Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Approximate locations of the biomes (see Goiky BFDI Map), outline taken from BFDI's map of Goiky, due to it having detailed coastlines.

Goiky is the area of land that Battle for Dream Island and its 5 seasons take place in. It consists of two sections, North Goiky, and South Goiky, separated by the Goiky Canal.

Canon maps[]




The Plains and the Volcano

The Plains (conjectural name) is the Southernmost of the 3 biomes making up Southern Goiky. It was here where the show took place in prior to BFDIA 5. The landscape is simple with a green plain and grass, and occasionally trees and lakes. It contains several locations, including Dream Island, The Volcano, Several contestants Houses where the characters resided in, and multiple Cake at Stake areas, Despite being the furthest away from the canal, The Plains borders it, hinting that there is some sort of corridor between it and the canal. Mountains are also visible in the background.

Evil Forest[]


Evil Forest & Evil Canyon

The Evil Forest is a dense forested biome located in the middle of the 3 main biomes in South Goiky. The only known routes through the forest are 3 paths leaving a hole in the tree cover. The biome contains the Snowy Forest, but going further North the biome disappears. In the middle of the forest is a wide canyon filled with a pit of spikes named Evil Canyon. The only known Evil Canyon crossing was very dangerous and was chipped off. The forest continues for a while after that. The forest was last seen in "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", where members of Just Not fought the Dragon.

The Desert[]


The Desert

The Desert is the Northernmost biome in Southern Goiky, Bordering the Goiky Canal. It originally consisted merely of dunes and cactuses, but new appearances have given the biome an artistic overhaul, with canyons and cliffs. The biome contains the World's Largest Oven and several appeared throughout BFB and TPOT.



The Grasslands

The Grasslands is the biome that "Paper Towel", pre-split BFB and TPOT take place in. It was originally a green plains biome with yellow trees, but after BFB 14, the area was covered in lava, and when it was drained, the area became a barren wasteland. Two used his powers to turn the biome back to yellow and green, but accidentally swapped the colors, now giving it yellow plains and green trees. The biome is located in Southern Goiky, bordering the canal, Pillary Ruins, and close to Yoyleland, which is visible in the background. The biome was originally home to the Bathrooms, but Two lifted it out of the ground to reveal it was merely the rooftop of the larger Hotel.

The Pillary Ruins[]


The Pillary Ruins as introduced in BFB 16

The Pillary Ruins is the biome that post-split BFB took place in. It contains purple pillared rocks and mossy green grass. The tall rocky pillars resemble the Tianzi mountains in China. There are also ruined buildings resembling Greek architecture scattered throughout the area. The area contains the Have Cots team's tower, where half of the contestants resided in.

Biomes with unknown locations[]

I Only Count One

"I only count one."Balloony, "X Marks the Spot"
This section is incomplete. You can help Battle for Dream Island Wiki by expanding it with more information! (visual edit)

Biome Borders[]

South Goiky[]

  • Plains: Evil Forest, Canal (topologically implies Desert), Grasslands
  • Evil Forest: Plains, Desert, Pillary Ruins (probably)
  • Desert: Evil Forest, Canal (topologically implies Plains)
  • Grasslands: Plains, Pillary Ruins, Beach, Desert (probably)
  • Pillary Ruins: Grasslands, Desert (probably), Evil Forest (probably)


  • Canal: Plains, Desert, Yoyleland, Beach

North Goiky[]

  • Yoyleland, (prob biome in Paper Towel)

Proof of locations[]

Location of Goiky[]

World Map Labeled

Labeled map of Earth

It is most likely that Goiky is located where the northern point of Continent C and the northern point of Continent B meet. This theory is supported by the show repeatedly showing the middle of continent C from space as the location of pre-split BFB/TPOT and BFDI(A),[1] and Yoyleland repeatedly being shown on Continent B.

Location of biomes[]

Yoyleland from space

"I can see Yoyleland from here!"

It is known for a fact that the Plains, Evil Forest, and The Desert are located in South Goiky, because while Leafy was in the Plains, her map showed the "You are here" symbol in South Goiky. In BFDIA 5, the contestants traveled from the Plains to the Evil Forest, where they crossed the Evil Canyon, and later into the Desert. This confirms the positions of all 3 biomes. As for the biomes of North Goiky, Yoyleland was shown landlocked in the Northeast corner of the map multiple times, however in BFDIA 5e: The Long-Lost Yoyle City, the contestants crossed the Goiky Canal into Yoyleland, and then Yoyle City, meaning Yoyleland borders the Goiky Canal.

Book Goiky Map

The map of Goiky shown in TPOT 6

However, the location of the Grasslands is hard to track. It was originally debated by looking at biomes in the background scenes, however there is more evidence suggesting that it's in South Goiky rather than North Goiky

Lastly is the Pillary Ruins, where post-split BFB took place. In BFB 17, the biome border between it and the grasslands was directly seen as the contestants traveled over it to bring X back to Four. Additionally, in BFB 20, It was stated that there was a 2763-mile-long railway from the Pillary Ruins to Yellow Face's warehouse, which they also traveled through.


  1. Continent C subsection of Earth article