Swings are items that were featured in "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset". A smaller, unrelated swingset also appeared in "Get in the Van".
Each swing has a color scheme and logo which matches the team using it. Each swing also has a counter for each time the team successfully swings. The counter seems able to track a team's swings even if the 50-swing goal is passed. The swings also seem to be quite weak, as Team Ice Cube!'s swing was destroyed by Bomby's partial explosion, yet the team members survived it.
- The "Equation Pgd" writing is a reference to X Finds Out His Value's Equation Playground.
- Pencil is seen behind Snowball, Lightning, and Flower when iance's swing was spinning, despite being eliminated in the previous episode.
- Snowball is the only one with a visible face while iance's swing is spinning.