Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

"Oh. So that's why List of fusions and splits of Algebralians is still so small?"X, "How Loe Can You Grow?"
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"This is shooting List of fusions and splits of Algebralians off like, a cliff, with my Not Cannon!"Match, "HELP US get to VIDCON 2019" (altered)
The subject of this article or section is non-canon. The events described did not happen in the official main BFDI universe.

Starting with "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!", it became known that Algebralians have the ability to fuse and split using objects similar to mathematical symbols. However, some fuses of Algebralians appeared in the show even before "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!" as recommended characters. This list shows all fusions and splits of Algebralians.

Fifteen (Six + Nine)[]

Ow! That hurts us both, you, idiot!
— Fifteen (fusion), "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!"

Six and Nine formed Fifteen in "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!". A fusion of Nine and Six is poorly drawn Arabic numeral fifteen, whose body is the color of a white-blue gradient and the limbs are pale blue. They basically has no character. Their body is controlled by Six and Nine. They are able to talk inside. If fusion has a character, then it most likely combines or alternates Nine and Six characters.


Fourteen (Seven + Seven)[]

You got the wrong person, guys! I'm the real Seven! Let me out!
— Fourteen (fusion), "Thanks for 2,000,000 Subscribers!"

Seven and Fourteen, divided into two formed Fourteen in "Thanks for 2,000,000 Subscribers!". This fusion is a poorly-drawn Arabic numeral fourteen, whose body is the color of a gray-green gradient and the limbs are light green. Basically, the body of this Fourteen is controlled by Seven.


Four and x put together[]

Four and x put together is a recommended character that appeared in every episode from "A Taste of Space", except for "The Tweested Temple". They are a fusion of Four and X, with periwinkle on their body where it transitions into Four and X's colors at the bottom with peach colored limbs. They were recommended by Emma H.


  • As episodes progress, they seem to get more crudely drawn each episode, but this only applies to BFB 20, 21 and 22.
  • They have the most appearances out of any RC algebralien.

Four two and x mixed together[]

Four two and x mixed together is an unused recommended character that was meant to appear in "Meaty". They were recommended by Twoshusband. They are a fusion of Four, Two and X.


Frex is a recommended character that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". They were recommended by AloeMineralWater. They are a fusion of Four and X.

Green Seven(s)/Halved Fourteen/Two Sevens[]

Hi, guys! What are my lovely friends up to today?
Free skin? All the skin I eat is free! Pass!

Fourteen was divided into two Sevens. They look identical to Seven but are painted in the colors of Fourteen. Their characters are absolutely identical to the character of Fourteen's.


Two X's[]

YAAAY! Youuuu caught me!
— Two Xs, "Outbreak At Stake"

X split in two in "Outbreak At Stake". Both X's look absolutely identical to X, and their character is also identical to his character.


  • Due to the appearance of two X's in this episode, it can be concluded that all species of Algebralians can split and fuse.
  • This is the only canonically shown split of Algebralian.
Species: IntegersVariablesPolygonsIrrationalsOperatorsFractionsPolyhedrons

Integers: ZeroOneTwoThreeFour (variations) • FiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenEquation characters
Variables: aNX (variations) • yZ
Polygons: TriangleQuadrilateralRectanglePentagonHexagonOctagonNonagonUndecagon
Irrationals: PiPhiEuler's ConstantSquare Root of TwoTau
Operators: PlusMinusTimesDivideSquare Root
Polyhedrons: CubeTetrahedronOctahedronIcosahedronDodecahedron
Fractions: One-QuarterOne-ThirdOne-HalfThree Quarters
Other: Imaginary NumberCubeyInfinityScared/DumbList of fusions and splits of AlgebraliansDonut
Recommended Algebralians: AsteriskbDdeEmfFour and X put togetherGhijaysillyboy (j)NintySixObelusOne MillionPositiveSquare BracketTWwhY (Y)
