Season 1: Battle for Dream Island (BFDI)[]
BFDI 1a: Take the Plunge[]
“ | Um, Pin...? Wrong finger. | ” |
— Leafy to Pin
BFDI 1b: Take the Plunge[]
“ | Aha! Ice Cube! Come on down, you can be my ally. | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
BFDI 2: Barriers and Pitfalls[]
“ | The bowling ball and you are falling at the SAME RATE! | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
BFDI 3: Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?[]
“ | 20 minutes left. Needy, do you think non-existent Icy is mad at me? | ” |
— Leafy to Needle
BFDI 4: Sweet Tooth[]
“ | Well, that's not what I was planning for. So there's a price to pay! | ” |
— Leafy to Eraser and Pen
“ | Do you need help? I'll lend you a cake for FREE! | ” |
— Leafy to Woody
“ | Well, I guess it ALL WORKS OUT! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 5: Bridge Crossing[]
“ | Oh, so you want a slap fight now, don't you, Needy!? Well, I can slap TOO! | ” |
— Leafy to Needle
BFDI 6: Power of Three[]
“ | Are we going up or down now? | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 7: Puzzling Mysteries[]
“ | To pass the time, we could try to finish these jigsaw puzzles on the floor. | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 8: Cycle of Life[]
“ | Icy, because you have no arms, I'll have to sit on you. | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
BFDI 9: Insectophobe's Nightmare[]
“ | The TLC seems LARGER! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Hmm... Blocky, or Firey? Blocky, or Firey? | ” |
— Leafy
“ | You know, when you fall into a bottomless pit, you die of starvation. | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 10: Crybaby![]
“ | Jog! Jog! Jog! Jog! Jog! Jog! Jog! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | (gasp) That was mean! That was MEAN!!! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 11: Lofty[]
“ | I wonder where the new stairs lead. | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Huh? Woah woah wuaagggh, woaughh woauugh wuugh woooahwugh woah woah! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 12: A Leg Up in the Race[]
“ | But this game doesn't even have points! | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
BFDI 13: Don't Lose Your Marbles[]
“ | I found a ball! I rather you get the points though. You deserve it, for being such a great friend! | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
BFDI 14: Half a Loaf is Better Than None[]
“ | Don't even think about it, Eraser. | ” |
— Leafy to Eraser
BFDI 15: Vomitaco[]
— Leafy to Pen
BFDI 16: Bowling, Now with Explosions![]
“ | Watching clouds, huh? You seem pretty bored. Let's go do something fun, like jumping off a cliff! | ” |
— Leafy to Pencil
“ | Haha, even I was fooled! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | WhAtEvAh!! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 17: The Reveal[]
“ | Since you are so wonderful, I'm giving you a gift. | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | Do I want to recover a recently destroyed Ice Cube? Yes. When was the ice cube destroyed? Around 22 seconds ago. What were the dimensions of the ice cube? 8 by 9 by 11. | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Ohh, let's see what it is. | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 18: Reveal Novum[]
“ | Why? What's so funny? | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
“ | -Amazing, right? I'm quite glad you like them. It's good that despite other occurrences, I won't be surrounded by BACKSTABBING friends that take my offer of friendship! and labor of love, and just THROW it over their shoulders! | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | Yeah, Bubble, what? I always thought you were nice and didn't throw away gifts! You know, I just can't believe it! You are the meanest person on EARTH! | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
BFDI 19: Rescission[]
“ | Ah! Get away, get away before Bubble stabs us! | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
“ | Well, I guess that's somewhat nice but not extremely nice. You've still got a lot of work to do but at least it was a good effort. | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
BFDI 20: Gardening Hero[]
“ | Oh my gosh! Rocky just threw up! He might be SICK! We have to go help him, NOW! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Well, yeah, you did. But let's play it again, you know, for good measure. | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
“ | No! Friends! Just friends. Friends. | ” |
— Leafy to Firey
“ | 'Ooh! Burn!' | ” |
— Leafy
“ | But don't you know how much energy that wastes? You have to be more eco-friendly, I mean- | ” |
— Leafy to Firey
“ | Well, it is better, but not by much. You still got 73 more levels to go before you reach my level of niceness. | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
BFDI 21: The Glistening[]
“ | Oh yeah, the Yoyleberries have some extreme side-effects, sorry. | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Blue skidoo, you can too! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 22: Don't Pierce My Flesh[]
“ | Oh they're so cute! | ” |
— Leafy
BFDI 23: Hurtful![]
“ | Sorry Ice Cube, I guess you have to go back. | ” |
— Leafy to Ice Cube
“ | Oh no! Speaker just killed the Cheese Orb! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | WHAT. | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | I was right about you, you are the meanest person on EARTH!'' | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | You WHAT?! | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | ''I don't wanna hear it, Bubble, our friendship is over!'' | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
BFDI 24: Insectophobe's Nightmare 2[]
“ | Well, I guess I'd rather be with Firey! At least he appreciates my presence. | ” |
— Leafy to Bubble
“ | Get me outta this thing!! | ” |
— Leafy
“ | We faked our deaths, obviously. | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
“ | Well, I wish for world peace! | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
BFDI 25: Return of the Hang Glider[]
“ | Oh wow! (she starts salivating) | ” |
— Leafy
“ | Firey, y-you're such a great friend. I'll be happy if either of us win. | ” |
— Leafy to Firey
“ | Announcer, give me Dream Island! | ” |
— Leafy to the Announcer
“ | I really don't know why Firey would do that. It seems he turned from a nice caring friend into a jerk! A hideous, unloving jerk with no feelings at all! | ” |
— Leafy