Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Golf Ball Stub

"Fractions, you're thinking too small!"Golf Ball, "Get Digging" (altered)
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Fractions are a non-canon species in the genus Algebraliens from the Equation Playground that are based upon fractions of numbers(). They are in the genus Algebraliens, which made their debut in "The Number Playground Chronicle!".

To date, no drawings of any of the members of the Fraction species are known to have been made or exist, leaving their appearances unknown.

Known members[]

  • One-Half
  • One-Third
  • One-Quarter
  • Three-Quarters

External Links[]

Species: IntegersVariablesPolygonsIrrationalsOperatorsFractionsPolyhedrons

Integers: ZeroOneTwoThreeFour (variations) • FiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenEquation characters
Variables: aNX (variations) • yZ
Polygons: TriangleQuadrilateralRectanglePentagonHexagonOctagonNonagonUndecagon
Irrationals: PiPhiEuler's ConstantSquare Root of TwoTau
Operators: PlusMinusTimesDivideSquare Root
Polyhedrons: CubeTetrahedronOctahedronIcosahedronDodecahedron
Fractions: One-QuarterOne-ThirdOne-HalfThree Quarters
Other: Imaginary NumberCubeyInfinityScared/DumbList of fusions and splits of AlgebraliansDonut
Recommended Algebralians: AsteriskbDdeEmfFour and X put togetherGhijaysillyboy (j)NintySixObelusOne MillionPositiveSquare BracketTWwhY (Y)
