Mutilated body piles are a running gag in BFDIA and TPOT in which a group of contestants die from an intense form of impact (falling, crushing) ending with a distinct pile of their mutilated body parts.
- "Meaty": The pile is first seen after Fries knocks Pencil, Ruby, Tennis Ball and himself off the Eiffel Tower with his car.
- "Fishes and Dishes": Fries and Price Tag upon impact of ground.
- "Oneirophobe's Nightmare": Seen after the Team8s fall on Robot Flower, killing them all.
- "What's Up Bell's String?": After Needle, Donut, Barf Bag and Pen argue with each other, the moon rolls over them, causing all of them to get crushed and mangled.
- Needle, Donut, Fries and Barf Bag are the only contestants who got killed twice in this scenario.