68 Pawn Voting Icon Making CONTEST
You need to draw 68 Pawn's Voting Icon, the one who draws the best voting icon wins.
Deadline is 9/6/19
68 Teaches You To Time Travel On Youtube
Just simply go closer to the beginning of the episode or closer to the end of the episode
SEDIA 7: It's Been A While
Ctrl-Shift: It's been a long time since we did a challenge.
Eat This: I know right?
Ctrl-Shift: Is SEDIA cancelled?
Eat This: I think so.
Ctrl-Shift: Let's go run in the forest!
Evil Bubble: Oh no you don't!
Eat This: Why?
Evil Bubble: Got a message from 68 saying that the next challenge is starting soon!
Ctrl-Shift: Oh OK!
Zombie Pigman: WHERE ARE THE COWS?
Frog Plush: Stop trying to kill all of the cows.
Imagine Dragons: He can kill them all he wants!
Frog Plush: Not! Right Despacito Spider?
Despacito Spider: OOF! DESPACITO!
Frog Plush: See, he agrees with me!
68: Had a good break?
Despacito Spider: OOF!
68: Well the break is over! Now let's see the votes! (walks to the elimination center)
RCC: You are finally here.
HÁPPÎÈRÇŁÎÇKÈRŠ: We've been in here for …
BFB Who You Love I
Here is how it goes
You vote 5 of your fav BFB Contestants
The contestant with the most votes gets immunity for the next episode
The contestant with the least votes is eliminated
The ones that did not get immunity will be up for elimination
Let's get on with the first voting
Deadline is 9/2/19!