Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Character Gallery Relationships
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Gaty settling one of many arguments.

This page is about the relationships and interactions between Gaty and the other characters.

Gaty is a voice of reason and is shown to be very critical towards the other contestants, but acts very reasonable with friends or anyone she doesn't have a problem with.


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In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", 8-Ball asks Gaty what her favorite number is and she tells him 3. She asks why he asked and seems slightly confused when 8-Ball states that he asked her for no reason and only wanted to tell her he doesn't have a favorite number.

Relationship status: Friends


In "Well, look who it is", When Gaty got a new form, Balloony said that she does not look ugly anymore, which made Gaty smile.

Relationship status: Neutral

Barf Bag[]

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Gaty asks Barf Bag if she wants to team up cause they, along with Saw, are zigzags, Barf Bag accepts.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Barf Bag points out that Gaty and Pin didn't bring Two with them regarding their team using glue, meaning they must not have a problem with it. Gaty says she's right and stops believing that they're cheating. Later, Gaty can be seen talking to Barf Bag and Donut about Two.

In "Gardening Zero", when Barf Bag is teleported to Yoyleland, she says that she’s told Gaty that Yoyleland was her lifelong travel destination. Later, when Barf Bag says that she plans on trading a Yoyleberry, Gaty reminds her that the only collector who’d want one badly enough to buy it is gone, referring to Cloudy.

Relationship status: Friends


In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", as Basketball is explaining her plan, Gaty tells her that the ship is broken. Basketball corrects her by saying the communicator dish isn't broken.


In the stinger of "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Gaty cheers for Eggy and Bell as they come on stage.


Main article: Book and Gaty
Relationship status: Possibly on good terms


In "Gardening Zero", Bottle trips over Gaty, spilling her infected water onto a flower, which kills it.


In "Today's Very Special Episode", Gaty praises Bracelety for going out strong and not caring for what others thought about her when she was eliminated.

Relationship status: Respect


In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Book's statement "it's not BFDIA anymore" is overheard by Coiny, and he shouts "OH MY GOSH I KNOW THAT!" Gaty asks if he has something he wants to talk about but Coiny runs away, declining to talk further.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", when Coiny wants their team to be called W.O.A.H. Bunch, Gaty calls the suggestion stupid and instead opts for the team to be called "the zigzags", prompting a small argument within the team.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", when Coiny says that their token looks just like him, Gaty says that he's orange, making him frown.

In "Fishes and Dishes", Gaty tries to order something from Coiny's phone. Later at Yellow Face's Warehouse, she spots a package with Coiny's name and pulls it out for him.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Gaty says that if she had fingers, she'd point at Coiny and Pin for ruining their strategy.

In "Outbreak At Stake", Gaty relates Pin losing Coiny with her losing Two in the apocalypse.

Relationship status: Frenemies


In "Questions Answered", Gaty explains to Donut that an audio-recording of Four's screech won't have any effect, since it isn't the real deal. In turn, he attempts to use it on himself and gets screeched.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Gaty can be seen talking to Donut and Barf Bag about Two.

In "Gardening Zero", when the Funny Plant is suddenly vaporized, Donut's confused as to what just happened. Gaty explains that a gamma ray burst came from 2,763 lightyears away and killed their plant. She then points out that he made it through unscathed. Donut says it's so obvious now that she said it.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Donut attempts to say something to Gaty about how well she knows Two, but Coiny cuts him off. Later, Donut says it was rude of Golf Ball and Puffball to mock them for how poorly they're doing in the challenge. Gaty asks if they're even wrong since all they have is a broken mirror. Donut admits they aren't wrong but says it's still rude. Gaty happily says "What a great day!" after Donut is told he'll have to be crushed and mangled.

In "Outbreak At Stake", when Donut gets hits by a Wooden slab, Gaty tells him that he's gotta learn to catch up things with his legs.

Relationship status: Good terms


In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", it's Gaty's idea to have Dora do the challenge since Book wanted to know more about her. She does start to regret this decision at first as Dora doesn't appear to be doing anything and watches patiently with Book as Dora charges up.

In "The Four is Lava", Gaty appears to already know that Dora can communicate with Four.

Relationship status: Neutral


In the stinger of "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Price Tag, Black Hole, Grassy and Gaty cheer for Eggy and Bell as they come on stage.


In "Outbreak At Stake", after Gaty and Pin are done talking, Eraser tells her Pen got a good bite on him and how it hurt him. Gaty awkwardly mentions they were mentioning the good qualities in their friends, even if they were zombified. Eraser laughs and mentions how Pen's always biting something, making the two of them back away from him.

Relationship status: Neutral


In "Fortunate Ben", Gaty questions what Flower is doing, and says that she looks "idiotic."

Relationship status: Possibly neutral



Gaty being zapped by Four

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Gaty asks Four what's stopping the contestants from using process of elimination during the challenge and guessing the impostor until they get it right. Four, in return, asks her what's stopping him from eliminating her, which causes Gaty to smugly tell Four that he can't eliminate her because no one voted for her. Angered, Four zaps her and tells her she can't use that method.

Because of Gaty's taunts to Four in the aforementioned episode, in "The Four is Lava", Gaty fears Four is going to eliminate her and sobs. She can even be seen quivering when Cake at Stake begins. When Four is about announce the contest, Gaty interrupts saying that everyone still alive won't be able to hear him with his indoor voice. This makes Four groan angrily and shout the challenge. Gaty also gives Four an unamused expression when her team is already next to Four.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Gaty immediately recognizes Four and X after they come out of the hotel. Later in the episode, despite their previous interactions, Gaty instructs Four to zap Two and they happily oblige. However, when Gaty tries to steal food from Four and X kitchen, she gets mutilated quickly by them.

Relationship status: Possible enemies, Better terms (TPOT 6)

Golf Ball[]

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Golf Ball is seen standing on Gaty as she looks down to Earth through a telescope, as both of their teams are still trapped on the moon together. Golf Ball and Saw are distressed that Taco has died on Earth, as she was the only one down there from both teams, but Gaty tells them that she looks the same from above.

Ice Cube[]

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", when Ice Cube agrees to join Gaty's team, Gaty says "Nice!"

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Gaty gasps when Ice Cube says she's going to switch teams and asks Book if she can even do that.

Relationship status: Good terms


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In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Leafy asks Gaty if she wants to be her friend. Gaty is unsure, due to the fact that they knew nothing about each other. Leafy takes this as an insult.

Relationship status: Enemies (On Leafy's side)


In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Gaty breaks up Lollipop and Book's argument so they can focus on the contest.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Gaty says that Lollipop likes knowing more then everyone else as the most likely reason for why she didn't tell anyone that Saw would be gone.

Relationship status: Friends


In the stinger of "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Gaty looks horrified as Marker eats the glass-filled cheesecake.


In "Balancing P.A.C.T." Gaty tries to stop Needle from slapping Pin for accidently call her Needy, but she gets slapped instead, which makes her fall off the balance beam.


In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", The Losers free Gaty from the jawbreaker, and she becomes magnetically attracted to Pin's point through her hinges.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Gaty agrees with Pin in regards to their team cheating by using glue to keep their stack of blocks together. However, when Gaty actually sees how tall their stack is, and remembers that Two didn't say it was against the rules, she tells Pin that she doesn't see the problem anymore.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Pin says that it feels like cheating to use the restaurant idea that another team suggested and that she doesn't want cheating to be a pattern for the team. Gaty understands where Pin is come from, but adds that the other team isn't actually building a restaurant and that it would be a waste to not use such a good idea.

In "Gardening Zero", Pin asks Gaty why she is being so calm even though she is up for elimination. Later, when the team decides to use a flower as a mural for Saw, Gaty turns to Pin and says that said flower has "three lives".

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Gaty says that if she had fingers, she'd point at Pin and Coiny for ruining their strategy.

In "Outbreak At Stake", Pin is very happy to see Gaty. Pin and Gaty have a discussion about the good they saw in their friends, even when they were zombified. Pin thanks Gaty for this.

Relationship status: Friends


Main article: Gaty and Saw
Relationship status: Best friends


In "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", Snowball reveals Gaty gave him some vomit covered stake to turn him back to normal, but she simply left him there afterwards.

Relationship status: Neutral


In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Taco, Gaty, and the rest of Bleh ran for their basket. When they are swimming through molten lava, Gaty tells Saw and Taco that Book exploded into flames and that their team is in the bottom two with iance.

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In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", Gaty is saddened by Taco's death, stating that it was a "tragedy". When part of Gaty's team is mad at Taco, Gaty isn't angry at her.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", when Taco is killed, Gaty looks at her corpse from the moon with a telescope saying she kinda looks the same from above.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", Gaty wishes that there was someone on their team who could throw well, referring to the throwing abilities Taco exhibited in "Getting Teardrop to Talk".

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Gaty tells Taco to reveal her strategy to guess the impostor, however Taco ended up being the actual impostor, Pin.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Gaty admits to Book that the rest of the team realized that they were being irrational towards Taco "abandoning" them, implying that either even Gaty was upset at Taco in episode 3, or she was speaking on behalf of her teammates.

In "The Four is Lava", Gaty is happy to see Taco at Cake at Stake. She also apologizes to Taco on the team's behalf for how they treated her since episode 3.

Relationship status: Friends


Gfs question mark

While the two aren't seen interacting often, they can be seen sitting together in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?"

In "The Four is Lava", Teardrop smiles when Gaty's tears land inside of her.

Relationship status: Likely friends


Gaty and Two
Main article: Gaty and Two
Relationship status: Close friends


In "This Episode is About Basketball", Gaty appears slightly angered with X, and the fact that he was hiding from them the whole time.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Gaty immediately recognizes Four and X after they appear out of the hotel.
