Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Character Gallery Relationships
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Everyone's happy to see her back.

This page is about the relationships and interactions between Foldy and the other characters.

Foldy is usually a kind and passive contestant, but she will hold grudges against anyone who wrongs her friends or herself.


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", when Foldy mishears Tapy as Stapy, Basketball corrects her. Foldy later joins the same team as Basketball.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Foldy tells Basketball that Eggy ran off despite being in charge of the team. The three continue to argue, with Foldy taking Basketball's side in the argument.

Relationship status: Possibly friends


In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Bell is concerned over Foldy's death since no one else would be able to get X's basket.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Bell pesters Four to revive Foldy as she was the only dead contestant from her team.

In "The Four is Lava", Foldy can be seen on Bell in order to avoid the lava. Bell attempts to make small talk by saying it's a nice day.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Bell asks Foldy if she wants to make a team together and Foldy says of course. Both of them agree to join Basketball's team and are smiling.

Relationship status: Friends


In "The Four is Lava", Foldy is knocked off of Puffball when Blocky lands unto her. Foldy manages to glide back and kicks Blocky off, only for him to rotate around Puffball and knock her off again.

Relationship status: Enemies


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In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", when Eggy suggests having Foldy thrown to the top of the building, Foldy partly agrees since she's one of the lightest contestants, but then points out that it's windy. After landing back on the ground, she and Eggy meet up with Basketball and Snowball to take the elevator.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Eggy tells Foldy that she wishes Basketball says they gave them something to do for the contest. Foldy replies that she's kinda bored but wouldn't want to do work. Eggy simply replies that that's weird. When Eggy suggests that they knock one of the other teams' towers down, Foldy annoyedly says "What? Like Eraser?" Later, Eggy leaves the team without saying where she's going, making Foldy asks where she's going. When Basketball asks where she went, Foldy says she just took off and concludes that she didn't want to do any work after all. They continue to argue until they've lost the challenge.


In "Enter the Exit", when Foldy asks her team where Stapy is, Eraser shows her the footage of Match showing the evidence to Donut about their team cheating.

Relationship status: Friends


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In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Foldy blocks the top of the stairs from Flower. She confirms that she doesn't want iance winning, in order to avenge Stapy after Match caught them cheating in "Questions Answered". Foldy then proceeds to try and push Flower off the stairs, but is unable to succeed thanks to the non-slip shoes.

Relationship status: Enemies


In "Today's Very Special Episode", Foldy is horrified when Marker played Four.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Foldy tells Four to stop screeching because it isn't funny anymore. Four mutilates her in return.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Foldy screams when Four accuses Free Food of committing forgery, but then becomes unamused when Four uses word play to change "forgery" to "for Dream Island".

Relationship status: Enemies


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Fries trying to refold Foldy

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Fries told Foldy and Stapy to stop playing rock, paper, scissors because they had a basket to save. Later, Fries tossed Foldy in the air to catch the basket because she's one of the lightest contestants, but Foldy ended up torn to shreds by the basket, angering Stapy.

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Foldy asks someone to fold her back up. Fries reluctantly decides to do so as Foldy talks him through it.

Relationship status: Neutral


In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Foldy pointed out to Tennis Ball where Leafy was.


Stapy and Foldy smiling

"Nah, if we're gonna smile, we're gonna smile real big"

Main article: Foldy, Liy, and Stapy
Relationship status: Arch-enemies


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In "Enter the Exit", Foldy was wondering where Stapy was after he was eliminated. Eraser then showed her the footage of why Stapy is eliminated. It showed Match showing Donut that Stapy cheated. After seeing the footage, Foldy angrily glares at Match.

Relationship status: Enemies


Main article: Foldy, Marker, and Stapy
Relationship status: Best friends


In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Pen pulls Foldy out of her jawbreaker.

In "Four Goes Too Far", she and the rest of Free Food avoid looking at a twinkle-infected Pen.


In "The Four is Lava", Foldy rides Puffball to Four. When Blocky flies onto Puffball, they work together to knock him off.

Relationship status: Friends


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky barfs on Foldy in order to make himself land on the building.


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Foldy after being unfolded by Ruby

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Ruby unfolds Foldy for messing with iance in "Get to the Top in 500 Steps".

Relationship status: Enemies


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", she seems to like the name Snowball gives his new team, as she is seen smiling. Later during the challenge, Snowball tries throwing Foldy to the top of the roof of the building, but she ends up getting caught in the wind.


Main article: Foldy and Stapy

Foldy and Stapy are very close friends with each other. Both of them seem to also seem to take a common disliking in Liy, possibly from "BFDI APPISIOTE 225555555!!!!!".

Relationship status: Close friends


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Foldy can be seen looking at Teardrop with an annoyed look after she pushed their only block off their podium.

Tennis Ball[]

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Tennis Ball told Foldy that he is helping Golf Ball find where Leafy is. Foldy then told Tennis Ball where Leafy was, and Tennis Ball thanked her.

Relationship status: Friends


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", she kicks Two for not explaining one of the rules loud enough.

Relationship status: Enemies



In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Woody rips Foldy in half when she tries to take the Liar Ball.

Relationship status: Enemies


In "X Marks the Spot", Foldy cheers when X is glued to the ground so that he could continue as the host.


In "The Escape from Four", Foldy helps with pulling the eliminated contestants out from Four. She stops however, after failing to save Stapy.

Yellow Face[]

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In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Yellow Face told Bell and Foldy to join his team, and Foldy brought Stapy with her.

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", she can be seen smiling at Marker and Yellow Face at the beginning.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Foldy asks "Yellow Boy" if he advertises for a massive department store and if it sells emeralds. Yellow Face says no, but they do sell fake, plastic, green emeralds instead. Foldy decides to turn them in to Four.

Relationship status: Friends



In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Foldy says that she has to make sure iance loses the contest in order for her to avenge Stapy's elimination.

Despite her hatred towards this team, she ends being on the same team with a former iance member in TPOT.

Relationship status: Enemies (on her side)

The Strongest Team on Earth.[]

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Foldy tells her team that it's been fun before she's eliminated by Two.
