Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Can you find anymore Goofs? Please find out this video: .

Nadiya2000 (talk) 11:54, April 15, 2013 (UTC)

Well, I'd say that this is just a staller video just to keep us on our toes. At this rate, there'll be 5j in November.

Ruby isn't the only one in the series to have cried. Spongy cried in 5a and Bubble and Leafy cried in episode 23 of season 1.

I found some goofs in the episode itself :B


Nickel says Flame actually sounds like Flain from Mixels.

Nickel: Put out that flain.

Flain: What? Not me!

the end — --MisterJF 18:35, June 12, 2014 (UTC)
