"Fitness of the Future" is a short animation uploaded by jacknjellify on January 5, 2009. It showcases various stick figures preforming various fitness exercises, each with there with twists, hence the "of the Future" in the title.
The video begins on a red background with white motion lines. The jacknjellify logo slides in from the top left into the top right. White text displays "FITNESS OF THE FUTURE" on the screen.
The video showcases stick figures preforming exercises with twists, including:
- Jumping jacks (Twist: Each stick figure stands on top of another other)
- Pull-ups (Twist: Done on a ladder)
- Push-ups (Twist: Each stick figure, not including the one on the bottom, does push-ups on the back of the one in front of them
- Sit ups (Twist: Each stick figure sits on the head of a stick figure below them, not including the one at the bottom)
- Running (Twist: Running on a loop)
The video ends with a white flash that turns to black with the text "FITNESS OF THE FUTURE" in red.