Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

The Robotic Fish Monster was created by Golf Ball and was meant to be used by Are You Okay, but was stolen by The Strongest Team on Earth. in "Fishes and Dishes".


It is a metal-plated machine meant to resemble a Fish monster. It is split into 4 segments, including the head, has three sets of wheels, a drill-like tail, a dorsal fin, blue eyes, and sharp teeth. The inside is many shades of green and comes with a ladder, a hatch to enter and exit, vents, and a device that translates speech for fish to understand.


In "Fishes and Dishes", Golf Ball laughs at the breathable bubbles that Basketball built, and presents her superior invention, the robotic fish monster. However, when Golf Ball isn't looking, The Strongest Team on Earth. steal her robot and use it for the challenge.

The team doesn’t make any progress with the machine until a Fish Monster appears, thinking that the robot is a real fish. Bell uses this opportunity to trick the Fish Monster into telling them where the plates are. Robot Flower says that they shouldn't use robotics to deceive others. When the team doesn't listen, she and TV set the robot to self destruct, causing it to stop functioning, fill with water and sink to the bottom of the canal. For whatever reason, the self destruct sequence doesn't appear to trigger any explosion, but the machine is blown up anyway when two breathable bubbles collide into it. In the stinger, the fish monster mourns the "death" of the robotic fish monster and leaves a flower on it.

