"Assemble or you will tremble."
"AEEEE" Hey! That doesn't rhyme!
Tree falls victim to the screech.
"You are a disgrace to the entire art community!"
"Wait, you don't know? My legal name is actually... 🅱️en."
"What's your fortune, 🅱️en?"
"Oh, I'll do much worse..."
"Four, can you suck her up?"
Foldy’s fake expression when Liy is eliminated
"Four, give her a dose of the screech!" "If you say so"
X with the paper airplanes
A Better Name Than That on their plane
Death P.A.C.T. on their plane
Team Ice Cube! on their plane
The Losers! on their plane
Woody dabbing to change the airflow of the plane
Stapy almost making his team lose.
Everyone else is dabbing.
"Glad to have two legs again!"