Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
It’s a secret

"List of multi-part episodes's a secret; You'll never knooow...!" - Ruby, "Welcome Back"
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The information in the article below contains spoilers for the BFDI series. Please watch the episode(s) if you have not seen them yet.

This a list of episodes that are split into two or multiple parts.

Take the Plunge[]

"Take the Plunge" was split into two parts: BFDI 1a, and BFDI 1b. The combined runtime was 16:59.

It was the first ever episode of the series and the start of Battle for Dream Island, twenty objects compete to win Dream Island. The first contest was to stay on a balance beam, Leafy and Pin ended up winning and chose the teams for the season. The second challenge was to go across the Goiky Canal, which the Squishy Cherries won.

The reason the episode was split was because back in 2010, YouTube videos couldn't be longer than 10 minutes, and the episode was almost 17 minutes in length.


BFDIA 5 was split into five parts: "Get in the Van", BFDIA 5b, "No More Snow!", "It's a Monster", and "The Long-lost Yoyle City". The total runtime was 47:11

It was the fifth episode of the second season, Battle for Dream Island Again. It follows the journey of Team No-Name, W.O.A.H. Bunch and FreeSmart to reach the top of Yoyle Mountain, as that was the challenge for the five episodes. At the end of the first part, all of FreeSmart, Golf Ball, Tennis Ball and Rocky get eaten by Evil Leafy and the second part is a game that consists on escaping her body. The next three parts follow the challenge normally, Team No-Name ended up losing the challenge.

The reason, the episode was split into five parts was because it was way too long for it to come out on a reasonable time on a single video.

Well, Look Who It Is! and PointyPointyPointy ♫[]

BFDIA 13 and BFDIA 14 are officially considered a two-parter as "Well, Look Who It Is!" follows on characters that haven't been seen in a while, "PointyPointyPointy ♫" follows the point of view of the contestants.

"Well, Look Who It Is!" follows the adventures of the 4 WTFers trying to escape Weak Trembling Fortress, They are going to Yoyle City, Gelatin uses the Enhancement-L-Yoy-Ser and directs the lasers to a tree, a supershop, a car, Recommended Characters and Locker of Losers.

"PointyPointyPointy ♫" features Cake at Stake following Insectophobe's Nightmare 4, and the next challenge Get to the bunk bed by completing challenges on the 5 LOLers' islands, in duos, similarly to "Power of Three".

Return of the Rocket Ship and Don't Dig Straight Down[]

The original BFB 13 was split into two parts: "Return of the Rocket Ship" and "Don't Dig Straight Down". The total runtime was 46:70.

It was the original thirteenth episode of the fourth season, Battle for BFDI, but it was split and it ended up being the thirteenth and fourteenth episodes. Both episodes follow all the remaining contestant doing the challenge, that was to find one of X's emeralds and bring it to Four. On the second part, "Don't Dig Straight Down", Spongy makes some lava break free from a near volcano and it ends up killing almost all the contestants and all the surrounding plant life. The events are followed on the next episode, "The Four is Lava", but it's not officially a third part to the original BFB 13.

Out Of The Blue and What's Up Bell's String?[]

TPOT 11 and TPOT 12 are officially considered a two-parter as "Out Of The Blue" follows the point of view of the Exitors while, "What's Up Bell's String?" follows the point of view of the contestants.

"Out Of The Blue" follows the adventures of the Exitors trying to escape Four, spanning over three years canonically. They end up escaping but they're forced to do dishes for the hotel guests, so they break a window inside the kitchen to break free.

"What's Up Bell's String?" follows Cake at Stake ceremony following Oneirophobe's Nightmare, next challenge Fill your team's pit with as much stuff as possible in the game, concluding elements from Out Of The Blue.


  • BFDIA 5 s the only episode in the BFDI franchise that is split into more than two parts.
