Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

BFAIB 8 is the first episode of BFAIB not much is known except a member of FreeSmart and Team 5 will be eliminated



FreeSmart’s Results[]

FreeSmart received 34,449 votes

Contestant Votes Percentage of Votes
Pillow 6,630
Pencil 5,993
Puffball 5,302
Tree 4,837
Lollipop 4,269
Lightning 3,744
Eraser 3,672

Team 5’s Results[]

Team 5 received 42,683 votes

Comtestant Votes Percentage of Votes
Kelpie 1 10,093
Whoopee Cushion 9,774
Flaggy 9,701
Yellow Food Dye 7,938
Teabag 5,177
Sock 5,028

