Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

"This is shooting Pi's Team off like, a cliff, with my Not Cannon!"Match, "HELP US get to VIDCON 2019" (altered)
The subject of this article or section is non-canon. The events described did not happen in the official main BFDI universe.

I've met your team already so you can meet mine..!

Pi's Team is a team formed in "Pie Vs Pi: The Pi Day Massacre", in which it was made to defeat the opposing team, Pie's Team.

Character Placement Death Reason
Euler Euler's Constant 5th Euler's Constant was knocked unconcious and presumably killed from a flying brick while competing against Basketball in chess, who then rotated the board and pretended to have beaten them.
TauSilly Tau 4th Tau was accidentally stabbed by one of Pi's forks and imploded.
Surd Two Square Root of Two 3rd A small cloud of dust flew into Square Root of Two's eye, causing them to feel extreme pain and shrink into nothingness.
Pi-removebg-preview Pi 2nd After being trapped by Pie's blueberry filling, Pi was forced to divide by Zero and exploded.
Imaginary Number Imaginary Number 1st Despite not having a physical appearance, Imaginary Number is the only survivor from Pi's Team.


  • This is the first team to be made completely of Algebraliens.