These plates are items that appeared in "Fishes and Dishes" and The Seven Wonders of Goiky. Two bought six of them and they were used as items that the teams needed to retrieve after sinking in the Goiky Canal to win immunity.
They appear to be a blueish white colour with a lighter shine in the middle. They have grey outlines and they're round.
In "Fishes and Dishes", Two introduced the plates to the contestants so they could eat with them. Price Tag, Ice Cube, and Book showed interest in them, then Pillow smashes one. Two stops her from smashing the rest of them and tells Rocky to look after them.
After the elimination, Pillow cuts the Ramen Noodles that the contestants were attached to, making them fall into the pool, causing a big splash and washing away the plates. They roll down a hill with a ramp, land on clouds and fall into the Goiky Canal.
Two makes the episode's challenge to retrieve one of the five plates. Every team manages to bring one to Two, except for The Strongest Team on Earth. and Are You Okay, putting both of the teams up for elimination.