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The information in the article below contains spoilers for the BFDI series. Please watch the episode(s) if you have not seen them yet.

This could absolutely destroy the fabric of reality itself!

"Start the Shift" (featuring Homestar Runner, The Duck Song, Clay O'Donnell, and JelloApocalypse) is the 17th episode of Battle for Dream Island Again, the 42nd episode in-universe, and the 87th episode overall. It was released back-to-back with "Seasonal Shift" on January 1, 2025, at 11:00 AM PST as the first part of The Shift. This episode also celebrates BFDI's 15th birthday (5th in-universe) on YouTube.





Team No-Name[]



W.O.A.H. Bunch[]

New & Improved Supershop[]


Characters seen via time travel[]

November 3, 2017[]

January 10, 2021[]

September 14, 2024[]


The episode starts with the birthday wheel celebrating the 5th anniversary of BFDI which begins to spin faster and turns into the title card.

Cold Open[]

Needle is shown running away from Evil Leafy in the Blue Mushroom forest underground until Tennis Ball is shown searching for her, where, using a Needle Finder, finds where Needle is, afterwards uses a magnet to bring her to the surface. Needle is excited to find Tennis Ball until she finds out that Tennis Ball only wanted to find Needle to add her to his bike. He uses a ramp to get over the broken Goiky Highway and make it to Yoyleland where he can recover everyone. Pencil, after being recovered, is angered by Pin's presence, until Balloony recommends it being time for Cake at Stake. The Final 8 are annoyed by Balloony so they try to get rid of him using Spongy who ends up being chopped into pieces by the propeller. Balloony recognizes he isn't wanted so and tries to fly away, but before he is able to, Tennis Ball asks him to get a new host, so Balloony calls his recent contact, being Firey, who Coiny slaps.

After the intro, the rest of the WTFers reveal themselves as other hosts. Ruby and Ice Cube reunite with FreeSmart. The former Team No-Namers also reunite with a hug, which Golf Ball is hesitant to join until Gelatin gets his grappling hook to make Golf Ball join the hug. Bomby also figures that he'd reunite with W.O.A.H. Bunch. Fries want to receive recognition after this They do a FreeSmart, Team No-Name, and W.O.A.H Bunch reunion, after this the WTFers reveal the WTF is in the middle of a pest infestation (Ruby's sisters), which Ruby proclaims her sisters are not pests.

Cake at Stake[]

The WTFers do a weird Cake at Stake intro before Firey reveals the vote count being 394,212 votes, and the cake is a birthday cake. Pencil is happy, but then Rocky barfs on the cake, making Pencil disgusted. Ice Cube asks who won the last challenge, in which Nickel claims he won. Ice Cube initially doesn't believe him, but Tennis Ball tells her that Nickel did win. Fries demands to know who won the prize, with Book questioning if it's her and Yellow Face Reveals that by a 3 vote difference, Fries wins the prize with a 50,420 votes, much to everyone's bemusement. After spinning the wheel, Fries has to decide between Immunity into the Final 6 or the Removal of a Contestants Existence. After getting immunity Fries gets some Cake, the 2 boys not safe (Tennis Ball and Nickel) are revealed to be the first two safe, having 6879 votes and 8414 votes, respectively. Coiny tries Hi-5ing Tennis Ball, but slaps him as he has no arms. Tennis Ball kicks him as a response, and the two get splattered in cake. Needle (W.O.A.H Bunch) has 10,303 votes and Book has 13,374, Ruby has distain at the fact that Pin is the next safe with 13,463 votes. The bottom 2 is revealed to be Freesmart Needle and Pencil, Firey and Gelatin draw the votes for who is out and who is safe, Pencil is out with 20,411 vote, Needle stays with 18,780 votes. Freesmart is devastated, and then Pencil demands the elimination prevention plan to be activated. Book and Needle cover her in tape, chains, and a giant metal box. Ruby then asks her if she doesn't want to host, in which Pencil realizes she could and breaks through the box. She then asks what she can do as host first, but Ruby insists she doesn't interrupt the team switching.

Team switching[]

Coiny remarks WOAH Bunch is still going strong in the Final 7 and the team Hi-5s. Book then Hi-5s Needle and claims FreeSmart is still up and running. Pin then proclaims that FreeSmart is dead without their leader Pencil. Book denies it, but Pencil confirms it. Book wants herself and Needle to keep the Freesmart name alive. Needle suggests continuing to play for both teams, which Coiny and Pin deny. Book says the act almost got her out and should pick a side. WOAH Bunch and Book fight about who should get Needle, pulling her arms. Tennis Ball joins the fight, pulling her legs, and wants to reunite the Quasi-rhombicosidodecahedrons. Nickel also joins. Having enough of this, Needle decides to join Fries' team, becoming FriesMart.


The Challenge is revealed to Be Your "Truest Self", where the contestants have to revert themselves back to how they've originally looked. Golf Ball announces that she's built a scanner that will reveal everyone's true appearances as a reference, as well as check whether that person is currently their truest self. If the scanner deems that every team member is their truest self, their team will win. Book interjects to ask, "What if I already look like my truest self?" which is followed by a cloud of every eliminated contestant piling onto book to change her appearance. When the cloud settles, Book's cover is painted and barfed on, to which Golf Ball remarks, "Problem solved." Nickel further interrupts Golf Ball, asking what would happen if they are already happy with who they are, to which Golf Ball clarifies that they can just scan themselves immediately. However, it is revealed that Nickel does not, in fact, like his current appearance, making the question seem pointless.

Upon Golf Ball starting the competition, all the eliminated contestants crowd into the WTF. Meanwhile, Book asks Freesmart about strategy, before remembering that she is the last remaining Freesmart member. Coiny licks all the cream off himself, getting approved by the scanner. On the other hand, Tennis Ball remarks that it is difficult to get the cake splatters out of his fuzz.

Needle scans herself, to which the scanner approves. However, when she tries to scan Fries, the scanner objects due to his glowing, blue appearance. Tennis Ball smugly remarks that Needle could kill and recover Fries to restore his appearance, which Needle and Fries think is a good idea. When asked how he would like to die, Fries replies, "Big Block!" while he's holding a large square stone. The stone rotates and crushes Needle under its weight, with Fries pivoting it until it crushes him into a blue, gooey mess. Coiny says that they will not be recovering Needle and Fries.

Pin says how she cannot be her true self without her limbs, when Coiny points out that they only need to make it look like she has her limbs back, rather than actually getting new limbs. Although, Coiny admits he does not know how to do that. Book thinks aloud about how she is alone on her own team, as well as being the most splattered and mangled person there, to which Nickel points out Fries' splattered and mangled body. Book says that she is so disheveled that she would need a superstore's worth of makeovers, when a superstore conveniently pans into view.

Tennis Ball gets frustrated over the wiping not getting rid of the cake splatters, throwing his towel away into the distance. Meanwhile, Coiny and Pin are at a steep ledge, disassembling Pin's state-of-the-art mech suit, when Pin is knocked off the cliff by Tennis Ball's handkerchief. Tennis Ball replies that he would never purposefully hurt someone, when Nickel's sudden appearance onto the scene causes Tennis Ball to kick him away. Nickel asks what is the matter, with Tennis Ball continuing to get frustrated over his cake stains. Nickel remarks that he needs a "little something" from him, that being, the triangular section of Nickel stuck to the back of Tennis Ball. Nickel tries to steal it, but Tennis Ball spins around before he can reach it, causing Nickel to chase Tennis Ball's back. Tennis Ball suggests a trade, to which Nickel presents a Yoylite straw to sip the cake out of him. Tennis Ball, seeing the significance of the Yoylite, asks Nickel to be careful.

Books uses the mall's elevator to reach the top floor of the New & Improved Supershop - Magazine Makeovers. Book tells an employee, Mirror, how her cover is battered and her pages are disorganized. Mirror tells Book how it would be a challenge, but they could do it, when another worker, Spool, informs Book how they're all out of paper due to busy business. Book argues, but Mirror tells her about the print store on the floor below which sells paper. Book thanks them, but when she leaves, Spool tells Mirror about how hard the "extreme quest" they send Book on would be.

Tennis Ball continues to tell Nickel how important and special the Yoylite is, as well as the dangers of it. He says to Nickel how his "straw" can alter the fabric of reality itself with a single movement, when Nickel starts mocking his speech. Meanwhile, the giant rock which previously squashed Fries floats up into the sky as Fries' corpse reassembles itself, almost as if time itself reversed. However, the rock falls back down, crushing Fries once more. Still, his crushed remains move aside to assemble next to the rock. This phenomenon fascinates Tennis Ball who remarks that the time-bending and regenerative properties were caused by Fries consuming underground algae previously. Tennis Ball wonders if he could utilize that property to reverse the stain on his side, tearing off one of Fries' blue fries to do so. Tennis Ball starts to combine the algae with the Yoylite. Fries talks about how if he cannot die, he cannot become red again, to which Tennis Ball sarcastically suggests that Evil Leafy should take over his body to become red. Fries, however, sees this as a good idea.

Fries recovers Needle and tells her the plan to make him red again. Needle asks how they would find Evil Leafy. Fries attempts to call Evil Leafy, to no answer. The scene cuts back to Pin, who is falling down the cliff, and Coiny, who is using the mech suit to chase her down the side of the cliff. Coiny reaches the bottom and tries to catch Pin, when Pin instead crushes Coiny, in the process obtaining her mech suit. Pin remarks how soft her landing was, when she notices a Yoylite Mine.

In the superstore, Book hurries down the escalator to the Print Store right below Magazine Makeovers. Running the store is Pan Flute, who Book thought was dead. Pan Flute reveals that his entire orchestra is dead and that his concert had a bug infestation, causing the end of his career. Book asks for paper, to which Pan Flute suggests that if she can get his career back, he will give over the paper. Book remarks how the deal is lopsided, but complies. She goes downstairs once more to the Career Advisor's store run by Awesome iPod. She asks for a musical career, to which iPod asks for a fruit cup from downstairs. Book rushes down to the Fruit Cup store, operated by a sliced-up Pineapple, when Pineapple asks for a first aid kit from downstairs yet again. This cycle repeats with the "1st Aid store" to "Prop5ller Cap's Buzzerz" to "Cow Lamps" to "got any wings?" to finally, "Ice Fresh Lemonade" on the first floor. The owner of the store, Soda, asks for Fries, which Book says she can actually get.

Tennis Ball is done rolling his Yoylite Straw into a rock, injecting it with a syringe containing Fries' blue algae. He hooks the Yoylite up into a machine that shoots out focused beams of Yoylite-Algae energy. He uses this invention to reverse the splatters on him. Tennis Ball is about to scan himself, when Nickel bites his back containing Nickel's triangle chunk. This causes Tennis Ball to slip, falling onto the machine and making them disappear.

The screen fades to black before revealing the date "November 3rd, 2017," the date of BFB 1's premier. Tennis Ball and Nickel appear in front of Gelatin's fork stack. Tennis Ball remarks how advanced the stack's architecture, deducing that they must be at most 3 years in the future. Nickel wonders where his chunk is, when the camera pans upwards where his chunk is perched atop the stack. Tennis Ball goes on about how important it is to return to their time, so that they don't get spotted by anyone in the future. However, he gets noticed by future Donut and Bottle, who ask him if he was always there. Tennis Ball stresses that Donut must be seeing things, before noticing that Nickel has climbed up the stack of forks to try get his chunk. Tennis Ball tells Donut not to worry about a thing, when Nickel inserts the chunk into his face and falls off onto Tennis Ball's Yoylite machine. The fall makes Tennis Ball and Nickel disappear again, to which Donut asks Bottle if they saw that as well. Bottle agrees, which sparks a conversation which is seen again in BFB 1.

Back in the present, Book rushes out of the store to try get Fries when she is caught by the eliminated Freesmarters in the WTF. Ruby asks Book to hang out, which Book agrees to despite being in the middle of the challenge. Nearby, Fries attempts to get Needle's attention before finally calling her "Needy," to which she reacts to. Fries tells her that they need to find Evil Leafy. Pencil, noticing this, slides over a Leafy detector to try bring them to Evil Leafy. Meanwhile, Book mentions how she's trying to get a makeover from the superstore, when the rest of the Freesmarters get enthusiastic and rush into the store. Fries notices Needle's leafy detector and uses it, with the detector pointing towards Yoyle City. Book chases after them, attempting to get Fries.

Pin and Coiny stare at the Yoylite Mines. Coiny remembers that Yoylite is a super-powerful rock that Tennis Ball is obsessed with, and theorises that they could use it to get Pin's limbs back and win the challenge. Coiny carries Pin into the mines, saying that he's "sure there's loads of leftover Yoylite in there."

The screen cuts to black again before revealing the date "January 10, 2021." The scene is of an orange room in the Hotel, where a hole is pierced in the wall from Pin's point. Tennis Ball and Coiny appear suddenly in the room, Nickel being sat right in front of the hole. Tennis Ball notices the kitchen, saying how they're not meant to be in there. Just then, Needle's end pokes through the hole due to Barf Bag's wall-climbing, perfectly knocking Nickel's chunk out of his face. The chunk bounces up the stairs, with Tennis Ball threatening to leave without him, Nickel points out that relics of the past should not be left in the future, however, and so Tennis Ball reluctantly agrees to chase the chunk. They run past Rubber Spatula, who notices Future Nickel stuck in the elevator shaft, offering to help his "best mate Nickel." Then, BFDIA Nickel runs by, questioning who Rubber Spatula is, with Tennis Ball adding that they are simply passing through. Nickel finally captures his Chunk, with Tennis Ball using the Yoylite once more to disappear.

In the present, Needle and Fries follow the beam created by the Leafy Detector. Needle tells Fries how, despite her W.O.A.H. bunch loyalty, she felt great being a FreeSmarter and even Tennis Ball's partner. Fries, however, doesn't care, as he did not listen, to Needle's annoyance. Meanwhile, Book constantly appears and disappears from various aspects of the background, stalking Fries. Fries informs Needle that Evil Leafy is down the road they're on, when Needle realizes how it'd be hard for Evil Leafy to get from the underground mushroom cave all the way to Yoyle City in under a day. Just then, Fries talks about needing a better vantage point, saying that they should climb a nearby tree to do so. At the top of the tree, they realize it's "unfathomably short," and that they cannot see anything. All of a sudden, Book steals Fries from the tree, with Needle giving chase to her afterwards. After everyone leaves the tree, it continues rustling, as if someone is inside.

Back in the mines, Pin and Coiny explore the cave. Pin uses her rockets as a light source, which leads them to a large minecart filled with Yoylite. Coiny looks further down the mineshaft, where Evil Leafy suddenly appears. They try to escape, but Coiny trips and lets the rocket loose, causing it to explode the entrance and block it off. Pin yells about how there is no escape, when Coiny turns on Pin's remaining rocket, causing Pin to spin and drill upwards.

Once more, the screen cuts to black before the words "September 14, 2024" appear. Tennis Ball and Nickel appear again in the hotel, to Tennis Ball's dismay. Nickel notices the hole in the wall made by Robot Flower, as well as the massive thunderstorm and the swarm of bugs on the ground outside. Tennis Ball wants to leave without disrupting anything, but Nickel suggests they should stay in hopes of controlling the storm. Tennis Ball reminds him that he could lose his chunk again. Despite this, Nickel sternly tells the storm to leave, causing the storm to strike lightning at Tennis Ball. Tennis Ball loses his Yoylite, which flies to the roof. Tennis Ball tells Nickel that they should run to the roof to get the Yoylite, so they exit the room into the hallway. Despite Tennis Ball's instructions to not make contact, Nickel talks with Kitchen Sink, calling them a bathroom sink. Tennis Ball grabs Nickel and heads towards the stairs.

In the present time, Needle chases Book and Fries before getting interrupted by a crack which forms in the ground. Out of the crack pops out Pin and Coiny with their stash of Yoylite. They fall to the ground, the Yoylite getting stuck in Fries. Coiny remarks how no one has made any progress, to which Book yells "Not for long!" Book rushes towards the superstore. Pin and Coiny chase after Book because all the Yoylite is stuck in him, with Needle giving chase to Fries because he's her teammate. Meanwhile, Evil Leafy escapes the hole Pin made in the ground, with Needle confused on why the detector pointed at Yoyle City.

Book enters the store and gives Fries to Soda, who hands her the lemonade. However, the elevator she previously used to get up is now out of order. Ruby admits it is her fault as she jumped through the floor of the elevator, breaking it. Hence, Book is forced to take the escalator. However, the "up" escalator is also out of order, forcing her to run up the "down" escalator. Coiny steals Fries from Soda, who yells that he's been robbed. However, Needle takes back Fries, who gets him possessed by Evil Leafy. As she runs towards the scanner, Book gives the lemonade to Grape, who gives her wings. Book runs up again, giving the wings to Mr. Cookie, with Icy cheering her on. She gives the cow lamp she got to Propeller Hat, repeating the cycle for each of the various floors with Freesmart members cheering her. She gets a stack of papers titled "Musical Career" before climbing the escalator to Pan Flute's Print Store.

Nickel and Tennis Ball run up the stairs of the hotel, with Nickel calling a bug to follow him up the stairs. Tennis Ball calls Nickel to keep climbing, so they continue upwards. Meanwhile, we see a glimpse of Future Tennis Ball chasing the bug alongside Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again, with Future Tennis Ball intentionally slipping down the stairs. At last, BFDIA Tennis Ball and Nickel retrieve the Yoylite, with Tennis Ball saying how they should be careful when creating a portal back to their era. On the contrary, Nickel hastily grabs the Yoylite and makes a circular motion with it. Tennis Ball is worried by this, however, Nickel manages to create a successful portal. Nickel comments on how uncontrollable the storms of the future are before heading inside. Now back in their time, Nickel remarks how much strife the Yoylite has causes them, kicking it back into the future. Tennis Ball is left speechless, with Nickel going to the scanner to complete the challenge.

An exhausted book hands the musical career over to Pan Flute, who gives her paper in return. Finally, she arrives back at Magazine Makeovers. Mirror is impressed by her resilience, agreeing to do the makeover with the new paper. Spool asks how she would like her cover to look, with Book replying "Two-toned, green and blue." Meanwhile, at the scanner, Needle, with Fries, and Nickel race towards the scanner. Nickel is in the middle of his scan before Needle kicks him out, also knocking his chunk out of his face. She scans Fries instead, however, the scanner says that Fries does not look like his true self. Gelatin comments on how possessed Fries doesn't look like regular Fries at all. Needle is annoyed by this before Evil Leafy comes out of Fries to chase her. At the same time, Book emerges from the New & Improved Super Shop, ready to scan, with a pink makeover cloud surrounding her. However, when she scans, the scanner declines. Confused, she asks what is wrong. Pencil tells her that her cover is backwards, with blue on the spine rather than green.

Tennis Ball rushes in to scan himself, however, he trips on Nickel and rolls into Fries. Upon landing on Fries, they explode. Book, confused, asks what happened, to which Golf Ball states that the explosion was due to a chemical reaction between Fries' Yoylite and Noctiluca Yoylean Mushrooms due to Tennis Ball's high-speed impact. Then, Golf Ball realises that there were Yoylite samples in Fries that were not taken care of properly, angering her due to its rarity. Coiny remarks that Pin can't get her limbs back without Yoylite, before Golf Ball clarifies that Yoylite cannot regrow limbs, asking Coiny where he got that idea from. Pin dodges the question, asking what they should do for the challenge if she can't get limbs back. Then, coiny gets the idea to hide behind Pin and pretend his limbs are hers. They get onto the scanner, facing pin upwards at the scanner to not reveal Coiny. Surprisingly, this tricks the scanner which allows W.O.A.H. Bunch to win the challenge, Nickel still chasing his bouncing chunk in the background.


Pencil, Ruby, and Ice Cube leave the superstore with goodie bags. Pencil remarks how fun shopping was and that living in the WTF may not be so bad after all. Ruby then says she wants to take Pencil to see her own "room", which she set up for her. Pencil gets confused, and Ruby excitedly drags her along to the WTF whilst Ice Cube strolls behind. Ruby wants to have a slumber party and suggest they go looking for gumdrops and record video diaries. Suddenly, Leafy appears next to Icy. The screen fades to black with the message, "Thanks for 15 years!"

Meanwhile, in the year 2024, the yoylite bounces and lands on the ground after the storm. Tennis Ball walks upon it and recognizes it as his yoylite from all those years ago. He takes it to Golf Ball's Factory and figures it landed after Nickel disposed it after time traveling. Golf Ball finds it interesting and says that they must protect it before anything happens, like last time. Tennis Ball proceeds to build a glass cage for the yoylite and puts it inside, ending the episode.

Still in the Running[]

 Ice Cube
 Golf Ball


Icon Contestant Likes Dislikes 👍/👎 Like % Dislike %
TennisBallIconEp16A Tennis Ball 50,417 6,879 7.33 17.33% 5.09%
CoinyIconEp16 Coiny 36,595 8,414 4.60 12.61% 6.83%
FriesIconEp16 Fries 50,420 9,754 (immune) 5.17 17.33% 6.62%
BookIconEp16 Book 33,186 10,303 3.22 11.42% 8.12%
NeedleIconEp16WB Needle (W.O.A.H. Bunch) 34,779 13,374 2.60 12.04% 16.77%
BFDIA 16 Pin Voting Icon Pin 35,046 15,463 2.27 11.96% 14.07%
NeedleIconEp16FS Needle (FreeSmart) 26,898 18,780 1.43 9.24% 21.67%
PencilIconEp16A Pencil 23,493 20,411 1.15 8.07% 20.82%
Total: 394,212 290,834 99,912 27.77 100%


  • A prize wheel better than this one
  • Every prize from every wheel combined into one
  • $1,912,902,658
  • Become a recommended character
  • Become a low-quality bitmap image
  • Another Obelisk
  • Immunity into the final 6 (chosen) or the removal of a contestant's existence
  • Obliteration of any planet


  • Speedrunning contest
  • Defeat the tickle monster
  • Be your truest self (chosen)
  • Stand still and do nothing for 79 hours
  • Booger eating contest
  • Stop a giant robot rabbit from terrorizing a city
  • Sword fight in the skies
  • Ponder your own existence without having a mental breakdown
  • File taxes

Challenge progression[]

Work in progress

Team Strategy Place
NewWBLogo Coiny immediately licked all of the cake frosting off of himself. As for Pin, she and Coiny stumbled upon a Yoylite mine which they believed would have enough Yoylite to bring Pin's limbs back. After an encounter with Evil Leafy, the two were trapped in the mine until they used Pin's single rocket to blast back up to the ground. The Yoylite chunks they collected landed inside of Fries, and so Coiny and Pin chased after him until they learned that Yoylite could not bring limbs back. Coiny eventually held Pin up to the scanner in a way that made it seem like Pin had limbs, deeming the team as safe. 1st (won)
FreeSmartNewLogo Book enters a superstore in an attempt to fix the mess that the WTFers had made to her appearance. However, she goes on a wild goose chase to get something for the owners of every store on each floor. Eventually after her quest, she is able to get a makeover and be fixed. However, it turns out that her cover had been printed backwards, resulting in her colors being swapped.
FRIESMART LOGO Needle quickly scans herself after Coiny as she was the only one untouched initially. From there, progress slowed as Fries was still blue from the dirt he ate in the previous episode. At first, they tried killing and recovering him via a big block falling on him, but he accidentally crushed Needle before crushing himself. Then, he found out the dirt he ate had special time-reversal properties, causing his body to regenerate next to the rock. This also meant he was unable to die, meaning they'd have to find another strategy. Tennis Ball joked that he should get Evil Leafy to possess him, a suggestion he took seriously. After recovering Needle, they would get a Leafy Detector silently provided by Pencil, which they use to try track down Evil Leafy. However, before they could, Book takes Fries and trades him to a worker at the New & Improved Super Store. Needle takes him back just as Evil Leafy escapes from the hole dug by W.O.A.H. Bunch, getting him to possess Fries. However, the scanner does not accept Fries as looking like "his true self," as he does not look exactly like regular Fries.
NickelTeamIcon Nickel attempts to get his chunk back from Tennis Ball's back, only resulting in them landing on Tennis Ball's Yoylite time machine and travelling to the future. There, he spends most of his time trying to get his chunk back. Eventually, he returned to the present time. However, before he could scan himself, Needle pushed him out, knocking the chunk out of his face once more. In the end, W.O.A.H. Bunch managed to scan before he could.
6FE4262E-FDC5-43E2-B7B0-C73169E43A46 After recieving a Yoylite rock from Nickel, Tennis Ball fuses it with Fries' Noctiluca Yoylean specimins to create an invention which can alter the flow of time. He initially uses it to clean his cake splatter, but after Nickel bites his back and makes him stumble onto the machine, him and Nickel travel into the future. Here, he has to deal with Nickel's shenanigans in each timeline, including the retrieval of his Yoylite after Nickel made a storm strike him with lightning. After they get back to their time, Nickel throws his yoylite away. Before Tennis Ball can scan himself and win, Nickel makes him roll into Fries, causing his death due to an explosive reaction from Fries' Yoylite and Noctiluca Yoylean mushrooms.


Note: names in italics indicate the actor was a guest star.

  • Michael Huang - Coiny, Fries, Book, Pencil, Golf Ball, Firey, Yellow Face, Donut
  • Cary Huang - Pin, Tennis Ball, Ruby
  • Adam Katz - Nickel
  • Ian Woodside - Gelatin
  • Kenzie Byrant - Needle and Ice Cube
  • Satomi Hinatsu - Bomby, Balloony and Bottle
  • Cormac Oliver - Kitchen Sink
  • Sam Thornbury - Rubber Spatula
  • Braden Whiteside - Bugs (uncredited)
  • Brendan Blaber - Bandy Aid
  • Bryant Oden Great - Grape
  • Clay O'Donnell - Mirror
  • Rosie O'Donnell - Spool
  • Kevin MacLeod - Pan Flute
  • Matt Chapman - Propeller Hat, Mr. Cookie and Soda
  • Noodle - Awesome iPod
  • Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell - Pineapple


  • Created by:
    • Cary Huang
    • Michael Huang
  • Writing:
    • Joseph Pak
    • Michael Huang
    • Sam Thornbury
  • Directing:
    • Joseph Pak
    • Michael Huang
  • Storyboarding:
    • Anthony Acedo
    • Benjamin Cross
    • Carson C. "Pancaiks&Butter"
    • Chelsea Winters "Wuggolo"
    • Daniel Adam Valle
    • Joseph Pak
    • Michael Huang
    • PuppyRelp
  • Audio editing:
    • Benjamin Cross
    • Braden Whiteside
    • Daniel Booth
    • Griffin Weber
    • KaLegend
  • Voice processing:
    • Benjamin Cross
    • Braden Whiteside
  • Prop and background artists:
    • Aidan L. "Aidae"
    • Carson C. "Pancaiks&Butter"
    • Chelsea Winters "Wuggolo"
    • Hariom Pandya
    • Joseph Pak
    • Lazlo T. "TopHatTheHat"
    • Lmadbro
    • Michael Huang
    • Punch-holer
    • Superu
    • Zak Friedland
  • Recommended character designers:
    • Carson C. "Pancaiks&Butter"
    • Dawn Shimizu "Shimzo"
  • 3D animation:
    • Ryan Dietrich "SirRyan18"
  • Logo animation:
    • VictorRucX
    • BleachFX
  • Animation:
    • Aidan L. "Aidae"
    • Alem Hadzic
    • Allen Lee "Allenimations"
    • Anthony Acedo
    • Benjamin Cross
    • Chelsea Winters "Wuggolo"
    • Cormac Oliver
    • Dawn Shimizu "Shimzo"
    • Diego De La Torre
    • Doug F. "N64dude2000"
    • Filip K. "Khoreo"
    • Gabriel B. "G4bo"
    • Griffin Weber
    • Jackie Skinner "chortle"
    • Joseph H. "Spherigon"
    • Joseph Pak
    • Neilizza Silva
    • Xander Archibald "Xananer"
    • Zak Friedland
  • Animation revisions:
    • Joseph Pak
    • Braden Whiteside
  • Video editing:
    • Joseph Pak
  • Music:
    • Kevin MacLeod
    • Michael Huang
    • Elias A. "Coal Bones"



  • This is the first BFDIA episode to be released in 2025.
    • In-universe, it is the first BFDIA episode of 2015.
    • It is also the first BFDI episode overall to release in 2025.
    • It is also the first BFDI episode to release in a year with the digit 5 in the year number.
    • It is the fifth episode to release on New Year's Day, the other four being "Take the Plunge: Part 1" (2010), "Take the Plunge: Part 2" (2010), "Don't Lose Your Marbles" (2011) and "Return of the Hang Glider" (2012). In general, BFDI 25 was meant to be the last episode to release on January 1st until this and "Seasonal Shift" were released, exactly 13 years later.
    • Pencil is the first ever contestant to be eliminated in 2025.
      • In universe, Pencil is the first ever contestant to be eliminated in 2015.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode to be released on New Year's Day.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode to have writing in the thumbnail, not counting the FreeSmart SuperVan's writing in the thumbnail of "Well Rested" or the pages in "Taste the Sweetness".
    • This also doesn't count BFDIA 5b's promotional video.
    • This is also the first episode canonically to have writing in the thumbnail.
    • This is also the only BFDIA Episode to have a number in the thumbnail.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode not written by Cary Huang.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode (not counting "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3" and "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4") to not have the title said in the episode.
    • It's the second BFDIA episode to not have a character say the title (again not counting anything from the Insectophobe's Nightmare series), as in "Spore Day", the title was said by Michael Huang during the vinyl promotion rather than the title being said in the episode itself.
  • This episode has the fourth consecutive BFDIA thumbnail to feature a coin character, with Coiny appearing in "PointyPointyPointy ♫" and "Respect to the Wicked", and Nickel appearing in "Spore Day".
  • This is the first episode where the challenge takes place in Yoyle City since "Intruder Alert".
  • This episode has the most votes in BFDI history, being 394,212.
  • This is the first and only episode to release alongside a TPOT episode.
    • Additionally, this episode had multiple scenes of Tennis Ball and Nickel in TPOT.
  • The teaser references "Zeeky Boogy Doog"'s thumbnail, with a small Woody appearing.
  • The second teaser for this episode is a reference to "The Escape from Four", replacing BFB and its font with BFDIA.
    • Coincidentally, both of the former episodes teased are the seventeenth of their respective seasons.
  • This is the first episode to release back-to-back with another episode, that being "Seasonal Shift".
    • This is the first episode to have this distinction since both parts of "Take the Plunge".
  • Canonically, this is the second time Woody has appeared after "Return of the Hang Glider".
  • This episode has the closest vote difference in BFDIA to date, with only 3 likes separating Tennis Ball and Fries for the prize.
  • The "Musical Career" given to Book by Awesome iPod contains sheet notes for a small section of the song "Ballers" from the Battle for BFDI Soundtrack.
  • This episode has the most guest voices.
  • The 17th word of this episode is "together", so now the current secret message is "Don't try that thing again, because it definitely won't work this time. Instead, you should string together…"
  • In the second stinger, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball's notes on the Yoylite include a drawing of the classic BFDI mouth asset, with an arrow pointing to a mouth drawn in the BFB/TPOT style, followed by several question marks. This suggests that the characters are aware of the artstyle shift starting from BFB.
    • This may also suggest the Yoylite may have been responsible, in-universe, for said artstyle shift.
  • All of the characters in the thumbnail have immunity this episode.
  • Coiny is the only contestant still in the running to have a name that ends in 'y'.
  • Because the WTFers (and later on, Pencil) opt to host after Balloony and everyone else trapped within the L0L and TLC leave, this makes Book, Coiny, Fries, Needle, Nickel, Pin, Tennis Ball, Foldy, Stapy, Liy, Loser, Winner, Price Tag, and technically, Ruby's Sisters, to be the only contestants to have not hosted any BFDI season.

Continuity References[]

  • The Goiky Highway from "Taste the Sweetness" and "Well, Look Who It Is!" is revisited, although now it is destroyed due to unknown reasons.
  • The contestants telling Balloony: "I think we all know what to do!" before trying to crush the LOL with Spongy is a callback to Ruby's sisters' line from "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4", "I think we all know what needs to be done!"
  • Everybody remembers Spongy killing previous hosts, and they try to use that on Balloony. However, it does not work this time, as Spongy is killed by the LOL's propeller.
  • The LOL blasts off into the sky similar to how the Announcer Transportation Device did in "Return of the Hang Glider".
  • Grape, with their lopsided eyes, looks very similar to the grape outfit Blocky wore in "Who Stole Donut's Diary?". The fact they sell wings may reference the "grape flying class" Blocky makes up in his story.
  • Pan Flute's "I'm not dead." line is reused from "PointyPointyPointy ♫", as is the splash effect from when Needle falls into the lake while running away from Evil Leafy at the beginning.
  • Nickel saying that Balloony's presence is unnecessary is quite ironic, given how they would become teammates in BFB.
  • Spongy being shredded up in a propeller might be a partial reference to Foldy being ripped apart by a basket's propeller in "Getting Teardrop to Talk".
  • Pencil still has her Leafy Detector from "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know".
  • Needle saying "Does that mean I can just-?" when scanning herself is a reference to "Don't Dig Straight Down", where she says the same thing when handing an emerald to Four.
  • The fumigator that is used to fumigate the WTF is the same one that Fries used in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4".
  • Fries' prize, which involves him having to choose between immunity into the final 6 or the removal of another contestant's existence, is a reference to Teardrop's prize from "Zeeky Boogy Doog" and Ice Cube's prize from "Lots of Mud". Coincidentally, the latter is the one who explains the options Fries has for said prize.
    • Unlike the two episodes, where a contestant would choose the second option, Fries chooses the first one, which is immunity.
      • Ice Cube's disappointment in Fries' decision may be due to her hoping Fries would remove Pin, that he would risk elimination, or she was envious of him for taking the chance she turned down.
  • The maze of recommended characters Needle chases Book through resembles the dodging pattern.
  • Tennis Ball's metal detector returns from "Respect to the Wicked".
  • Pencil's "spasm" is similar to Leafy's reaction to the Leafy Detector in "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know".
  • Nickel makes a face from "Lick Your Way To Freedom".
  • Balloony performs the host-calling routine once again.
  • The term "big big hug" was eventually said again by Profily in "Chapter Complete".
  • The elimination ground looks almost identical to the one from "Barriers and Pitfalls", except that it has been relocated to Yoyleland.
  • Ice Cube slides on her bottom, leaving a trail of water, like in "Take the Plunge: Part 2".
  • Rocky pukes all over the birthday cake, referencing "Today's Very Special Episode", when Barf Bag's innards were dumped on the strawberry cake, and Rocky's puke was turned into frosting.
  • The Elimination Prevention Plan is revisited once again for the first time in terms of chronology since "Get in the Van" and the first time in terms of release date since "The Great Goikian Bake-Off".
    • Just like in the former episode, it applies to Pencil and is successful (that is until Pencil learns she can become a host like the other WTFers).
  • The Elimination Prevention Box has a similar appearance to the Beryllium Fortress, Destruction Impossible that Purple Face was trapped in by Yellow Face in "Catch These Hands".
  • Pin briefly messes with Pencil by repeating the "Yeah." "Hey!" routine from"PointyPointyPointy ♫".
    • Additionally, it could be said as a reference to BFDI 4 "Sweet Tooth," as the line is also said at a Cake at Stake.
  • Tennis Ball makes a callback to his team from "Spore Day".
  • The rumbling sound is heard from Needle struggling to decide on a team in "Get Digging".
  • When Coiny licks the frosting off his face, he makes a sound that slightly resembles him licking a single grain of sugar out of a rubber toy in "The Liar Ball You Don't Want".
  • The scanner resembles the needle detector in "Barriers and Pitfalls".
  • When Needle is flattened by the Big Block, she looks similar to when she is crushed between rocks in "Outbreak At Stake".
  • Firey saying that the number of votes they received is "the most ever" is a reference to his speaker box saying the same thing in "Get in the Van".
  • The upgraded superstore from "Well, Look Who It Is!" makes a reappearance this episode.
  • When Tennis Ball tries to rotate to stop Nickel from taking the chunk, it may be a homage to "Four Goes Too Far", when the members of Free Food are rotating to keep the Twinkle and Pen out of their vision.
  • Tennis Ball's "HUCK HYUCK!" is a reference to "Zeeky Boogy Doog".
  • Pan Flute references his original appearance in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4", which ended with his orchestra (except Snare Drum) being poisoned by a swarm of bugs.
  • Coiny licks the cake off his body using Ice Cube's ugly face from "Get Digging".
  • Pineapple is revealed to have survived getting chopped in half, as his leaves and bottom half were previously shown in "Lots of Mud".
  • The Yoylite machine is made using a dart of Freeze Juice, though it is presumably filled with algae instead.
  • Firey posing as the letters that abbreviate the WTF is a slight reference to "Take the Plunge: Part 2", where Coiny does something similar when spelling "K-I-S-S-I-N-G".
  • When Tennis Ball and Nickel time travel, the episode makes direct references to the episodes, "Getting Teardrop to Talk", when Gelatin builds a stack of forks, "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", when the TPOT contestants are competing in the first challenge, and "Category One" respectively.
    • Other examples for "Getting Teardrop to Talk" include Donut's conversation with Bottle, and Yellow Face walking onto the scene in the same manor.
    • Examples for "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" include the hole in the wall made by Pin and Needle, as well as Just Not being stuck in the elevator below the 3rd story.
    • Examples for "Category One" include Robot Flower's hole in the wall, the disasters, a bug crawling up the stairs and TPOT Tennis Ball intentionally slipping down the stairwell while saying "Whoops!"
  • Once again, Tennis Ball is called "Jiggleboy".
  • When Ruby begs books to hang out with the other FreeSmarters, she uses the same animation from after she tried to taste Ice Cube when she was painted pink in "Catch These Hands".
  • When Book is climbing the escalators, it slightly mirrors "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", where the challenge was to climb a similar tall building.
  • In the makeover store, one of the bottles looks identical to Shampoo.
  • The camera zooms way in on Book, like in "The Long-lost Yoyle City".
  • Coiny mimicking Pin makes the same sound as Needle mimicking Pin in the previous episode.
  • The unselected challenge "Filing taxes" is likely a reference to the future episode "Seasonal Shift", where temporarily in the timeline, Income Tax Return Document replaced Firey.
  • The top paper of the stack of papers Ipod gave to Book had the notes of the 26th track from the album Battle for BFDI (Original Soundtrack), "Ballers".
  • When Tennis Ball struggles to remove the cake from his fuzz, Nickel says that he’s been in a similar situation before, referencing the time he couldn’t get the pink paint off of himself in "Catch These Hands".

Cultural References[]

  • The whoosh sound effect that plays near the beginning (when Needle is running away from Evil Leafy) is from the video game ULTRAKILL.
  • The way Pencil breaks out of the Elimination Prevention Box is possibly a reference to the Spongebob Squarepants episode "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV", where Spongebob breaks through the wall in a simalar way upon hearing about Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.
  • The unselected challenge "Sword fight in the skies" is likely a reference to the 2007 Roblox game Sword Fight on the Heights.
  • The unselected challenge "Speedrunning contest" is a nod to the real life trend in video gaming.
  • The unselected challenge "Stop a giant robot rabbit from terrorizing the city" appears to be a reference to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode, "Rabbot". In the episode, a giant rabbit robot (the titular Rabbot) breaks out of its creator's lair and wreaks havoc across the Aqua Teens' city as they try to figure out what happened to their neighbor Carl's car.
  • Book goes through a sequence of bartering with the Supershop sellers, until she finally gets one she can fulfill. This is a common trope often found in other medias.
  • The character Awesome Ipod references the Apple iPod.
  • Propeller Hat is a reference to the titular protagonist of Homestar Runner, a popular Flash-animated web cartoon that was a key influence on BFDI, and which has been referenced several times before. His voice and mannerisms are identical, and he is even voiced by Homestar Runner's actual voice actor, Matt Chapman (credited as "Mart Champin"). His request for a "cow lamp" is a reference to how Homestar has a cow lamp in his home. Propeller Hat's floor on the Supershop contains multiple other references to the series:
    • The red striped wall is the same as the basement of the Brothers Strong.
    • The blue wall and the "NO LOAFING!" sign are references to Strong Bad's computer room.
    • The stop sign with black painted text on it is a reference to the Strong Badia stop sign.
    • The text on the board above is a reference to Bubs' Concession Stand.
  • Grape and their store, "got any wings?", are a reference to "The Duck Song", a viral YouTube animation about a duck asking a man running a lemonade stand for grapes, explaining Grape's request for Book to bring them lemonade.
    • Grape is voiced by Bryant Oden, who is the creator and performer of "The Duck Song".
    • Soda's stand, "ICE Fresh Lemonade", is also visually similar to the lemonade stand in the song.
  • When Pin gets knocked off the cliff, her line might be a reference to the Teen Titans GO! episode "Video Game References", where in ‘Starfire's Quest: The Legend of the Legendary Quest’, the old man says the same line when he gets spat on by a land squid.


  • In the logo animation of characters running, Nickel has a square hole instead of triangular.
  • Gelatin still has his grappling hook, despite Coiny stealing it in "Well, Look Who It Is!". It is possible that he gave it back to him off screen.
  • At 1:19, the text on the HPRC's keyboard suddenly changes into a serif font.
  • At 5:16, Pencil's asset uses old colors.
    • This is likely a reused asset of Pencil shown at a below angle from "Get in the Van".
  • At 5:29, when Pencil breaks out of the elimination prevention box, it glitches a bit.
  • Also at 5:30, Ruby's leg detaches from her body.
  • At 6:04, Coiny shows the vote board with the amount of likes each contestant got, despite Gelatin erasing it before to show the amount of dislikes.
    • However, he might have remembered the results and re-written it.
  • At 13:52, Awesome iPod does not appear for the first two frames where he should be on screen.
  • At 15:57, the two missing fork spots on Gelatin's stack of forks switch to the left side, when it should be on the right.
  • At 16:00, when Nickel was missing his chunk even after he retrieved it.
  • At 17:48, the hole in the hotel's wall persists on the right of the screen despite the wall itself being blurred and off-camera.
  • At 20:12, it is shown that Nickel and Tennis Ball are on the floor below the hotel roof, despite the orange walls, which are only on the second floor.
  • At 23:08, the Musical Career references Michael Huang's music used in "Ballers". However, the crotchet/quarter note on the second bar should be a dotted crotchet lasting for 1.5 beats to complete the bar.
  • From 25:34 to 25:45, Firey isn't burning.
  • At 25:34, Ice Cube is shown inside the WTF, even though she was in the superstore at the time.
  • Golf Ball and Tennis Ball's whiteboard says "2025", despite the aftermath of "Category One" still taking place in the previous year (September 14, 2024).


  • Spongy is chopped to pieces by the LOL's propeller.
  • Needle gets crushed by a big block by Fries.
  • Fries explodes due to a high-speed chemical reaction.
  • Tennis Ball dies due to a high-speed chemical reaction.

2025 episodes
"Start the Shift" • "Seasonal Shift" • "BFDI:TPOT 16" • "BFDIA 18"
BFDI episodes and other videos
Totalfireyislandshort TFI: "Crying Contest" • "Balance Beam" • "Mile Run" • "Elimination Volleyball!" • "Rope Climb" • "Dodgeball" • "Spelling Bee" • "Breath Holding Contest" • "Dice!" • "Spinner" • "Bowling 1" • "Bowling 2" • "Stack 1" • "Stack 2" • "Hurdles 1" • "Hurdles 2" • "Hurdles 3 and 'WETHFPC'" • "Jumbo"

TFS: "Mountain Climb" (unreleased)

TFP: "Balance Beam" • "Dodge Ball" • "Mountain Climb" • "Balloon Toss" • "Teams" • "Boats" • "Bridge Crossing" • "Eating" • "Pyramid" • "Pole Vaulting" • "Test Taking" • "Obstacle Course" (all unreleased)

BFDILOGO BFDI: "Take the Plunge (Take the Plunge: Part 1" • "Take the Plunge: Part 2)" • "Barriers and Pitfalls" • "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" • "Sweet Tooth" • "Bridge Crossing" • "Power of Three" • "Puzzling Mysteries" • "Cycle of Life" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare" • "Crybaby!" • "Lofty" • "A Leg Up in the Race" • "Don't Lose Your Marbles" • "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None" • "Vomitaco" • "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" • "The Reveal" • "Reveal Novum" • "Rescission" • "Gardening Hero" • "The Glistening" • "Don't Pierce My Flesh" • "Hurtful!" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" • "Return of the Hang Glider"

BFDIA LogoHQ BFDIA: "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know" • "Get Digging" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3" • "Zeeky Boogy Doog" • BFDIA 5 ("Get in the Van" • "BFDIA 5b" • "No More Snow!" • "It's a Monster" • "The Long-lost Yoyle City") • "Well Rested" • "Intruder Alert" • "Meaty" • "Catch These Hands" • "Taste the Sweetness" • "Lots of Mud" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4" • "Well, Look Who It Is!" • "PointyPointyPointy ♫" • "Spore Day" • "Respect to the Wicked" • "Start the Shift"

IDFB3 IDFB: "Welcome Back"

B.F.B BFB: "Getting Teardrop to Talk" • "Lick Your Way to Freedom" • "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" • "Today's Very Special Episode" • "Fortunate Ben" • "Four Goes Too Far" • "The Liar Ball You Don't Want" • "Questions Answered" • "This Episode Is About Basketball" • "Enter the Exit" • "Get to the Top in 500 Steps" • "What Do You Think of Roleplay?" • "Return of the Rocket Ship" • "Don't Dig Straight Down" • "The Four is Lava" • "The Escape from Four" • "X Marks the Spot" • "Take the Tower" • "How Loe Can You Grow?" • "A Taste of Space" • "Let's Raid The Warehouse" • "Who Stole Donut's Diary?" • "Fashion For Your Face!" • "The Game Has Changed" • "The Tweested Temple" • "The Hidden Contestant" • "Uprooting Everything" • "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning" • "SOS (Save Our Show)" • "Chapter Complete"

TPOT Abbreviated BFDI:TPOT: "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" • "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" • "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters" • "Gardening Zero" • "Fishes and Dishes" • "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" • "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" • "Balancing P.A.C.T." • "Outbreak At Stake" • "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" • "Out Of The Blue" • "What's Up Bell's String?" • "Category One" • "I SAID CAREFUL!!!" • "Seasonal Shift"

BFDI Mini series logo BFDI Mini: BFDI Mini episodesBFDI Mini Again episodesBFDI Mini Deluxe episodesBFDI Mini, Seriously! episodesBFDI Mini Delicious episodesBFDI Mini Replicas episodes

Upcoming: BFDIA 18IDFB 2BFDI:TPOT 16

Shorts: "Thanks for 4 years!" • "BFDI Is Back" • "Paper Towel" • "Ballers" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "HELP US get to VIDCON 2019" • "Happy Birthday, Battle for BFDI!" • "BFDI's Road to Half a Billion Views" • "You're A Loser, But..." • "Thanks for 600,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 700,000 subscribers!" • "Aw, Seriously?" • "BFB Contestants React to Wiki Comments" • "Thanks for 800,000 subscribers!" • "PUMPKIN 2.0 - BFDI Halloween Shorts" • "If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge" • "If X-MAS in Among Us was a BFDI Challenge" • "Unboxing 3 Silver Play Buttons (and a BFB 30 announcement!)" • "Thanks for 900,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 1,000,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "Claustrophobe's Nightmare • "Twosday" • "Fish and Chips" • "Why is the BFDI Mouth Everywhere?" • "Firey and Gelatin Steal a Van" • "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!" • "Thanks for 2,000,000 Subscribers!" • "Pie Vs Pi: The Pi Day Massacre" • "Plan Dissolve Adhesive" • "MERRY XMAS from the TPOT-ers!" • "Thanks for 2,763,000 Subscribers!"

Plush videos: "The Official Firey Plush is here!" • "Who's The Real Firey? (ft. Leafy Plush)" • "Hello Woody! (Now available to order)" • "The Loser Plush is here!" • "The Official Four and X Plush" • "The Marker and Coiny Plushes Have Arrived!" • "when you bake a cake (ft. TWO PLUSH)"

Reanimated specials: "BFDI 1a+1b Reanimated! Fan-made MAP (Multi Animator Project)" • "BFDIA 1 Re-Animated By 95 People! - (Fan-Made)" • "IDFB 1 Re-Animated By 108 People! (Fan-Made)"

Cancelled/Unknown: Yoylecake Winning Celebration CartoonDecember 2016 Short50 million views video

YTPMVs: "Intensive BFDI Unit" • "Rock My BFDI" • "BFDI-chapp" • "3000 Subbies" • "Eliminating BFDI" • Dear Viewers" • 6000 Subscribers" • "Thanks for 20,000 subscribers! (Last BFDI)" • "BFB 13 this Thursday." • ""Revenge", except every syllable is from BFDI" • "UNREAL BFDI — Thanks for 1 Billion Views!" • "I HOPE ITS NOT ME - composed by @legotd61"

Songs: "All I Want for X-mas — SONG by Four & X from BFB" • "Lo-Fi Beats to Yoyle To" • "Message to Loser (Lyric Video) - SONG by Four from BFB" • "Jingle BELL Rock 🔔 Song with Four, Bell, Seven" • "Just Push Through It (Songify BFDI by Schmoyoho)" • "This Is BFB: Season Recap (Lyric Video)" • "Antony Kos - Hey Two! (Extended Cake at Stake song) Lyric Video" • "Counting on Christmas" • "16 Years of Jacknjellify! 🎂 (Music Video)" • "Crafting Our Friendship"

Promotional: "Vote Yoylecake" • "You can help BFDI win an Award!" • "VOTE for who the next BFDI PLUSH should be!" • "The Firey Plush is ON SALE + NEW BFDI HOODIE!" • "What if BFDI was in r/place?" • "BFDI *was* in r/place!" • "BFDI & Inanimate Insanity Meet Up!" • "TWO OF THEM!? - BFDI X Inanimate Insanity 2023 Event" • The official BFDI x Regretevator collab is out now!

Meetup videos: "BFDI and II Finally Cross Over" • "*struggles to contain fans at 2019 meetup*" • "II + BFDI back together again!" • "The 22 Best Questions You Asked Us — BFDI + II Meetup" • "3,000 PEOPLE came to the BFDI x II Meetup in LA…" • "HOST TO COAST - BFDI & II 2024 Tour!" • "Theatre Etiquette" • "What the "BFDI & II Tour" in NYC Was Like"

Episode compilations: "Blocky Prank Compilation - Battle for Dream Island" • "Best BFDI Season 1a moments (according to data from you viewers!)" • "Every FAKE AD in BFDI — Yellow Face Compilation" • "Best BFDI Crushes to Date! — Compilation"

TikTok compilations: "BFDI TikTok Compilation" • "Top BFDI/A TikToks Compilation" • "BFB TikTok Compilation" • "We asked TikTok to VOTE the best object - BFDI Mini" • "All our food does THIS... — BFDI's Best TikToks of 2020" • "Firey Discovers Gravity (BFDI TikTok Compilation)" • "TikTok voted on our objects again: BFDI MINI DELUXE" • "10 "David"s, One Winner — BFDI MINI SERIOUSLY" • "A Food Battle for the Ages— BFDI MINI DELICIOUS" • ""Can I copy your homework a little?" — BFDI MINI REPLICAS"

Announcement videos: "???" • "A super fresh minty clean announcement" • "Doing It Again!" • "BFDI Second Season Voting" • "12/12/12" • "Choose Your Fate" • "5b Update" • "Taking a break from BFDI. (Livestream tomorrow!)" • "Bring BFDI Episode 1 Part 2 Back (also YouTube face reveal)" • "BFDI Episode 1 Part 2 is back online!" • "TUNE IN LIVE on Saturday at 3PM Pacific" • "Back 2 School Bad News" • "BFDI's Best Hiatus Ever" • "Let's keep BFDI casual"

Livestreams: "BFDI 1 "Take the Plunge" Tutorial Stream" • "BFDI 2 "Barriers and Pitfalls" Tutorial Hangout" • "BFDI 3 "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" Tutorial Hangout" • "(STREAM) Wirking on an announcement video" • "Installing a new graphics card in Cary's computer!" • "2918 meetup steam" • "Jacknjellify 2.5 MILLION STREAM"

Non-Jacknjellify videos: "Salmon Fiveyears" • "BFDI Mini-Season - "Marbles"" • "Ruby and her 35 sisters in ABCDEFG" • "The Lost Ice Cube Recordings" • "BFDI Recommended Characters" • "Battle for Dream Island: Official Character Guide Instagram promotion" • "Four and X say "Happy New Year!" in 2024!"

Other: Social media-exclusive animations • "The BeiBei Squisher" • "I Can Make a Difference!" • "The Marble Race!" • "When Video Games Malfunction!" • "Doo Doo-Dee Doo" • "X Finds Out His Value" • "First BFDI Animation Ever" • "BFDI Fan Art Reviews" • "BFDI APPISIOTE 225555555!!!!!" • "BFDI Assets, For Real This Time (Source files have been released!)" • "Happy Halloween" • "BFDIA 6 Deleted Scenes" • "IDFB comments game: FAKE OR REAL?" • "The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)" • "How to Fold your Foldy" • "Apply to join BFDI! Animators, Audio Editors, Background/Prop Artists and More" • "The Secret Behind BFB's Split" • "Recommend a Character - Become a Jacknjellify Member" • "Tribute to Our First Commenter" • "We Discovered Our Forgotten "Firey" Comics" • "All BFDI soundboard videos! (compilation)" • "The LOST NEWSPAPERS of Four and X"

Other pre-BFDI: Character ChartConnections sheetsEarliest "First BFDI Animation"Feb 20 2009 Character BiosFictional BFDI ElectionFirey (comic series)Firey Expansion • "FIREY to keep our customers happy" • Firey Yearbook • "Firey's Candy Bar Adventure" • "Michael's best comic" • School Planner • "The Number Playground Chronicle!"
