Pen Island is a place in Pen's nightmare.
It's a light green/yellow grassed island, with orange and teal flora, and red stone mountains around it. It has a purple mailbox with an orange handle on a blue pole. It has a car dealership, restaurant, and a disco hall. It also has its own canal, though it could be a pond, river, or the ocean surrounding the island.
In "Bridge Crossing", when Eraser says he doesn't feel using the ropes to cross the bridge, Pen tells him he wants to win to get Dream Island, stating that if he did, he would name it with a big sign that reads "Pen Island" except with no spaces and all caps. He then tells Eraser that they go ahead and try to win it.
In "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", Pen, was skipping at Pen Island. Behind a bush was Are You Okay. Eraser thought that this was supposed to be Pen's nightmare but instead it looks like a dream to the former. Pen skips to his mailbox and was shocked at the letter because he was two hundred vigintillion dollars in debt and if he doesn't pay back then he will be in jail for 3 trevigintiilion years (3 x 10^72, or 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years).