Black Pencil; TDMShadowCP
Bowling Ball; aleksander1100.
Chocolate Bar; AndersonYetz
Chocolate Woody; TDImaster12
Cookie; totaldramacommunity
Dead Flower; totaldramalover303
Dollar; Fullyreloaded1001
Fish Bowl; keyblademaster210
Giant Cyan Spongy; UtopianJenna
Giant Purple Cake; energeticmilo.
High Heeled Shoe; BenandMarcusine
Kingda Ka; bebgsurg, DeeandEd
Large Pink Pin; DRAC0EMMA
One Recommended Character Per Recommender; rct3proyo
Peanut Butter Jelly Time Banana; xbuckmulletx
Pie; clubpenguintvization
Radio; ShinyGenesectAron2
Red Cheez-It; Swaggering Debby
Red Hot Chili Pepper; koldmayl
Rocky's Vomit; TheMarkbuba55
Round Purple Pillow; Clarizza
Acoustic Guitar; logmeister4, DonkeyKong381
Bronze Ice Cube; Knowe386
Bubble Troll Face; MrArdiazboyz, MrMegafreaky
Cat Dog Waffle Cloud; PestramiShowALT
Cherry; ihabnopants, Lalitospeeak
Coke Bottle; 4613theo, goldnoodlelala
Cyan Golf Club; beanme100
David 2; THEawesomebrandon15
Evil Happy Face; destroyer334545
Evil Speaker Box; cougarflacon
Evil Tennis Ball; Ahabsmom
Evil YouTube Like/Dislike Button; JhonnyFinster
Flatscreen TV; destroyer334545, marioluigi3128
Green Diamond; choochoohead1
Green Snowball; MrTristan626
iPod/iPhone; robotalienboy, xXOfficialpodXx, glaceonlover11
Jack-o-Lantern/Exploding Pumpkin; TGOTYZero, nheonhoc
Jacknjellify Logo; Khan3000ify
Kitty-Cat; MusicIsWithinUs
Lampy; 429Lightning, 8BitPolygonGamer
Leafy And Firey As A Couple; MrDoubleGAnster
Lemon Lime; regulardude45
Marry-Gold; smilewithureyes
Match And Firey As A Couple; bobbo44445, paviaedwin
Multiplicator; robotHD565
Needle and Coiny in Love; icedude321
One Billion Dollar Case; theJKLM4427
Stickman; supahawesomeguyz
Teardrop Announcer; BlueLucas98
White Waffles; PakoWhiteWaffles
WWE Championship Belt; 1234DRG1