The Team Tags were used in "Today's Very Special Episode" to indicate how well each team did the challenge. On the Worst & Best Line, the tags were arranged in a particular order to rank the teams. So far, they have only appeared once.
Death P.A.C.T.[]
The Death P.A.C.T. tag has a light black background with the word "P.A.C.T" on the right side, and a D with a cross on it, meaning "NO DEATHS".
A Better Name Than That[]
It has a blue background, and the top has white text that reads "A BETTER.” The middle says "NAME", and the bottom says "THAN THAT".
Beep's tag is dark green. It says "BE" on the top, and "EP" on the bottom. The "E" on the bottom is reversed.
Free Food[]
Free Food has a red background with yellow text on top that says "FREE", and on the bottom an upside down "FOOD". Both of the Fs shoots a line.
The Losers[]
The Losers' tag has a yellow background with black letters "T" and "L" surrounded with black spots, with the "T" stylized like an upside-down "L".
Bleh has all first letter of their names at once written in white in front of a blue-gray background.
iance has a small word on the bottom right corner with the word "iance". The tag has a pink background.
Team Ice Cube![]
In front of a white background, it has a picture of Ice Cube on the top, and Bracelety's sign with the words "ICE CUBE" and has the word "TEAM" on the bottom left corner of the sign.