Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
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Everyone rejoices over Rocky's inability to vomit.

This page is about the relationships and interactions between Rocky and other characters.

Rocky does not often express either amity or hostility to his fellow contestants. However, due to his frequent barfing, many contestants find him disgusting, and therefore harbor (typically unrequited) hostility towards him.

However, his neutral and often static behavior also tends to make the contestants view him as inoffensive or unnoticeable, which would sometimes work in Rocky's favor. Examples include him being the second to last picked for a team in BFDI. He was unanimously voted to join the Squishy Cherries in BFDI 11, not because the members like him, but because they didn't want Golf Ball on their team. And he was the only one who didn't get a vote from the eliminated contestants in BFDI 21.


In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Announcer wanted Rocky to speak up during Rocky's turn, but Tennis Ball says that Rocky forgot how to talk in "Sweet Tooth".

In "Don't Lose Your Marbles", Rocky doesn't like the new elimination area and shows it by sadly barfing, but then pretends to like it when the Announcer says he was supposed to like it.

In "Rescission", after dodging the Announcer's shovels, he's killed by the Announcers acid tears.

In "The Glistening", when the Announcer asks who wants to go back to earth, Rocky raises his foot.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", when the Announcer reveals that he sold Dream Island, Rocky screams.


Main article: Balloony and Rocky
Relationship status: Friends

Barf Bag[]

In "Fishes and Dishes", Rocky and Barf Bag try to recover a funny plant by dousing it with vomit.


In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Bottle says that the sight of barf makes her wanna vomit. Rocky vomits in response and Bottle thanks him for doing it for her.

In "Gardening Zero", Rocky chases after a gum bubble with Bottle and Yellow Face.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", Rocky agrees with Bottle when she asks him and Ice Cube if they're worried about Yellow Face stealing limbs.

Relationship status: Friends


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Rocky barfs out a block for Clock, but Clock kindly disregards it, saying they don't need anymore blocks, making Rocky frown.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Rocky vomits on Clock.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Rocky vomits on Clock when he's eliminated.


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In "Don't Dig Straight Down", which is their first direct interaction, Cloudy asks Rocky if it's nice to be short (due to Balloony getting killed by the lava because he was the tallest) and Rocky makes a sound in agreement.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky makes a team with Yellow Face and Cloudy. During the challenge, Rocky barfs inside Cloudy when he falls into him.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Rocky can be seen smiling at Cloudy when Yellow Face checks to see how he's doing with the stage.

Relationship status: Friends


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In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Rocky barfs in Coiny's mouth. Coiny refers to Rocky as "it."

In "Well Rested", Coiny asks if anyone wants to switch to his team and Rocky agrees to switch by nodding four times. Coiny and Bomby happily welcome him to the team and carry him to the others.

Relationship status: Good terms


In "Fortunate Ben", Rocky barfs on David to wake him up.

Evil Leafy[]

In "Get in the Van", Rocky, Golf Ball, and Tennis Ball are chased and eaten by Evil Leafy.

Relationship status: Enemies


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Fanny and Marker decide to make use of Rocky's ability to vomit blocks and take him from The S!.


Rocky Vomits on Firey

In "Puzzling Mysteries", Rocky wants Firey to join his team.

In "Crybaby!", Rocky vomits on Firey during the handstand contest.

In "Lofty", Rocky barfs on Firey, who then remarks that Rocky has serious vomiting issues.

In "Don't Pierce My Flesh", Rocky vomits on the Firey Speaker Box, making Firey slap him.

In "Well Rested", Firey and Gelatin try to convince Rocky not to switch off their team, but Rocky doesn't listen.

In "Meaty", Firey decides to be friends with Rocky in the WTF after cursing Tennis Ball. Rocky makes a noise of acceptance.

In “Taste the Sweetness”, Rocky ties his legs with Firey and Gelatin’s.

Relationship status: Friends

Firey Speaker Box[]

In "Don't Pierce My Flesh", he vomits on the Firey Speaker Box and gets hit by Firey.

Flower Speaker Box[]

In "Don't Pierce My Flesh", Flower Speaker Box shows the votes, then Rocky gets eliminated by having 319 votes.


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky barfs on Foldy in order to make himself land on the building.


In "Get Digging", Fries gives Rocky a shovel and tells him to dig for ingredients; Rocky proceeds to do so.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3", Rocky eats one of Fries' poisoned fries and dies.


In "Get in the Van", Gelatin pushes Rocky, Golf Ball, and Tennis Ball off of Puffball. Rocky doesn't seem to mind this as he smiles during the fall.

In "Well Rested", Gelatin says that he finds the voting results interesting and Rocky makes a noise in agreement. Gelatin then laments the fact that Rocky still can't barf. Gelatin and Firey try to convince Rocky not to switch off their team, but Rocky doesn't listen.

In "Taste the Sweetness" Gelatin ties his legs together with Rocky and Firey's.

Relationship status: Possibly friends

Golf Ball[]

Golfball and rock

In "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Rocky is sad because Golf Ball gets mad at him for not doing his test.

In "Cycle of Life", when it's Golf Ball's turn to carry Rocky, Rocky barfs on her face and causes her to crash into a tree. Since Rocky doesn't run, he gets kicked by Golf Ball, and accidentally pops Bubble, hitting the tree before he walks slowly. Golf Ball gets angry before kicking Rocky for the second time, and Leafy catches Rocky, making the Squashy Grapes win.

In "Get in the Van", Rocky agrees to never switch from Golf Ball's team.

In "Well Rested", despite Rocky's promise, he switches from Golf Ball's team to join W.O.A.H. Bunch.

Relationship status: Possibly friends

Ice Cube[]

In "Power of Three", he vomits on Ice Cube.

In "Cycle of Life", he just happens to vomit on the slice on the wheel that Ice Cube was on.

In "Reveal Novum", Rocky barfs on Ice Cube, causing her to blink.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Ice Cube sits and stands on Rocky's head in several scenes.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Rocky can be seen sitting on Ice Cube when they arrive back to their team, along with Winner.

In "Fishes and Dishes", when Ice Cube says that the canal is now solid, Rocky barfs on her.

Relationship status: Neutral (BFDI)/Friends (TPOT+)


In "Cycle of Life", Leafy catches Rocky, who is kicked by Golf Ball, making the Squashy Grapes win.

In "Reveal Novum", Rocky barfs on a button and votes for Leafy to be eliminated in the contestant vote because of her arms.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", when asked who he'd like to win, Rocky vomits Leafy's shape.

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", he seems to be happy to join Leafy's team; he later vomits in her face.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", according to Leafy's chart, Rocky is the most loyal to her.

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Rocky is the only Beep contestant who doesn't back away from Leafy when she rejoins; Balloony pulls him away instead.

Relationship status: Friends


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Marker and Fanny decide to make use of Rocky's ability to vomit blocks and take him from The S!. When Yellow Face tells them to give Rocky back, Marker says that Clock said they didn't need his blocks. Rocky makes a noise in agreement. When Rocky kills Remote by vomiting acid on her, Marker tells Rocky that he can't be with them anymore, which makes Rocky sad.


In "Don't Dig Straight Down", when Naily suggests that Beep help break through the wall, Rocky starts to bang against the wall repeatedly until he dies.


In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Nickel points out how Rocky doesn't have a job yet.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Rocky eats Nickel in order to barf more acid.

Relationship status: Friends


The two almost never interact, their closest moment together was at the start of "Getting Teardrop to Talk", when Rocky accidentally made Pen trip.


Rocky and Pencil seem to have an ongoing conflict throughout the episodes.

In "Vomitaco", he's pushed into the giant barf bag when Pencil throws a bowling ball at him for filling the giant barf bag with actual vomit.

In "Reveal Novum", Rocky attempts to make Pencil lose the staring contest by vomiting in her face. Pencil ends up winning by throwing his vomit into his face.

In "Rescission", Rocky asks Pencil if she's glad that he didn't vomit on her, marking the first time he's spoken since BFDI 1. When Pencil asks if it feels weird to talk after going so long being silent, Rocky vomits on her.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", when Rocky's infinite matter generator is destroyed, Pencil says "Finally, no more vomit", Rocky responds by barfing a spike in her face.

In "The Long-lost Yoyle City", Pencil kicks Rocky into a Fish Monster's mouth, killing him.

In "Well Rested", Rocky happily greets Pencil before he's kicked to his death by her.

Relationship status: Enemies (On her side)


In "Get Digging", Rocky backs away when Pin asks if anyone wants to switch to their team.

In "Get in the Van", Rocky jumps over a knife that Pin threw.


Rocky and Puffball have never really interacted with each other. Their closest interactions are when Rocky gets on top of Puffball so she can fly the team to the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Rocky might be enemies with her as he is frowning when Puffball starts to shrink and makes him fall.

Relationship status: Possible enemies


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Rocky randomly vomits acid on Remote, killing her.



In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Rocky greets Snowball when Snowball shakes him awake.

In "Bridge Crossing", he's thrown into a gorge by Snowball where he presumably drowned.

In "Power of Three", Rocky spends the entire challenge being carried by Snowball.

Relationship status: Friends (on Rocky's side)


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In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Rocky, along with a lot of the other contestants, uses Spongy as a boat to ride to the finish line.

In "The Reveal". Spongy approaches Rocky and sits and Rocky vomits on his head, making them partners for the Frisbee challenge. They get second and both get 100 points.

In "Reveal Novum", they both vote for Leafy to be eliminated.

In "Return Of The Hand Glider" Rocky is seen standing on Spongy's head.

In "The Glistening", Rocky helps the others push Spongy into the ship to be used as fuel.

In "Get in the Van" Rocky looks sad after Spongy switches to the W.O.A.H. Bunch.

In "Well Rested" Rocky switches to the W.O.A.H. Bunch, and Spongy says he's happy that his former frisbee partner's back.

In "Intruder Alert", Spongy says bye to their former frisbee partner when Rocky is eliminated.

Relationship status: Best friends


In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Rocky is pushed off the balance beam by Teardrop, not that he cares.

Tennis Ball[]

Main article: Rocky and Tennis Ball
Relationship status: Friends


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky is held up by Tree so that he could use him to barf on Two.


In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky barfs on Two.

In "Fishes and Dishes", Two tells Rocky to protect the plates. Rocky responds by simply barfing on them. Rocky barfs on Two again after they say The S! is safe.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Rocky barfs on Two before Cake at Stake.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", when Two announces that Rocky is eliminated, he gets upset and he flutter jumps into the air and barfs somewhere, but is immediately stopped by Two, who doesn't want another situation like Lightning's elimination.


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", when Winner greets Rocky, Rocky smiles and vomits acid towards them. Winner takes this as Rocky greeting them back. Winner then attempts to recover Ice Cube but Rocky's acid keeps killing her. Winner tells Rocky that they have to find a way to neutralize it or nobody will be able to use the recovery center.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Rocky vomits on Winner.

Relationship status: Friends


Woody falling on Rocky

Rocky doesn't interact much with Woody. In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Woody falls on him and loses a chip.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", Rocky vomits on Woody and later cheers when Woody manages to get a ball in the basket.

Relationship status: Minor friends

Yellow Face[]

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Rocky, disguised as Puffball, barfs on Yellow Face. This gives him away as the impostor.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Rocky uses his foot to get Yellow Face's attention, as he wanted to team up with him and Cloudy.

In "Gardening Zero", Rocky chases after a gum bubble with Yellow Face and Bottle.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Yellow Face asks Rocky if he could fetch the chocolate ball for their cereal. Rocky agrees to help, but ends up slipping on the chocolate ball and vomits in the cereal.

Relationship status: Friends


In "X Marks the Spot", Rocky cheers when X is glued to the ground so he can continue as their host.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Rocky gets zapped by X.


While they never interacted its possible their relationship is neutral as they were both on the same team during Season 1

In "Sweet Tooth" Flower rates Rockys cake 10/10 and he's placed second place

In "Return Of The Rocket Ship" Flower with the rest of Iance blows the whole of Beep (including Rocky) into another hole

Relationship status: Neutral


Another Name[]

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Rocky causes their team to place second by vomiting in front of their path, causing them to slip.

Squishy Cherries[]

In "Crybaby!", he causes the team to get stuck in a large snowball when they hit him during the skiing contest. He later vomits on the team during the handstand contest.

W.O.A.H. Bunch[]

In "Well Rested", Rocky is given a warm welcome to W.O.A.H. Bunch by the team members. Except for Needle, who only smiles.

Death P.A.C.T Again[]

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Rocky doesn't mind when Marker and Fanny steal him from The S! because they appreciated his ability to vomit blocks. Rocky gets sad when the team decides that he can't be with them, due to him killing Remote with his acid.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Rocky barfs on Marker and Tree in the Yoyle Pit.

The S![]

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Rocky holds some resentment towards his team as shown through his angry expression when Marker tells Yellow Face that Clock said they don't need his blocks. By the end of the episode however, Rocky's anger is gone and he even makes his team win by vomiting their entire stack.

In "The Seven Wonders of Goiky", Rocky barfs on his teammates in the Yoyle pit.

Interactions with Everyone, Balloony, Tennis Ball
Others Rocky's vomit, Variations of Rocky