This list contains characters that are a mix or fusion of different characters. Most of them are recommended characters.
Allball is a recommended character that first appeared in "The Four is Lava". It is a fusion of 8-Ball, Basketball, Golf Ball, Snowball, Tennis Ball, and Puffball. Consisting of most noticeably:
- Snowball's shape
- Basketball's stripes
- Golf Ball's dimples
- Tennis Ball's outline thickness and color
- 8-Ball's symbol
- Puffball's color
Beep fusion[]
Beep fusion is a recommended character who appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". It is a mix of the eight Beep members. Consisting of most noticeably:
- David's face
- Cloudy's, & Nickel's color
- Balloony's string
- Rocky's & Woody's shape
- Leafy's midrib
- Roboty's body structure
BellTaco is a fused version of Bell and Taco who appeared in "The Four is Lava". She was recommended by ORANGE D.
- This is most likely a parody of Taco Bell and/or Del Taco.
Belvid is a recommended character who appeared in "The Four is Lava", recommended by IronicIntrovert. It is a fusion of David and Bell.
bfb 1 - 29 thumbnail fusion[]
bfb 1 - 29 thumbnail fusion is a recommended character that appeared in "Chapter Complete", recommended by Zoobs 28. As its name would suggest, it is a combination of the thumbnail of every BFB episode up to episode 29. Specifically, it contains:
- Lightning electrocuting Flower from "Getting Teardrop to Talk"
- Woody with his tongue out from "Lick Your Way to Freedom"
- The "AAAA" from "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", with the strike through from "Four Goes Too Far"
- The Four-shaped ripples from "Today's Very Special Episode"
- Four's foot and the movement lines from "Fortunate Ben"
- An outlined Liar Ball with a doorknob and question marks from "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", "Enter the Exit", and "Who Stole Donut's Diary?"
- The buzzer from "Questions Answered"
- Flower with Blocky's face from "This Episode Is About Basketball"
- The staircase from "Get to the Top in 500 Steps"
- The zappie effect from "What Do You Think of Roleplay?"
- Beady-eyed Lollipop from "Return of the Rocket Ship"
- An emerald from "Don't Dig Straight Down"
- Four with a hand in his mouth from "The Four is Lava"
- The split arrow from "The Escape from Four"
- Four fixing a hand from "X Marks the Spot"
- The background and rope from "Take the Tower"
- Lollipop with her hands on her head from "How Loe Can You Grow?"
- The cardboard border from "A Taste of Space"
- The bouncing ball from "Let's Raid The Warehouse"
- Flower kicking from "Fashion For Your Face!"
- Woody holding a wrench from "The Game Has Changed"
- The totem from "The Tweested Temple"
- The speech bubble from "The Hidden Contestant"
- Four making the face from "Uprooting Everything"
- A basketball from "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning"
- The background from "SOS (Save Our Show)"
BFB Final 14 Fused[]
BFB Final 14 Fused is a character that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". It was recommended by Joe Art Marker. It is a fusion of Balloony, Spongy, Ruby, Loser, Taco, Bubble, Blocky, Firey, Woody, Lollipop, Flower, Gelatin, Leafy and Teardrop. Consisting of most noticeably:
- Blocky's, Bubble's & Teardrop's colors
- Taco's fish
- Flower's petals
- Balloony's string
- Lollipop's stick
- Leafy's midrib
- Gelatin's top
- Firey's, Spongy's, Woody's, Loser's & Ruby's shape
Blocky, Eraser, and Pen[]
Blocky, Eraser, and Pen is a recommended character that appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". It is a fusion of Blocky, Eraser, and Pen.
Contestant Monster[]
Contestant Monster is a recommended character that appeared in "The Reveal" and was recommended by Alexlion05. It is a mix of every contestant (from season 1), with a robotic leg at the bottom.
David Firey[]
David Firey is a recommended character that appeared in "Return of the Hang Glider". It is a variation of Firey that has a David face. It was recommended by coolmatt1019. It is unrelated to the David that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" to replace Firey.
Drummer is a recommended character that first appeared in "Catch These Hands". It was recommended by Soviet Pepega. It is a fusion of David and Snare Drum.
Elimination Contestants[]
Elimination Contestants is a recommended character that appeared in "Reveal Novum" and was recommended by bobbo44445. It is the same as Contestant Monster, but without the robotic leg and arm. Despite its name it includes contestants that weren't eliminated at the time.
every character fused[]
every character fused is a recommended character that first appeared in "Don't Dig Straight Down". It is a fusion of every character in BFB, like the name says. Consisting of most noticeably:
- Roboty's face
- Fanny's fan
- Taco's fish
- TV's stand
- Gaty's handles
- Pie's tin
- Tree's branch
- Lollipop's stick
- Robot Flower's arms
- 8-Ball's symbol
- Balloony's string
- Cake's meringue
- Pillow's hole
- Barf Bag's barf
- Bottle's top
- Cloudy's body
- Remote's buttons
- Saw's teeth
- Naily's point
- Grassy, Bracelety, Basketball, Tennis Ball, Bell, Clock, Eggy and Lightning's colors
every woah bunch character fused[]
every woah bunch character fused is a recommended character that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant" and was recommended by Dook. It is a mix of every member that was in W.O.A.H. Bunch during "The Long-lost Yoyle City", a team from BFDIA. Consisting of most noticeably:
- Spongy's shape
- Yellow Face's eyes and mouth shape
- Donut's mouth
- Bomby's top
- Pin's spike
- Teardrop's color
- Coiny's & Nickel's reflection
- Needle's hole
evry charecter fused[]
evry charecter fused[sic] is a recommended character that first appeared in "How Loe Can You Grow?". It is a fusion of the recommended characters that were up for debut in TPOT. Consisting of most noticeably:
- Tape's shape in Discy's color
- Avocado's mouth
- Onigiri's nori in Blender's color
- Shopping Cart's plate with Price Tag's eyes and VHSy's gradient
- Three of Shampoo's tops (in the pattern of Leek) in Conch Shell's color
- Snare Drum as Camera's lens with 9-Ball's symbol
- One of Scissors' blades in Battery's color
- One of Anchor's flukes in the color of Kitchen Sink's faucet
- Income Tax Return Document's writing
- Salt Lamp's plate in Winner's color
- Rubber Spatula's handle in Boom Mic's color
- PDA's pen with Clapboard's stripes
Fatch is a recommended character that appeared on "The Glistening" and was recommended by VollyTiffany. It is a fusion of Match and Firey. The Match half is at the bottom and the Firey half is at the top.
Fireoiny is a character that first appeared in "This Episode Is About Basketball" and was recommended by Papiomike. It is a fusion of Coiny and Firey.
Flirey is a recommended character that first appeared in "Hurtful!". It was recommended by choochoohead1. It is a fusion of Flower and Firey.
Four and x put together[]
Four and x put together is a recommended character that appeared in every episode from "A Taste of Space, except for "The Tweested Temple". They are a fusion of Four and X, with periwinkle on their body where it transitions into Four and X's colors at the bottom with peach colored limbs. They were recommended by Emma H.
- As episodes progress, they seem to get more crudely drawn each episode, but this only applies to BFB 20, 21 and 22.
- They have the most appearances out of any RC algebralien.
four colored gelatin[]
four colored gelatin is a recommended character that first appeared in "Chapter Complete". It is a fusion of Four and Gelatin. It was recommended by jaden hyman. This is probably a reference to Gelatin being on the Have Cots .
Fubbly is a recommended character that first appeared in "Return of the Hang Glider". It is a fusion of Firey and Bubble. The Firey half is happy, while the other Bubble half looks sad. It was recommended by grwjhg45.
Gate-Cube is a recommended character that appeared in "Meaty" and was recommended by Gatey Cubey. It's a fusion of Ice Cube and Gaty.
Giant Fireafy[]
Giant Fireafy is a recommended character that appeared in "The Glistening" and was recommended by firealarmfreak5. It's a giant version of a fusion of Firey and Leafy.
- Fireafy is also the name of a fanmade ship between these same characters, however it is not canon.
Ice Bracelety[]
Ice Bracelety is a recommended character that appeared on "Chapter Complete" and was recommended by Marker. It is a fusion of Ice Cube and Bracelety.
Ice Woody[]
Ice Woody is a recommended character. It is a frozen variation of Woody. However, in "A Taste of Space", they appear to be a fusion of Ice Cube and Woody. It appeared in "The Glistening" as one of the characters who voted for Ice Cube's elimination. It was recommended by SAMUSLAZ0R and Golden P. A..
Leafball is a recommended character that appeared on "The Glistening" and was recommended by PichuxCastform123. It is a fusion of Tennis Ball and Leafy.
leafmote is a recommended character who appeared in "Don't Dig Straight Down". It was recommended by max. It is a combination of Leafy and Remote.
PENcil is a recommended character who appeared in "Meaty". It was recommended by migbrunluzbrazilian. It is a combination of Pen and Pencil.
roboy is a recommended character who appeared in "Chapter Complete". They were recommended by BlueProductions. They are a fusion of David and Roboty.
- You can still see David’s head underneath the robot head
- “roboy” is a portmanteau of ‘robot’ and ‘boy’
Spowenaseball is a recommended character that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2". It was recommended by logmeister4. It is a fusion of Spongy, Snowball, Tennis Ball, Pen and Eraser.
Tarey is a recommended character that appeared in "Hurtful!". It was recommended by arturs2323. She is a fusion of Firey and Taco.
Team TBFTIP is a character recommended by Bendyfan Animations that appeared in "Who Stole Donut's Diary?". They are a fusion of Leafy, Lolipop, and 6 unknown characters.
Tear Cube[]
Tear Cube is a character recommended by Kitty that appeared in "Taste the Sweetness". It is a fusion of Teardrop and Ice Cube.
Tennisdrop is a recommended character that appeared on "Catch These Hands" and was recommended by The Royalty of Youtube. They are a fusion of Tennis Ball and Teardrop.
this monstrosity[]
this monstrosity is a character recommended by Silkybox777 that appeared in "The Four is Lava". It is a fusion of Cake, Robot Cake, Evil Leafy, Announcer, Cake's Dad, and King Cake.
Treemote is a "character" (technically only an asset) that appeared in "Fortunate Ben". It is a fusion of Tree and Remote.
Weirdy is a character recommended by BFDIFAN9001 that appeared in "The Reveal". It is a fusion of Blocky, Spongy, Pencil, and Match.
Yellow Remote[]
Yellow Remote is a recommended character who appeared in "Meaty". They were recommended by dynamicdrawer. They are a fused version of Yellow Face and Remote
Yellow Tree[]
Yellow Tree is a character that appeared in "Taste the Sweetness". It is a fusion of Tree and Yellow Face.
yolk bag[]
yolk bag is a character recommended by Joeart M. that appeared in "The Escape from Four". It is a fusion of Barf Bag and Eggy.
yurple face[]
yurple face is a character recommended by Jonah S. that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". It is a fusion of Yellow Face and Purple Face.