Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Blocky's Funny Doings International

"This program was brought to you by User's Funny Doings International." — Tagline
This page contains material that is intended to be humorous. Please don't take it seriously.

Oh my god. Why hasn't anyone done this yet? Sophie clearly deserves that very cool box. And here's some reasons.

  • She likes K-Pop. Anyone who likes K-Pop deserves a cool box.
  • She's had like four husbands, one for each side of the box.
  • She wants a teal box. Take note of this, admins.
  • This is clearly not a throwback to last year. ignore this ^^;
  • Balloony's main weaknesses are boxes, so Sophie needs this.
  • this is an unfunny joke, why are you still here? what is happening

Vote using these:

Balloony fBalloony
If you opport.
Woody fWoody
If you suppose.

Voting ends Septober 11st, 2099.
