Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
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"So what? List of fonts used in Battle for Dream Island was almost two years ago!"Purple Face, "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" (altered)
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This article lists fonts and typefaces used throughout the BFDI series. These are all listed in alphabetical order.

Season 1 (Battle for Dream Island)[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Arial "Take the Plunge: Part 1" Various use cases Arial narrow
Berlin Sans FB "Barriers and Pitfalls" "Failers' Waiting Room" sign Berlin Sans FB example
Century Gothic "Barriers and Pitfalls" “What she wanted to happen” Century Gothic example
Digiface "Barriers and Pitfalls" Voting counter Digiface Example 2
Gotham "Insectophobe's Nightmare" GO Guys Go-0
Helvetica Neue "Barriers and Pitfalls" Various use cases Imagesomething
Hobo "Cycle of Life" "VOTERS" VOTERS Board (BFDI 8)
Sansation "Take the Plunge: Part 1" The opening Sansational
Shag Exotica "Barriers and Pitfalls" The logo for Cake at Stake Cake At Stake(With Title)
Shag Lounge "Take the Plunge: Part 1" The logo for BFDI, BFDIA, and IDFB SHAG COLLECTION LOUNGE
Stencil "A Leg Up in the Race" Various use cases Coiny out
Teen "Take the Plunge: Part 1" "Fabulous!" text BFDI 1a- Take the Plunge 00451
Times New Roman "Take the Plunge: Part 2" Various use cases First to Leave BFDI Trophy (BFDI 1b)
BFDIEp3 Sc3 0826
Tw Cen MT "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" "Killing Bubble in 3 Simple Steps" infographic BFDIEp3 Sc6 0243
Verdana "Take the Plunge: Part 2" Finish line Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 8.30.46 PM

Season 2 (Battle for Dream Island Again)[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Burbank Big Wide Bold "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know" The word "AGAIN" in the logo BFDIA LogoHQ
Comic Sans "Get in the Van" Anything owned by Freesmart, but also

occasionally used in season 1 often with a rainbow gradient.

F4 cqk1asAAx8XW
Helvetica Oblique "Get Digging" Text below "Recommended Characters" Screenshot 2024-02-03 110047
Impact "Lots of Mud" The vote number HalfOfYouAreSafe and HalfOfYouAreNot
Script MT Bold "Well Rested" ""IT'S MY PLEASURE!" Spike Ball Speaker Box" Bfdia6 wonderful noise (6)
Stencil "Zeeky Boogy Doog" Various use cases GBgoesaway
Catch These Hands 041
Formula-Serial-Extra Light Zeeky Boogy Doog The "Hand-powered Recovery Center" text 300px-HPRC
Helvetica Oblique "The Long-lost Yoyle City" Team voting icons FireyIconEp5

Season 3 (IDFB)[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Arial "Welcome Back" Text in intro
Number in thumbnails
IDFB Title Card HD
Century Gothic "Barriers and Pitfalls" BFDIA 5 votes BFDIA5Votes

Season 4 (Battle for BFB)[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Albertus Nova Black[1] "Getting Teardrop to Talk" The logo for BFB. Also used in thumbnails for season 4A. BFB Logo New
Overpass Mono Bold "Getting Teardrop to Talk" The logo for iance IanceHQ
Cooper Black "The Game Has Changed" "FOUR'S PARTY!!!" Videoframe 20200920 123418 com.huawei.himovie
Futura "Getting Teardrop to Talk" "STOP" GTTT 082
Highway Gothic "The Liar Ball You Don't Want"(?) Voting numbers 2C5F6869-140C-4383-B38C-89B526705AB5
Ubuntu "Getting Teardrop to Talk" Voting screens GTTT 507
BFB 2 Vote for Beep
Courier New "The Escape from Four" TPOT auditions Anchor Audit
Battery Audit
Clapboard Audit
VCR OSD Mono "How Loe Can You Grow?" Disclaimer text BFB19271

Season 5 (Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two)[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Arial Rounded "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" Folder plans TPOT 6 29
Calibri "The Escape from Four" Price Tag's ASCII face Price Tag Audit
Comic Sans "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" Two's rambling text TPOT 10 37 but gif
Tuna Bold "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" The number of people who voted in general, or for a contestant
TPOT 6 49
Dr Slab W05 Base "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The logo for The S! Ts tpot
Futura Futuris[2] "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The logo for Team8s Team8s
Kingthings Petrock Pro "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The logo for Just Not Justnot
Mono MMM 5 "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The logo for Are You Okay Areyouokay
Play Bold "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The logo for The Strongest Team on Earth. The Strongest Team on Earth
Optima Pro Extra Bold "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" The "Death P.A.C.T." in Death P.A.C.T. Again's logo (the "AGAIN" is handwritten) Death P.A.C.T. Again
Whyst Caps Recovery Center Text Font "NAME OF THE CHARACTER" PEN RC
TT Lakes Neue Recovery Center Buttons and Brand Name TPOT Recovery Center
Verdana[3] "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" Voting numbers TPOT5DPACAS (9)
Eurostile Unicase Pro Regular "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" "REBOOT IN PROGRESS". TPOT 10 173
Kelsi Fill What's Up Bell's String? The logo for Team 2 Team2 HQ
Wolpe Fanfare "The Escape from Four" The logo for Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two. Also used in thumbnails starting from TPOT 2. Tpot logo

Multiple seasons[]

Name First seen/used Use case Example
Britannic Bold "Barriers and Pitfalls" Blocky's Funny Doings International logo Blocky funny doings 6BlockysFunnyDoingsBlocky's Funny Doings International
Helvetica Neue LT Com 95 Black "The Reveal" 8-Ball's font, BFDIA 5b font 8-ball
8-Ball Icon Pose


  1. Alternate: Narkisim
  2. Alternates: Outfit, Poppins, Sofia Pro, Twentieth Century
  3. Alternate: Tahoma
