Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This article is a list of songs played during each episode of Battle for Dream Island Again and dnalsI maerD roF elttaB. Music in bold indicates its first appearance.

Battle for Dream Island Again (BFDIA)[]

Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know (BFDIA 1)[]

  • "Kevin Macleod - Movement Proposition" - Played while the contestants are chasing Leafy.
  • "Kevin Macleod - New Friendly" - "Hey guys, Look.", "Hey, Eraser; any more rules?", "Oh, eliminated contestants must be treated with TLC.", "Let's split into teams.", "Well, spin it already; I'm getting impatient.", "Hey Pin, why don't you switch, too?"
  • "BFDIA OST - Yeah Who, I Wanna Know!" "Yeah who, I wanna know! [x14, autotuned] Yeah who, I wanna knoOoOoWw! [autotuned]"
  • "Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 - Tada.wav" (bass boosted) - Played when TV displays "YAY!" on his screen after being chosen as the host.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Radio Martini" (sped up) - Played when the contestants show their favorite screens.
  • "Beatloaf - bass 8ths sample.wav" (pitched up 2 semitones from G to A) - Played during the intro.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Decisions" - Played during the contest.

Get Digging (BFDIA 2)[]

  • "Kevin Macleod - Summer Day" - "Let's try to come up with a team name."
  • "Beatloaf - bass 8ths sample.wav" (pitched up 2 semitones from G to A) - Played during the intro.
  • "BFDIA OST - Coiak At Stoiak!" - "Doy, doy, doy, doy, doy, doy, doy, doy! Coiak At Stoiak!"
  • "BFDIA OST - CaKe At StAkE!!!" - "[Screaming, out of tune] CAKE at STAKE! Cake AT stake!"
  • "Kevin Macleod - Dub Eastern" - Played during Cake at Stake.
  • "Kevin Macleod - The House of Leaves" - "Fine. Teardrop, if you refuse, we'll let you go back."
  • Kevin Macleod - Overcast - Played during the contest.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Motivator" - "Need to kill someone right away? Then buy our-"
  • "Kevin Macleod - Stringed Disco" - Played when Puffball flies to Yoyleland.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Disco Lounge" - "Hey Ruby, want to join our alliance?"
  • "Kevin Macleod - Stringed Disco" (reversed and sped up 1.5x) - Played when Puffball is flying back to Goiky while being chased by Leafy's knives.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Backed Vibes - Clear Version" - Played when the contest results are shown.

Insectophobe's Nightmare 3 (BFDIA 3)[]

  • "BFDIA OST - Cake! At! Stake!" - "Cake! At! Stake!"
  • "Beatloaf - bass 8ths sample.wav" (pitched up 2 semitones from G to A) - Played during the intro.
  • "Kevin Macleod - Der Kleber Sting - Played when Teardrop gets poisoned.

Zeeky Boogy Doog (BFDIA 4)[]

  • Fig Leaf Times Two - Played during the entire episode.
  • Motivator [reversed] - Played when Yellow Face starts an ad about "how a vat will pour an island".

Get in the Van (BFDIA 5a)[]

  • Itty Bitty 8 Bit - Played during BFDI's third birthday.
  • Amazing Plan - Played when Bubble was on the swings.
  • Organ Filler - "Keep throwing!"
  • Eliminating BFDI - Played when Book climbs the Eiffel Tower, and in 80% speed inside the Clubhouse of Awesomeness
  • Smoking Gun - Played during Cake at Stake
  • Aces High - Played when the recommended characters are shown.
  • There It Is - "Wait, we should probably take the HPRC with us."
  • The Wanderer - ending

BFDIA 5b[]

No More Snow! (BFDIA 5c)[]

  • Mirage - Played during the 1st scene.
  • Wounded - "Ruby died of sadness shortly after."
  • Wallpaper (Faster) - "No more snow!"
  • Seinfeld Theme - "Hey NEEDY!"
  • Constance - "Needle, are you doing OK?"
  • Local Forecast (slower) - "Hey, you two are FreeSmarters, where's the HPRC?"

It's a Monster (BFDIA 5d)[]

  • Hitman - "The HPHPRCC will self-destruct in..."
  • Brittle Rille - "I think someone needs to apologize."
  • Who Likes to Party - "There's so many bright lights in this van."

The Long-lost Yoyle City (BFDIA 5e)[]

  • Showdown - "Hey, the HPRC, it's been stolen!"
  • Backed Vibes - "Why do I have to carry this bag?"
  • Hero Down - When Yoyle City is first shown: "FreeSmarters, behold."
  • Moonlight Hall - Played when FreeSmart were driving through Yoyle City.
  • Sneaky - "So, like, how would you like to die?"
  • Call to Adventure - Played when FreeSmart and later W.O.A.H. Bunch climbed up the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Played in a higher pitch for the latter team.
  • Full On - Played when Fries recovered Rocky and then Team No-Name ascended to the summit of Yoyle Mountain.

Well Rested (BFDIA 6)[]

  • Local Forecast (slower) - "Want some berries?"
  • Air Prelude - "Alert, alert! Firey Speaker Box, I was nearly found out last episode!"
  • Spazzmatica Polka - "Holy guacamole! Is that the original Announcer?"
  • Overcast - "Alright, so it looks like we WOAH Bunchers have all made it here safely."
  • Call to Adventure - Played during a flashback of Puffball's betrayal in BFDIA 5e
  • Backed Vibes (Clean) - Played during the start of cake at stake.
  • Spazzmatica Polka - "It was my owner, Firey! Who got over one thousand likes for the first time ever!
  • Rising - Played when Firey spins the prize wheel.
  • Spazzmatica Polka - "Wow, you were right! You didn't lie to me!" Played during the 1st half of the elimination.
  • Ryno's Theme - Played during the 2nd half of the elimination.
  • Blippy Trance - "Thank goodness Puffball the traitor has been eradicated!" "Well, then it's locked in!"
  • Failing Defense - "Hey guys! Does anybody wanna switch to our team?"
  • Blippy Trance - "Welcome to the W.O.A.H. Bunch club!"
  • Hero Down - Played during a sped-up version of the Yoyle City overview scene from BFDIA 5e
  • Blippy Trance - Resumes during contest explanation.
  • Neon Laser Horizon - Played after the contest explanation.
  • Motivator - Played during Yellow Face's advertisement for the Revolutionary Headphones.
  • Childhood Memories of Winter - "Sorry Ice Cube."
  • Who Likes to Party - Played as FreeSmart drives around Yoyle City.
  • Quirky Dog - "So, this is Yoyle City's biggest building?"
  • Creepy Lullaby, A - "You're right Needle! We're going to be so well rested tomorrow!"
  • Ethernight Club - "Yo Team! I've been following these headphone's Spike balls and they led me to the perfect sleeping Place!"
  • Free by Kitsune^2 - "Well then, keep on craving because that app don't exist."
  • Moonlight Hall - "Pencil, be honest with me now. Have we spent the last hours just driving in circles?"
  • The Entertainer - "Welp, should we get some balloons from the balloon store, then?"
  • There It Is - "Wow! We're flying above so many historic Yoyle buildings right now!"
  • Quirky Dog - "I think I felt a 2nd raindrop."
  • Split In Synapse - "Oh no Pencil, what do we do?"
  • Blue Ska - Played when Team No-Name are in the fancy room of the Evil Here Hotel.
  • Hot Pursuit - "Oh my word, guys! We can't fall asleep underwater! We're so gonna lose!"
  • Gothamlicious - "Oh my gosh! It's FreeSmart!"
  • In a Heartbeat - "Katana!"
  • Alchemists Tower - "Hmm... Seriously? All I get is stick?!"
  • ??? - "Nighty-night, FreeSmart crew."
  • Our Story Begins - "Grr! If only we hadn't let them steal our blankets!"
  • Baby Music Box (Orange Free Sounds) - "Purple Face has all these boogers in his nose..."
  • The House of Leaves - "Evil Leafy!"
  • Pop Goes the Weasel - "Haha! WOAH Bunch is getting wet! WOAH Bunch is getting wet!"
  • Baby Music Box (Orange Free Sounds) - "Team No-Name is the first team to fully fall asleep, so they're safe."
  • Pop Goes the Weasel - "FreeSmarters, we can't keep up this rhythm forever!"
  • Doo Doo-Dee Doo (original music by jacknjellify) - FreeSmart's lullaby.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel - "But that means our last remaining team, WOAH Bunch, gets last place and is up for elimination!"
  • Gymnopédie No. 1 - "And our old friends Match and Bubble will love seeing what we're up to now."

Intruder Alert (BFDIA 7)[]

  • Ether by melodysheep - "We've got 17 contestants."
  • Wallpaper - "Speaker Box, why did you make such a fancy intro?"
  • Glitter Blast - "Definitely not illegal money laundering. It was my friend Lewis who just won the lottery!"
  • Burn The World Waltz - "That was absolutely horrendous TV."
  • Gymnopédie No. 1 - "Welcome to day 20 of our video diary! Hey, Bubble face! Check out the Yoy-rora boryoy-alis behind me!"
  • Vivacity - Plays during W.O.A.H. Bunch's Cake at Stake.
  • Motivator - Plays during the "You don't know anything! You're purple!" flashback.
  • Undaunted - Plays after flashback.
  • Childhood Memories of Winter - "Aww! Goodbye, my frisbee partner!"
  • Hyperfun - "That's not good! Shouldn't he go in?"
  • Doh De Oh - "Explain yourself!"
  • Nerves - "They're spinning the contest wheel! We need to get down there, now!"
  • Sneaky - "Wait, it's for FreeSmarters, you say? Well I'm a Team No-Namer now, but why don't I just-"
  • I Can Feel it Coming - Plays after Freesmart hits the ground.
  • Rocket - "Lalalalala!" It's just me, bombilating around!"
  • Beauty Flow - "But secondly, why are you here, Firey?"
  • Latin Industries - "Spongy-Cake, got any ideas?"
  • Motivator - Played during Yellow Face's advertisement on grape powder.
  • Porch Swing Days - slower (sped up) - Played when Team No-Name is walking to the Yoyle Woodlands.
  • A Singular Perversion - "Are we missing a few team members?"
  • Le Grand Chase - Played when Freesmart was trying to figure out what the contest was.
  • Arcadia - "It has been a lifelong dream of mine to conduct research on that rare mineral! Oh, what a marvelous day for science, it will be!"
  • Upbeat Forever - "200% off?"
  • Wallpaper - "There are only 5 minutes left!"
  • Enter the Maze - "Well if you wanna win, the challenge is to burn down Yoyle City!"
  • Killers - "Don't you think we should scale back on trolling FreeSmart?"
  • Klockworx - Plays when Firey Speaker Box rates everyone's Tiny Loser Chamber replacements.
  • Jellyfish in Space - Plays when Pencil confronts Firey Speaker Box, and when contestants are up for voting.
  • shirtsong (original music by jacknjellify) - Played during the credits.

Meaty (BFDIA 8)[]

  • Neon Laser Horizon - Played during the beginning of the episode.
  • Envision - "Whoa, guys, look! It's the smoldering remains of the aerospace plant!"
  • Stringed Disco - Montage of FreeSmart heading to the Clubhouse of Awesomeness.
  • Eliminating BFDI - Played when the lights of the Clubhouse of Awesomeness are turned on.
  • Bleeping Demo - "(gasp) They're not FreeSmarters!"
  • Disco Lounge - "Enough! So FreeSmart, your team of six failed to build a dungeon last episode..."
  • Black Vortex - "Wake up, Pence-Pence, wake up! Danger alert!" "If he wanted the Yoylite that badly, why didn't he just switch here?"
  • Man Down - "He must feel so isolated!"
  • Controlled Chaos - "Time to bring back an old host, then!"
  • Fig Leaf Times Two - Played at the beginning of the contest.
  • Neon Laser Horizon - "So WOAH Bunchers, it looks like our team color is... uh oh... purple."
  • Ether Vox - "Where are they? I'm sure they're coming back to save me!"
  • Le Grand Chase - "Book! Gimmie that laser shooter!"
  • Universal - Coiny meets BBQ Sauce at Gelatin's Shadeshouse
  • Club Seamus - BBQ Sauce's Steak Song
  • Fig Leaf Times Two - "Anyway, nice choice of sunnies!"
  • Childhood Memories of Winter - "I can't forgive him for throwing me on the spikes a few months ago!"
  • Neon Laser Horizon - "Pencil, may I have a word with you?!"
  • Le Grand Chase - Pencil starts shooting paint
  • Nerves - "We gotta stop FreeSmart's rampage!"
  • Neon Laser Horizon - "Alright Spongy, I type and you crank."
  • Mei's Theme - "Oh no Icy, it's just us two left for FreeSmart!"
  • Egmont Overture - "Well, here we are at Gelatin's Shadeshouse!"
  • Egmont Overture Finale - "Hmm, he must be somewhere around this side of the store, but I don't know exactly."
  • Living Voyage - "The team in second place is... well, let's see."
  • Ether Vox - "Oh my factory! I'm the star of the show, but I didn't even get to participate in today's contest?"

Catch These Hands (BFDIA 9)[]

  • Itty Bitty 8 Bit - Played during the Fourteenth Birthday intro.
  • Thief in the Night - "Hey Nickel! Enjoying being pink?"
  • Gothamlicious - Ruby barfs the paint
  • Secret of Tiki Island - "Phew! I feel a LOT better now!"
  • ??? - "The Clubhouse of Awesomeness is endangered."
  • Smoking Gun - Played during Cake at Stake.
  • Sneaky - "Wanna know why? It's because of my newest product, the Win Token Printer!"
  • Kool Kats - "The winner is Bomby!"
  • Smoking Gun - "NO WAY, I actually sound like Coiny!"
  • Some Amount of Evil - "So now the elimination is down to Spongy and Yellow Face."
  • A Singular Perversion - "Mwahaha! It is I, Purple Face, and I have stolen your Win Tokens!"
  • Gothamlicious - "Well, lucky for you, I'm planning on manufacturing a thousand more!"
  • Wallpaper - "Puffy, did you say "inspiring"? What about Yellow Face's death is "inspiring" to you?"
  • Happy Happy Game Show - As Puffball Speaker Box explains the 9th contest.
  • Enter the Party - "Wonderful. Then let's get started"
  • Take the Lead - "I'll take that as a yes."
  • Jaunty Gumption - "Did you really have to use such a sharp hook?"
  • The Builder - Played when the challenge begins.
  • Spazzmatica Polka - Played when Nickel acts out Evil Leafy.
  • Volatile Reaction - "Wait Spongy NO!"
  • Malicious - "Oh dear oh dear! They'd better get this! I'm elastic, but not this elastic!"
  • Five Armies - "Well... I've been trying to read lips ever since you and Firey left the team..."
  • Hyperfun - "Ooh, I know JUST what to do!"
  • Undaunted - "The end is near! I might have one more shot at this!"
  • Vivacity - “No way! Is that Bubble?”
  • Objectgroove Extreme (by Dane Trent "WoopDoo") - Dance montage
  • Malt Shop Bop - "I have to do the macaroni dance?"
  • Disco Lounge - "Well, Bomby, now it's down to you and me."
  • Sergio’s Magic Dustbin - "What could that be? Oh, Gelatin's the Sender Scoop Thrower!"
  • Pixel Peeker Polka - "What's that noise? It sounds chaotic."
  • Nerves - "My word is... acetylsalicylic acid?!"
  • Wallpaper - "You're bandaging your leg!"
  • Furious Freak - "Come on Gelatin, you have to get this!"
  • Ready Aim Fire - "I still can't see! I still can't read what my clue is supposed to be!"
  • Brain Dance - "What is Tennis Ball DOING?"
  • ??? - "Wait, what's going on with the moon?"
  • Wagon Wheel - Electronic - "YAY! My plan worked, and now I'm free from the trash compactor!"
  • ??? - Golf Ball gets crushed
  • Childhood Memories of Winter - "Oop! I just received intel that Coiny has finally asphyxiated to death in space."
  • In a Heartbeat - "I suppose. But besides that, don't you have another team member to save?"

Taste the Sweetness (BFDIA 10)[]

  • Dispersion Relation - "Hey guys, I had no idea we'd be the only ones to survive the trash compactors!"
  • Killers - "You broke the FreeSmart loyalty rule!"
  • Dispersion Relation - "All but three of us are dead, Puffy."
  • Good Vibe (by Infraction) - Played during the driving montage
  • Music to Delight (sped up) - Played during the recovery montage
  • Rising - "Team No-Name, you lost last time."
  • Local Forecast - "Welcome back, Coiny!"
  • ??? - "Whoa, check out this Swap Token, Golf Ball!"
  • Cold Funk - "In this challenge, you two teams will be making ice cream."
  • Frozen Star - "Alright, alright, I know many of us have not gotten along in the past."
  • Heroic Age - "Coiny, Ruby and Tennis Ball! You three will be in charge of making the ice cream!"
  • Limit 70 - "Did you hear the news little bro?"
  • Wallpaper (sped up) - Played during Barbecue Sauce and Pineapple's party.
  • Sergio’s Magic Dustbin - "Tear down the caution tape, boys!"
  • The House of Leaves - "Maybe Pineapple is right about you."
  • Son of a Rocket - "Brought your Ice Cube bowl up here? Why?"
  • Ice Cream, Yay! (by WoopDoo) - Pencil, Needle and Nickel post advertisements
  • Laconic Granny - "Needle, I have a mission for you."
  • Flying Kerfuffle - Coiny opens the vault door
  • Journey to Ascend - "Fries! Fries, Do you know where Bomby is?"
  • New Friendly - Base song for the dubstep remix.
  • Ultra Polka - "Mix, mix, mix, mix!"
  • Nonstop - "Hey Golfie, check this out!"
  • Childhood Memories of Winter - "We're drowning in customers!"
  • The Escalation - "Wait, our token! We could survive!"
  • Send for the Horses - Pineapple's Nervous Thoughts
  • Ultra Polka - "I'm so happy we cooked 500 gallons of ice cream. This will please everybody."
  • Rising Tide (faster) - The volume up button falls
  • Gymnopédie No. 1 - Played during the credits.

Lots of Mud (BFDIA 11)[]

  • Nerves - "Aw, I'm scared about the elimination, you guys!"
  • Hypnothis - "Welcome, Beautiful Face Devotion Institute."
  • Alchemists Tower - "Wait, before you remove my face, I want to say my final words!"
  • Gnarled Situation - "Well, not my problem. Coiny is safe with only 4000 dislikes."
  • Devastation and Revenge - "Spongy, you have been eliminated."
  • Thief in the Night - When Fries wakes up and runs back to Goiky.
  • Backed Vibes - "I'm back! I'm back! What did I miss?"
  • Kool Kats - "Let's call Puffy's most recent contact."
  • ??? - "One of Puffy's friends. I'd wager that a good host like her is friends with other good hosts."
  • Cloud Dancer - "Welcome to my So-Ha! Clothing Store!"
  • There It Is - "Oh my gumdrop, we really get to rip them off?"
  • Shaving Mirror - "W.O.A.H. Bunchers, we're going to search the lake!"
  • Immersed - "Wait, Cookie, what are those?"
  • Disco Lounge - "Hello, Flower." "Oh great, I told you, I locked my petals!"
  • Manic Polka - "Hey, give it back!"
  • Atlantean Twilight - "We're gonna get so much good luck, Vegemite!"
  • El Magicia - "WHOA!"
  • Son of a Rocket - "Alright girls, nothing's worked yet."
  • Rocket - "Got 'em!"
  • Militaire Electronic - Coiny runs back to the store
  • Ossuary 2 - Turn - "So the key's behind one of these doors, huh?"
  • Split In Synapse - "Coiny's got the key! Grab it!"
  • Prelude No. 1 in C, BWV 846 - Voting screen

Insectophobe's Nightmare 4 (BFDIA 12)[]

  • Kool Kats - "Done fumigating my store, Needle?"
  • RetroFuture Clean - "1, 2, 3, 4, who do we not adore?"
  • Cortosis - "Welcome to Cake at Stake, Less Restrained Less Dumb!"
  • Gothamlicious - Ruby zaps Pin
  • Nerves - "If you're safe, you'll get a luscious So Ha outfit."
  • Sunshine [sped up 80% and reversed] - "Now that it's final 11, we've reached the halfway point of the season!"
  • In a Heartbeat - "Silly Tennis Ball, a "bug" is just a technical glitch."
  • There It Is - FreeSmart chase Team No-Name to the hive
  • RetroFuture Clean - "I should get to know my new team."
  • Master of the Feast - FreeSmart and Team No-Name enter the bug hive
  • Rick Clarke: Trance1 Party People - "1-2-3-4-5-6-Wait, where does that hallway lead?"
  • There It Is - Coiny and Bomby chase Fries into Evil Forest
  • Malicious - "Throw Pin at the backpack!"
  • Our Story Begins - "I built a straw out of Yoylite to extract her antipoison."
  • Hustle - TB and GB start following the Fries Detector
  • Call to Adventure (Episode Mix) - Pan Flute's live performance

Well, Look Who It Is! (BFDIA 13)[]

  • Gibberish!! - TPOT intro fakeout
  • Fearless First - "Now that Flower's dead, wanna watch the Cake at Stake?"
  • Good Vibe (by Infraction) - Played when Needle, Ruby, and Ruby's sisters go to Yoyleland.
  • Hyperfun - "Pencil, Book, Fries, Coiny, Pin..."
  • Enter the Party - "Well, alright, but should we also recover Yellow Face?"
  • Cloud Dancer - "Wait, Pencil, Book, Ruby, don't any of you want to take me back?"
  • Overcast - "Well, now that we're free, wanna explore Yoyle City?"
  • Faster Does It - "Oh me like woodsicles, you guys, it's dinnertime!"
  • Journey to Ascend - "No, I swear I hear something..."
  • Local Forecast - "Oh my word, a loop-de-loop!"
  • Nonstop - "So Pencil, now that I'm a FreeSmart member, what perks do I get?"
  • Disco con Tutti - Played when Firey enters the Toilet Emporium.
  • Pixel Peeker Polka (faster) - Played when Firey, Ice Cube, and Rocky get in the Yoyle Transit Train.
  • Black Vortex - "Dig, Coiny, and you shall find me. Dig, Coiny, and you shall find me."
  • Five Armies - "Look Firey, we made it to the museum!"
  • Gymnopédie No. 1 - Played during the credits.

PointyPointyPointy ♫ (BFDIA 14)[]

  • Air Prelude - Played at the beginning.
  • Overcast - Plays when the elimination begins.
  • Robobozo - Pin was reverted back to her body from 2013 to Early 2014!
  • Malicious - "You need to stop violating Cake at Stake Etiquette, Pencil!"
  • Beach Party - Played after Book tries to eliminate Spongy.
  • Not As It Seems - "Hmm, it's one out of eleven, so, 9.090909 repeating percent."
  • Fearless First - "Like, now that stupid bozo brain bossy bot is gone, Spin the like, wheel to choose the challenge!"
  • Show Your Moves - "What bunk bed?"
  • Movement Proposition - Played when the challenge starts.
  • Dub Eastern - "I am Donut, first boot off of BFDIA."
  • RetroFuture Clean - "OH... SWEET!!!"
  • The Builder - "I built an ecosystem destroying oil rig to extract jelly filling as fast as possible!"
  • Sunshine (sped up 80% and reversed) - "Welcome, contestants! It is I, Dora. Take a Pillow."
  • Rocket - "We're flying, We're flying! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!"
  • Truth of the Legend - "FreeSmart's back!"
  • Cupid's Revenge - "Congratulations, Pencil has eaten an island."
  • Gonna Start v2 - ''Yay! FreeSmart's back!''
  • Ouroboros - "It doesn't look like it!"
  • Shiny Tech - "The FreeSmarters are getting away!"
  • Cool Hard Facts - "W.O.A.H. Bunch are building"
  • One-eyed Maestro - Fries steals Coiny and Pin's raft.
  • Constancy Part One - Fries and Puffball meet again.
  • Rising Tide (faster) - Pin is still singing her lullaby back at Puffball's island.
  • Dream Culture - "You can get in first TB, you earned it.
  • Militaire Electronic - "Yoylecake!"
  • Outfoxing the Fox - "And now it's time for us to get to the bunk bed we deserve!"
  • Needle's Lullaby - Needle sings her lullaby for Puffball.
  • Dragon Castle - "GRRRRRRRR.... THAT'S... ITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!"
  • Devastation and Revenge - "Ruby and Book, I have no remorse in saying that, you, are, up, for, ELIMINATION."
  • That Zen Moment! - Voting screen and credits

Spore Day (BFDIA 15)[]

  • Ether Disco - During the Blocky's Funny Doings commercial.
  • RetroFuture Clean - After the intro.
  • Stormfront - Playing during Cake At Stake.
  • Le Grand Chase - Ruby's Sisters start getting flinged to the TLC.
  • Mesmerizing Galaxy - "Quiet! Let's see what Book's prize is."
  • Constancy Part Three - Needle spins the contest wheel.
  • Ethernight Club - "Stand on the mats with the people you want to team with."
  • Casa Bossa Nova - "Eewwwww!"
  • Movement Proposition - Barf Bag explains the challenge.
  • Fantasia Fantasia - "So, you guys are my teammates now?"
  • Sneaky - Needle runs back to talk to Pencil about their alliance.
  • Getting It Done - "Don't worry, I'll swing with you!"
  • Cyborg Ninja - "Let's go get it!"
  • Movement Proposition - "Why don't we just grab theirs?"
  • Evil Plan - "I don't know, I feel bad stealing from pencil..."
  • Fuzzball Parade - Pencil tasting Fries' fries.
  • Shiny Tech II - "We gotta ambush them!"
  • Robobozo - "The Heart's snatched the only shrink ray!"
  • Werq - "Where could we find a shrink ray?"
  • Darkling - "Ack! What is happening now?!"
  • Destiny Day - "What a magnificent droplet of water!"
  • Yaderops - Nickel swims thru the droplet of water.
  • Mistake the Getaway - "Let me free, yeah yeah yeah!"
  • Exciting Trailer - Book lets Pencil inside of her pages.
  • Space Fighter Loop - "Book, you can do this, you deserve a victory to make your fellow stars proud!"
  • Tiny Teeny Creeeaaachures - Pin, Book, Pencil and Nickel swim thru the droplet of water.
  • Exotics - Lead paint falls into the bubble that Book, Nickel, Pencil and Pin are in.
  • Hot Pursuit - "Stars, we don't have much longer!"
  • Private Eye - "Where's Fries?!"
  • Danse Macabre - Contestants removing the lead from each other.
  • Waltz of the Flowers - When the members of The Hearts were removing protons from the atoms and throwing them at the other teams.
  • Dragon Castle - When the members of The Hearts are about to win.
  • Space X-plorers - Voting screen.
  • New Friendly - "HOMESTAR RUNNER IN SPORE!!!"

Respect to the Wicked (BFDIA 16)[]

  • ???? - Balloony tapes everyone in the LOL.
  • Chipper Doodle - Inside the birdhouse/In Balloony's eye
  • Digital Lemonade - Tennis Ball wins the prize.
  • Covert Affair - Back at the colosseum.
  • Prelude and Action - The elimination.
  • New Friendly - "Final 8!"
  • District Four - "Scavenger Tag"
  • Movement Proposition - Finding FreeSmart's van
  • Surf Shimmy - Pencil and Book take off with their van
  • Electric Cabello - "Let's go for one of the solos!"
  • Feelin Good - FreeSmart heads for the desert/Nickel chases the balloon.
  • Funky One - "Road trip vibes!"
  • Leopard Print Elevator - When FreeSmart and W.O.A.H. Bunch are at the gas station.
  • I Got a Stick [instrumental] - "I'm sick of this corn."
  • Doobly Doo - Fries encounters Evil Leafy.
  • Disco Lounge - FreeSmart arrives at the oasis.
  • The Cannery - "Stop her!"
  • ???? - Book drives underground and finds Fries.
  • In a Heartbeat - Book attempts to run over Fries.
  • Fig Leaves Times Two- Briefly heard when Book is flying through the giant ge
  • Grim Idol - Needle saves Pencil from being crushed.
  • Balloon Game - "Yay! You saved us! You saved us!"/"Boo... You failed us. You failed us."
  • ???? - Fries is "glowing".
  • Retrofuture Clean - "Let's take out TB!"
  • Nerves - "What on Earth is that hideous beast?!"
  • Truth of the Legend - Nickel harnesses the power of the storm.
  • Immersed - Voting screen and stinger.

Start the Shift (BFDIA 17)[]

Book spook

"Maybe I am doing something wrong." - Book, "Return of the Rocket Ship"
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  • Itty Bitty 8 Bit - Played during the Fifth (Fifteenth) Birthday intro.
  • Volatile Reaction - Played when Needle being chased by Evil Leafy
  • Good Vibe (by Infraction) - Played when Tennis Ball rides his bike across the Goiky Highway.
  • Summon the Rawk - "I think we all know what to do."
  • Hero Down - The Locker of Losers flies away.
  • Cipher - After the intro.
  • Chee Zee Cave - During the start of Cake at Stake.
  • Gnarled Situation - "Right you are! Take some cake!"
  • Funkorama - "Alright! Final seven, and the Bunch is still goin' strong!"
  • How It Begins - "So FreeSmart, how should we-? Oh yeah, i'm all alone."
  • Inner Light - "And it's worse for you because let's be honest, you could really use a shower!"
  • Aerosol of my Love - "Magazine Makeovers? Top floor!"
  • Basic Implosion - "Nickel! That Yoylite is not to be messed with!"
  • Poofy Reel - Played when Fries recovers Needle.
  • Werq - "Pan Flute? Weren't you dead?"
  • Flop - Played when Tennis Ball and Nickel travel to November 3rd, 2017.
  • Aurea Carmina - "Book! Come here! Come hang out with us FreeSmarters!"
  • Cart - Played when Tennis Ball and Nickel travel to January 10th, 2021.
  • Motherlode - Played when Fries and Needle look for Evil Leafy.
  • The Way Out - "See any Yoylite bits yet?"
  • ???? - "Coiny! You've doomed us!"
  • Storm - Played when Tennis Ball and Nickel travel to September 10th, 2024.
  • Ouroboros - Played when Needle chases Book.
  • Postehaste - Played when Tennis Ball and Nickel run up the stairs to find the Yoylite.
  • Cut Trance - "Here's... *pant* your... *pant* MUSICAL CAREER."
  • Past Sadness - "We may never cross paths with another Yoylite sample ever again!!"
  • Danse Morialta - Voting screen and stinger.


Welcome Back[]

  • Carpe Diem - "Welcome to Day 1127 of our video diary for today!"
  • Secret of Tiki Island - "Ruby! You forgot to remove the lens cap this time!"
  • Carpe Diem [sped up, pitch edited] - "Oh my bubble blower, I've got to eat this green gumdrop..."
  • Secret of Tiki Island (at 0:40) - "Hey, uh, Ruby, I hate to be too inquisitive, but..."
  • Blue Ska - Played multiple times in the episode, gets faster throughout the episode.
  • Suave Standpipe - "Our diary followers have no idea what's happened to us in the last three years."
  • Killers - Played when Pencil falls, and then at a lower pitch when Bomby explodes.
  • Rocket Power - "Sorry for annoying you earlier, Fries."
  • Floating Cities [sped up] - "But look at this place! It's got treasure just waiting to be stolen."
  • Giant Wyrm [sped up] - "I always wanted to know what it feels like to use this."
  • Quirky Dog - "Well, obviously you bring Snowball out first."
  • Leopard Print Elevator - "Do you have trouble deciding who to save from the Tiny Loser Chamber?"
  • Blue Ska (pitch edited) - Played at the end of this episode. ("See you in IDFB 2!")


  • Killers - Cake at Stake Music as of BFDIA 8-12