Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
24 pillow writing

"According to my research, Speaker Box (species) does a lot more than that!" — Pillow, "Fortunate Ben"
The page or section below contains speculation. Make sure to take unsupported or loosely supported statements with a grain of salt.

Speaker Boxes are speaker-like mechanical creatures. They possibly come from outer space. The most notable member of the species is the Announcer, but they come in many other variations. They are Sub-Species of Mechanical Minds.


Speaker Boxes are divided into two main parts: A body, which is a colorful geometric shape; and a "head", which is semicircle (the head is usually silver, but can be in any color). The head vibrates as the speaker box talks.


All Speaker Boxes speak English in a mechanical voice, with the ones who have owners (usually) speaking in voices similar to them. Speaker Boxes usually host competitions. They can do things that are impossible for objects. Speaker Boxes also have feelings, just like objects.

Speaker Boxes also have an affinity for money. They require currency to keep them on the ground, and they usually change things around to account for any budget cuts. As so, they are easily persuaded by money, such as when the Announcer sold Dream Island to Leafy.

Speaker Boxes also tend to be very fond of their owners (If they have any), to the point where Firey Speaker Box started crying and was unable to host because his owner was eliminated.



Speaker Boxes can cry, but when the Announcer does, he cries acid instead of regular tears. In "Meaty", however, Firey Speaker Box was seen crying normal tears, so the acid tears could be exclusive to the Announcer.


Speaker Boxes have at least one hand, but it isn't visible most of the time. They have 7 fingers in each hand, though this may be specific to the Announcer only. They also seem to have claw-like appendages at some points.

Notable Speaker Boxes[]



  • Thanks to Announcer's diary, some things about the Speaker Boxes are known.
    • They can't be on Earth without a built-in Earth attraction unit that keep them pulled to the Earth's core. If they lack one, or they don't maintain it, they will get sucked out of Earth and back to space.
      • However, the Speaker Boxes need to pay the costs to maintain it, which might explain their money-loving tendencies.
  • Their "home" is most likely the spaceship from "Return of the Hang Glider", though this could also just be a vessel to reach home.
  • Half of Speaker Boxes were dead and destroyed from Season 1, including Flower, Puffball, and Firey Speaker Box. Though may be recovered but never make an appearances.
  • It's possible the Puffball Speaker Box may not be a true speaker box, instead being more closely related to Puffball herself rather than the likes of the Announcer. It's also possible she is a hybrid.
    • "Get in the Van" refers to the PSB as a member "of the puffball species".
  • The video "BFDI's Road to Half a Billion Views" features Tennis Ball Speaker Box, which is actually Anouncer in Tennis Ball clothing.
  • The last page of Donut's Diary in "The Escape from Four" hints at an apparent connection between speaker boxes and numbers:

    "Dear Diary, today I experienced a feeling I never thought possible. I felt myself combine with the factor of four. Becoming a number revealed so much to me. I learned what's really inside the speaker box. It contains...It contains... Well, it's getting late. I'll tell you tomorrow, diary."


Speaker Boxes
AnnouncerFirey Speaker Box (clone) • Flower Speaker BoxPuffball Speaker BoxCircular Floating GlobeTriangle Speaker BoxHexagon Speaker BoxSpike Ball Speaker BoxOther variations of Announcer