailing this lake just as long as you have.
Yeah, but who is the one with the sailing hat? Not you, is it?
You don't have one either!
Oh, making me feel bad just because I don't have a sailing hat! Now who is mean?
[thinking] Oh... they really don't seem to get along. Maybe if I egg them on, they'll bicker so much they don't even notice us.
Hey, Rusty! Congrats on your navigation of the lake! It's very impressive!
Uh, so, do you think I'm doing well, too?
Oh, well it's... uh, cute that you're trying, but Rusty is the real impressive one. See ya, guys!
Grr! This is the worst day ever!
And why is that?! Just because my achievements are finally getting accolades?
I never want to see you again, ever! This Rusty and Anchor duo is over, FOREVER!
Fine! This is the last day we EVER sail on a boat together! EVER!
Rusty Coin and Anchor slap each other.
Quit it!
You quit it!
No, you quit it!
Scene cuts to Fries, Ruby, and Chompy.
Don't worry, Ruby! I ended a multi-year friendship for our own gain.
Why aren't you done yet? Just pull him out already.
I have Woody on my arm, but...
[from inside Chompy] Wah wah, w-wah wah wah!
What's he saying?
There's tons more people in here! Apparently, the fish has been eating people for days!
Oh no! How are we goin-
[off-screen] This is my boat anyway.
Scene cuts to Rusty Coin & Anchor.
So? Who cares? We share it!
Nope. *grabs Rusty Coin*
You want to fly solo, then why don't you? So get out of here! *throws Rusty Coin*
Wow, standing up for myself felt pretty good. What a great day!
While Rusty Coin is still in the air screaming, the scene cuts to Fries and Ruby.
Ruby! Watch out! Rusty is flying towards- Why am I telling you this? You can hear him, too. You obviously know what's about to happen.
Rusty Coin hits Chompy, and releases Woody, Gelatin, Leafy, Lollipop, and Loser.
*coughs* Wow, thank you so much for saving us! Uh, who is the one who saved us, anyway?
I mean, Ruby and I tried to save the day, but honestly, it was Rusty Coin that hit Chompy and knocked you all out of the lake. Give him the credit or whatever.
Wow, thank you, Rusty! We all owe you a lot!
Well, honestly, while I did contribute, you actually wouldn't have been saved without Anchor! They're the one who threw me into Chompy in the first place.
Well then, thanks to you both. You're a great team!
Yeah, *chuckles* I guess we are. Sorry we got a little weird before. Hunting for this fish seems to have gotten to our heads.
Well then, why don't we just leave Snappy alone and find something else to do?
Good call, Ruby! Let's get out of here.
Sounds good to me. That fish monster isn't even hurting anyone. I guess we should really start calling her a "fish friend".
Aw, how sweet!
Anchor, Fries, Ruby, & Rusty Coin
*walk off* Hats, hats, hats, hats, hats!
After they all have left, Chompy swims to the bottom of the ocean, where we find a message on a wooden plank that says "CHOMPY'S PLAN FOR WORLD DOMINATION". Chompy laughs evilly.