Battle for Dream Island Wiki
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"Maybe I am doing something wrong." - Book, "Return of the Rocket Ship"
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"Oh. So that's why Tennis Ball/Relationships is still so small?"X, "How Loe Can You Grow?"
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Reason: Missing a lot of TPOT and BFDIA
This page was last edited on September 7, 2024, at 9:23:20.

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TB doesn't get a 'welcome back.'

This page is about the relationships and interactions between Tennis Ball and the other characters.

Tennis Ball is generally a nice, polite character and is usually calm around everyone, though he sometimes has his limits when he's pushed.


In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" and "Today's Very Special Episode", he does whatever 8-Ball tells him to since he was the new team leader. However, in "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Tennis Ball claims he did attempt to stop 8-Ball's takeover, but that the rest of the team would not listen to him.

Relationship status: Friends


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In "Puzzling Mysteries", Tennis Ball screams when the Announcer stops his team from leaving the room.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", when the Announcer tries to get Rocky to choose contestants for his team, Tennis Ball tells him that Rocky forgot how to talk in episode 4.

In "Crybaby!", when he's safe from elimination, he asks if he's supposed to get some cake.

In "Don't Lose Your Marbles", Tennis Ball dislikes the new Cake at Stake area and then pretends to like it when the Announcer says they were supposed to like it.

In "Vomitaco", he tells the Announcer that he was expecting a higher score from the eliminated contestants for his taco since the Announcer has only fed them bread for the past 13 months.

In "Bowling, Now with Explosions!", Tennis Ball seems to be the most upset when he's told he couldn't compete in the bowling contest.

In "The Reveal", Tennis Ball says he's not sure if he wants to be safe, since the prizes were knifes. When the Announcer tell's everyone they've reached the final 8, Tennis Ball says 8 is 2 to the 3rd.

In "Gardening Hero", in his audition to rejoin, he is surprised when the Announcer calls him "Clumsy Tennis Ball" and threatens to demagnetize him with a magnet.

In "The Glistening", after being called clumsy again, Tennis Ball gets back at the Announcer by demagnetizing him before being teleported to the TLC.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", he screams when the Announcer says that he sold Dream Island.

Relationship status: Bad terms

Barf Bag[]

In "Welcome Back", Tennis Ball says that Barf Bag would be the best "guy" to free from the TLC/LOL, that way they could contain Rocky's vomit.

In "Outbreak At Stake", when everyone is discussing on what to do with Barf Bag, Tennis suggest to simply kill her and then recover her.

Relationship status: Friends


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In "PointyPointyPointy ♫", after Tennis Ball asks how they will get to Donut's island, he proclaims himself to be the only ball with lines. That left a sour taste in Basketball's mouth, and she rudely tells him to figure it out himself. This is a reference to her audition to debut in "The Reveal", where she says tennis balls aren't the only ones with lines.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", when Tennis Ball is shifting his eyebrows at Golf Ball again, Basketball asks if he's done and he says he's sorry. They both use Robot Flower's body to control Remote.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", when Golf Ball refuses to tell Basketball the team's plan, she asks Tennis Ball to ask Golf Ball what's their plan, Tennis Ball does so, is told to dig and he repeats the information back to Basketball.


In "Don't Dig Straight Down", when Basketball acknowledges what Golf Ball does for fun, blocking off an underground team's attempts to surface, Tennis Ball grumpily replies "yep".

Relationship status: Bad terms (BFDIA 14)
Relationship status: Friends (BFB)

Black Hole[]


In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Tennis Ball is worried when Black Hole starts to suck up his team's blocks.

In "Oneirophobe's Nightmare", when Black Hole mentions Barf Bag is hiding because of the outbreak she caused, Tennis Ball blames him for having them cause it in the first place due to putting lava in her. Before Black Hole mentions he only tried doing it to prevent her death, he, along with a couple other contestants, angrily interrupt him saying he knows.

Relationship status: Bad terms


In "Lofty", Blocky is among the crowd that laughs in the faces of Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, Firey, Coiny, and Rocky.

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Blocky is once again among the crowd that laughs in the faces of the losers, Tennis Ball, Firey, and Coiny. However, this time, he holds up a couple of signs calling them "Losers."

In "Return of the Hang Glider", at the sight of Tennis Ball, Snowball, Match, and Woody being abducted, Blocky is only able to say ""

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In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Tennis Ball is killed by Blocky when he angers him by saying he's managing the team.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", Tennis Ball is thrown into their team's basket by Blocky.

In "The Four is Lava", Tennis Ball asks Blocky and Robot Flower how they're suppose to do the challenge. Blocky thinks for a minute and starts to lean the tree back. Tennis Ball isn't impressed with Blocky's idea at first since all that did was get himself and Robot Flower stuck in a different spot, until Blocky slingshots himself away.

Relationship status: Acquaintances


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In "Zeeky Boogy Doog", Tennis Ball is surprised to hear that Book doesn't know what they're battling for. Tennis Ball tells her all about Dream Island, but then makes a comment about how she's "well read". She injects him with freeze juice.

Relationship status: Minor friends


Tennis Ball has little to no interactions with Bubble.

In "Barriers and Pitfalls", when the alliance shows up, Tennis Ball demands that they help him over the wall that Pin is stuck to. They eventually throw Tennis Ball against the wall and his weight breaks it.

Bubble votes for TB

"So I Vote Tennis Ball" - Bubble

In "Reveal Novum", Bubble voted for him to be eliminated.

Relationship status: Neutral


In PointyPointyPointy ♫, when Tennis Ball asks how they're gonna reach Island 1, Cloudy asks who asked that question, with Tennis Ball replying it was him "the only ball with lines".


In "Take the Plunge/Part 2", Coiny believes that Tennis Ball is in love with Golf Ball, and mocks the two for it. Tennis Ball does not react. During the challenge, Coiny starts the motor, pushing Tennis Ball away.

In the stinger ending of "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Tennis Ball tells Eraser, Coiny, and Woody, who are all stuck below him, that he has to go to the bathroom.

In "Sweet Tooth", Tennis Ball interrupts Coiny's argument to say that ice cake rhymes with rice cake.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Tennis Ball picks Coiny over Blocky and Firey. Tennis Ball was later annoyed at how Coiny and Firey kept slapping each other instead of focusing on walking in synchrony.

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In "Lofty", Firey and Coiny are the only people left on Another Name with Tennis Ball, and they won't stop slapping each other. Tennis Ball is not happy about this. During the contest, Tennis Ball bounces up due to falling down the stairs, Coiny greets him as he falls down.

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Tennis Ball told Coiny and Firey to calm down when they were fighting. Tennis Ball concisely counters Coiny's long speech and gets chosen to stay by the Squashy Grapes.

In "Don't Lose Your Marbles", Firey slaps Tennis Ball because he needs to fill the void after he can no longer slap Coiny.

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In "Welcome Back", Coiny mentions that Tennis Ball told him that the Grotatoes were gonna taste delicious. Later, Tennis Ball shows up, greets Coiny as "coin creature," and then shows him the Wall Teleporter. Coiny acts really excited about this but then asks what a wall teleporter is, which makes Tennis Ball give him a weird expression before he explains how the device works.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T", Tennis Ball uses Pen to knock Coiny off the balance beam.

Relationship status: Friends


While Tennis Ball hasn't interacted with the regular David, he knew that the David's in Davidland would only say "Aw, seriously?" if they were provoked.

Relationship status: Unknown


In "Four Goes Too Far", he refers to Donut as Zero.

In "Questions Answered", Tennis Ball asks how Donut is touching Lollipop's lips when he's on earth. He later jumps in his hole along with the other Better Namers in the Cake at Stake. When he's thrown out first, he asks if he's suppose to get a prize for being safe.

Relationship status: Neutral


In "Four Goes Too Far", he looks away from Dora as she gives the twinkle to Golf Ball.

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", he says that if he lets Flower pass him he'll end up in last, except Dora. He's knocked off the stairs by Dora when she blasts herself to the top, but he immediately bounces back to the top.

In " You're a Filthy Friend", he says "oh, it's you." in a deadpan tone when he learns Dora is the host of the next island.

Relationship status: Possibly Bad Terms


In the stinger ending of "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Tennis Ball tells Eraser, Coiny, and Woody, who are all stuck below him, that he has to go to the bathroom.

In "Gardening Zero", when Eraser says "Aw, seriously?" in response to learning that they're going to Davidland, Tennis Ball tells him not to say that since it reminds him of horrible memories. Later, Eraser asks Tennis Ball where Golf Ball went and he says that she already left for Davidland.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", when Eraser is the only one on their team on the balance beam, he reminds him that it's his chance to knock off Teardrop.

Relationship status: Neutral

Evil Leafy[]

In "Get in the Van", he, Golf Ball, and Rocky run away from Evil Leafy in the Evil Forest and are promptly eaten by her.

In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball, along with his team, spend most of the challenge running and hiding from Evil Leafy in different hotel rooms.

In "PointyPointyPointy ", Tennis Ball and Nickel being chased by Evil Leafy.

Relationship status: Enemies


Main article: Firey and Tennis Ball
Relationship status: Close friends (IDFB+)

Firey Jr.[]

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Tennis Ball tells Firey Jr. that 10,000 is 10 to the power of 4, leading to him to ask if they're all mocking him.

Relationship status: Enemies (Firey Jr.'s side)

Firey Speaker Box[]

In "The Long-lost Yoyle City", he wonders why the Firey Speaker Box isn't at the finish line and screams when he shows up out of nowhere.

In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball thanks Firey Speaker Box for dragging their unconscious bodies to the Cake at Stake area. Later, Tennis Ball says that it's nice to know the he's honest and then asks if he can move on to the dislikes. Tennis Ball asks why his yoyleberries feel tingly, and Firey Speaker Box answers that the currents from his body zapped the berries. Tennis Ball says okay and eats the berries, which cause him to get electrocuted and die.

Relationship status: Neutral


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In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Tennis Ball is pushed off by Flower on the balance beam for "more space".

In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Tennis Ball deduces that if the other team gets Flower, she'll become more of an enemy to them, so it would be common sense to have her on their team.

In "Lots of Mud", Flower cuts Tennis Ball in half and then Flower greets Golf ball, blaming Golf ball that she was eliminated first

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Tennis Ball refuses to let Flower pass him in the challenge and tells her not to push him or else the viewers would vote for her. He ends getting pushed off the stairs by her but bounces right back up.

In "The Four is Lava", when Flower finds a remote and asks Tennis Ball if he knows if there's a TV that goes with it, Tennis Ball tells her to hit a button that would help them.

Relationship status: Minor enemies


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They greet each other in "Getting Teardrop to Talk". Tennis Ball tells her that he's helping Golf Ball find where Leafy is. Foldy quickly points out that Leafy is in front of them and Tennis Ball thanks her.

Relationship status: Friends


In "Four Goes Too Far", he helps A Better Name Than That with multiplying Four by zero.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Tennis Ball is disturbed when arms start to appear from Four's mouth.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Tennis Ball gets zapped by Four for scaring X. Four also yells "and you!" at Tennis Ball when confronting the people who are irritating him.

Relationship status: Minor enemies


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In "Get Digging", when Fries asks what Tennis Ball is doing to help, Tennis Ball just says he's co-manager.

In "The Long-lost Yoyle City", Tennis Ball tells Fries how they'll be able to get Firey and Gelatin back on top of Puffball.

In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball is too scared to go into the Evil Here Hotel, and Fries insists that he must go in. Tennis Ball decides to listen and follows his team.

In "Intruder Alert", Fries hits Tennis Ball with a container of glue.

In "Meaty", Fries and Tennis Ball paint the Eiffel Tower green while riding in a car.


Tennis Ball asks where Golf Ball is, Fries responds telling him that she's on her way. Tennis Ball then asks where Firey and his Yoylelight is. Fries tells him to continue pouring paint and that there probably underground.

Later in the episode, Fries asks Tennis Ball to make a shield, but Tennis Ball says that he can't without Golf Balls expertise in mechanical engineering. Fries asks him if he would rather die, which makes Tennis Ball build the shield. When the shield falls to the ground Fries tells him that his invention sucked. Tennis Ball says that he said his invention without GB are gonna suck. Fries then hands him one of the car doors mirrors to reflect the lazers.

Fries asks Tennis Ball if he has any ideas to stop Freesmart's rampage. When Tennis Ball tells him his idea, Fries says that they can't survive that, but Tennis Ball says they have no other option.

In "Lots of Mud", Fries gets angry when Puffball Speaker box makes him join a team with Tennis Ball and Golf Ball.

In "Welcome Back", Fries revealed that Tennis Ball made him the grotatoes.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", Fries points out that Tennis Ball's trebuchet seems more like a catapult, and Tennis Ball replies that he had to improvise.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Tennis Ball can be seen handing blocks to Fries so that he can stack them.

Relationship status: Friends


In "Zeeky Boogy Doog", Tennis Ball and Gelatin sit at the top of the Eiffel Tower together along with Firey and Book.


In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball gives Gelatin an annoyed look when the spikeballs from his headphones cause the motion activated door to open, allowing Evil Leafy to enter the room.

In "Catch These Hands", Tennis Ball is upset about Fries and Gelatin fighting instead of guessing his gesture. After he's out, he explains to Gelatin how he was able to read his lips and figure out he made fun of him for not being able to make a good shield last episode. While Gelatin says it was just a joke, Tennis Ball doesn't find it as funny and vents about how Golf Ball is superior compared to him, upset that Gelatin is implying he's a failed inventor. He tells him it isn't true, but then begins to correct himself, which makes Tennis Ball hit him.

Later in the challenge, when Tennis Ball attempts to make the formula of acetylsalicylic acid using his legs. He says he believes in Gelatin to know the answer and that he's smarter than he looks, only to be proven wrong, and continues to become increasingly angry as he continues guessing wrong, upset that the members on his team (aside from Golf Ball) are numbskulls. When he's freed, he congratulates himself and says they should appoint him as the best inventor ever. During the climax of the episode, he tells Gelatin to stop fighting Needle and guess his gesture. After some thinking, Gelatin calls him the greatest inventor to ever exist, misunderstanding the point, leaving Tennis Ball in disbelief and inadvertently causes him to die.

In "Taste the Sweetness", Gelatin gives Tennis Ball his revolutionary headphones as a way to remember him as he is getting eliminated.

Relationship status: Friends for the most part, Nuisance sometimes

Golf Ball[]

Main article: Golf Ball and Tennis Ball
Relationship status: Best friends


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"I don't want to disrespect Grassy."

Tennis Ball seems to be friends with Grassy, as he doesn’t want to disrespect him.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Grassy asks Four to recover Tennis Ball.

Relationship status: Friends

Ice Cube[]

In "The Glistening", he votes Ice Cube to be eliminated.


In "Power of Three", they are placed on the same team, along with Teardrop. The two mostly get along, although Tennis Ball occasionally appears to get somewhat annoyed at her.

In "A Leg Up in the Race," he is chosen onto the Squashy Grapes over Coiny, managing to convince them not to pick him, but the teams are promptly broken up, and thus the two do not compete together.

In "Reveal Novum", he says that he didn't know that Leafy used bribes to avoid getting voted out.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", he votes for Leafy to win Dream Island. He later agrees that she deserves the death penalty for stealing Dream Island.

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In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", he chases Leafy at the beginning of the episode, though he later questions the group on if they're going too far.

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Tennis Ball helps Golf Ball look for Leafy.

Relationship status: Minor friends


In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Tennis Ball tells Needle and the others why they should let Flower on their team.

In "Welcome Back", he watches nervously as Needle and Golf Ball bicker at each other.

Relationship status: Neutral


In “Insectophobe’s Nightmare 4”, Nickel breaks open Tennis Ball’s recovery center as a place to hide, Tennis Ball kills Nickel with the bugs for breaking into his territory.

In "PointyPointyPointy ♫", Nickel volunteers to pair up with Tennis Ball due to Golf Ball's absence. Tennis Ball reluctantly agrees, and Nickel feels appreciated.

Relationship status: Bad terms (BFDIA 12), Friends (BFDIA 14)


In "Barriers and Pitfalls", when the alliance shows up, Tennis Ball demands that they help him over the wall that Pin is stuck to. They eventually throw Tennis Ball against the wall and his weight breaks it.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", he asks if Match, Snowball, or Woody are concerned that they are in a UFO. He tries to get Match to flip the lever so that they can fly again before they hit the ground.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3", Match calls Tennis Ball a nice guy, but only to get Tennis Ball to build a new recovery center. Tennis Ball just says he can't just build one.


In "Get in the Van", Match angrily slaps Tennis Ball for thinking that Rocky's vomiting is cute.

In a non-canon Humany video titled "making BFDI video in under 7 minutes", Match and Tennis Ball appear together. In it, they argue, and March calls him annoying and asks him to stop whining.

In “PointyPointyPointy ♫[1]" Match was glad that Golf Ball was eliminated. However, Golf Ball was Tennis Ball’s best friend.

Relationship status: Enemies


In "Bridge Crossing", Tennis Ball thinks that the rocks sink after Pen tells Match that golf balls sink.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", Tennis Ball tells Pen that they aren't getting Dream Island back.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Tennis Ball congratulates Pen for getting Black Hole to stop sucking up their blocks. In the same episode, after Tennis Ball gets zapped by the obliteration gun, Pen goes to where Tennis Ball died worried before getting zapped himself.

In "Gardening Zero", just as Pen is about to insult a David, Tennis Ball covers his mouth, at the request of Golf Ball.

In "Fishes and Dishes", when Pen bumps his bubble into Golf Ball's, Tennis Ball immediately rushes to her defense and tells Pen not to hit Golf Ball and bumps into him. This however causes all three of them to bounce into each other repeatedly, leaving them stuck. Even though the three of them are bouncing into each at an equal level, Tennis Ball specifically calls out Pen to stop.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T." Tennis Ball uses Pen as a tool to make Coiny fall down of the balance beam. In the same episode when Tennis Ball has an idea to make Snowball fall, Pen trustes him and he tells Pen that if they fall Snowball will also fall due to his Yoyle weight. He agrees and he and Tennis Ball fall off with Snowball.

Relationship status: Minor friends


In "Barriers and Pitfalls", when the alliance shows up, Tennis Ball demands that they help him over the wall that Pin is stuck to. They eventually throw Tennis Ball against the wall and his weight breaks it.

In "Reveal Novum", Pencil voted Tennis Ball to leave the show.

In "Zeeky Boogy Doog", he tells Pencil and the others that he forgot that no one knows where Dream Island is. He later throws Pencil into the incinerator.

Relationship status: Enemies (On her side)


Throughout BFDIA 5, Tennis Ball rides Puffball to Yoyleland. In "The Long-lost Yoyle City", he falls to his death thanks to Puffball betraying the team.

In "Well Rested", Tennis Ball tells Puffball to stop dancing in space.

In "Gardening Zero", when Puffball wants to join the team to Davidland, Tennis Ball explains to her that because of the dangerous rollercoaster she made last episode, Golf Ball instructed him to "ban" her from participating on the challenge, saying it's just protocol.

Relationship status: Frenemies


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In "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", when Tennis Ball fell in the hole that Woody made, Pin started kicking him deeper inside.

In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", he roots for Pin to switch off their team.

In "Get Digging", he backs away when Pin asks if anyone wants to switch to her team.

In "Get in the Van", he jumps over a knife, thrown by Pin, that was meant to kill Leafy.

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In "Welcome Back", Pin convinces Tennis Ball that the guys trapped in the TLC/LOL could afford to wait a few more weeks to be freed, Tennis Ball agrees.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Tennis Ball replies to Pin's question about the 6th contest.

Relationship status: Former enemies, Minor friends (IDFB onward)


In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Tennis Ball remarked that the plan to control Remote via Robot Flower was unethical. Tennis Ball is noticeably unhappy with being the one controlling Remote, saying she's a person and that they used to play tetherball.

In "Enter the Exit", Tennis Ball learns that Remote was the one who tried to send them a bomb.

Relationship status: Friends

Robot Flower[]

Remote's a person!

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Tennis Ball used Robot Flower's buttons to control Remote's actions.

In "The Four is Lava", Tennis Ball asks Blocky and Robot Flower how they're gonna do the challenge. After Blocky launches himself away, Robot Flower tries to catch him but starts to malfunction after standing in lava for too long. Tennis Ball tells her to quickly go back up the tree and shows concern her as she continues glitching throughout the episode.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Tennis Ball asks Robot Flower what she thinks of triangles.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Tennis Ball gets hit by blocks, and gets flung away, hitting Robot Flower, accidentally killing Teardrop with a Zap Ray.

Relationship status: Friends


Main article: Rocky and Tennis Ball
Relationship status: Friends


In "The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)", Tennis Ball tells Ruby to "lay off the sugar", to which Ruby responds sarcastically.

In "Meaty", after Firey's elimination, when he yells at Ruby, she shifts the blame over to Tennis Ball, saying he should have been the one to switch to FreeSmart.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4", Tennis Ball is asked if he likes FreeSmart. He hesitates to this question, but when Ruby puts him at gunpoint, he nervously says yes. Later on in the episode, when Ruby tries using Tennis Ball's Swap Token, he tells her it's all sucked dry.

Relationship status: Minor enemies


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BFDI Snowball and Tennis Ball interacting to eachother.

First interaction of Snowball.

In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Tennis Ball was shocked when Snowball pushed Golf Ball off the cliff and ran away with the rest of the team.

In "Bridge Crossing", when Snowball threw Golf Ball down the gorge, along with knocking Needle, Ice Cube, and Leafy off the bridge, Tennis Ball comments that it was totally uncalled for. When Snowball threatens to throw Tennis Ball, Tennis Ball tells him to calm down. This makes Snowball decide to throw him down the gorge.

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Tennis Ball laughs at Snowball when he loses 18 points.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", he asks if Match, Snowball, or Woody are concerned that they are in a UFO. Tennis Ball later informs Snowball that Woody died from a heart attack.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", when Snowball says that he and Grassy won't let them to get near Teardrop, Tennis Ball tries to reason with him, saying that Teardrop is already so powerful and it's the only chance they have to defeat her. Then, when he and Pen are fighting Snowball, Tennis Ball has the idea of falling with Snowball because he will also fall due to his Yoyle weight. They do the plan and it works.

Relationship status: Enemies


In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", he floats on Spongy.

In “Lots of Mud”, he notices Puffball Speaker Box is dead and then says “Hey Spongy”.

Relationship status: Good terms


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In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Tennis Ball tells Teardrop to calm down after she kicks Woody. He then tells her that kicking Woody could severely injure him.

In "Power of Three", they are placed on the same team, along with Leafy.

In "PointyPointyPointy ♫", Tennis Ball seems to be on good terms with Teardrop, recalling them being on the Squashy Grapes. Teardrop waves and smiles at him.

In "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life", Teardrop unintentionally obliterates Tennis Ball and Pen with the obliteration gun.

In "Balancing P.A.C.T.", Tennis Ball along with Eraser and Pen, agree to target Teardrop. Then, Tennis Ball tries to reason with Snowball, saying that Teardrop is already so powerful and it's the only chance they have to defeat her.

Relationship status: Minor friends


In "The Escape from Four", Tennis Ball at first doesn't feel like Two can be trusted. He ends up changing his mind after seeing Two move a forest.

In "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?", when Two says that they're a prime, Tennis Ball adds that they're an even prime.

In "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters", Tennis Ball thanks Two for giving his team a generous enough score of 5/10.

In "Outbreak At Stake", Tennis Ball interrupts Two's Cake at Stake song, which upsets them immensely. In their zombified state, Two sends Tennis Ball and Golf Ball to the area with the eliminated contestants.

Relationship status: Friends (on Tennis Ball's side)


Main article: Tennis Ball and TV
Relationship status: Friends


Tennis ball has shown to really care about Woody and his well-being. He also seemed to feel bad for Woody as well.

In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Tennis Ball tells Teardrop that she shouldn't kick Woody because he's balsa wood.

In "Barriers and Pitfalls", Tennis Ball kicks Rocky to prevent a collision with Woody.

In the stinger ending of "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Tennis Ball tells Eraser, Coiny, and Woody, who are all stuck below him, that he has to go to the bathroom.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", he asks if Match, Snowball, or Woody are concerned that they are in a UFO. He later informs Snowball that Woody died from a heart attack.

Relationship status: Friends (on his side)

Yellow Face[]

In "Get Digging", Yellow Face asks where they should start in the contest, so Tennis Ball responds saying they need a bowl and bigger is better.


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In "Four Goes Too Far", Tennis Ball attempts to use X to multiply Four and Donut, without showing any remorse for it.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", when X is revealed to be alive, Tennis Ball says that he thought they used him to multiply Four and Zero.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", while using a Mutual Mind Reader, Tennis Ball accidentally thinks X is stupid because of Golf Ball.

In "X Marks the Spot", Tennis Ball cheers when X is glued to the ground so that he could continue as their host.

In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Tennis Ball tries to scare X in order to gain access to the food in the hotel. In the stinger, Tennis Ball gets zapped by X.


In "The Escape from Four", Tennis Ball attempts to pull the eliminated contestants out of Four. He also tells everyone that they shouldn't trust Two.


Squashy Grapes[]

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Tennis Ball convinces the Squashy Grapes to choose him over Coiny since he'll just slap Firey.

W.O.A.H. Bunch[]

In "Get Digging", numerous clones of Tennis Ball laugh at W.O.A.H. Bunch as they walk to the elimination area.


In "Four Goes Too Far", he and the rest of his team face off against Bleh on the moon, waiting for the contest to end with the Twinkle ending up on either of their teams.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", he and the rest of BetterName work together to prevent both of their teams from losing.

A Better Name Than That[]

In "The Four is Lava", when Robot Flower tells Four to recover just Basketball, Tennis Ball adds "And the rest of our team please".

Are You Okay[]

In "Gardening Zero", after "banning" Puffball from participating in the challenge, Tennis Ball turns to his team and tells them to put on their bracelets so that they can get to Davidland.
