Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki


BFDI Rocky: Last time on Total Shape World Action we had a bank heist theme for the challenges. BEEP joined the game and was placed on Smelly poo since they lost the second part. Smelly poo's arguing and forgetting team members put them on the chopping block. Everyone except BEEP voted BEEP even though he couldn't so BEEP's Teardrop vote was the only one that counted, giving her the boot. Will BEEP mess things up for his team? Will The stupid dumbs be able to pull out another win? Find out this time on Total. Shape World. Action!


Dear Mom and Dad I'm dying inside,
You guys aren't on my mind.
Thought about what I wanted to be
and now I think the answer is plain to see,
I wanna be Shape World.

I wanna sing the opening,
Go pack your bags, 'cause Circle's already won,
Nothing to prove, everything in my way
I'll get there one day.
Cause, I wanna be Shape World!

Shape world ah ah Shape World Shape World
I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be Shape World
Shape World ah ah Shape World Shape World (as can be heard in the background)
I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be Shape World
(Whistling in tune)

Before the challenge[]


Rocky: Someone tell me why we have this idiot in our trailer

Ball: Because BFDI Rocky

BFDI Rocky: lol

Rocky: Why

BFDI Rocky: lol


Rocky: Shut up


Gaty: I just realized something. Kokichi is the only one from the other trailer left

Rocky: Okay, but we're merging today, right? There's only 7 of us left

BFDI Rocky: You guys aren't merging


Rocky: Can we just get to the challenge?

BFDI Rocky: Yeah. Follow me

The follow him


BFDI Rocky: Put these on

Ball: I'd rather not

BFDI Rocky: Don't care. Put it on

Ball: Fine

They put the clothes on

Ball: I sure wonder what the theme is


Ball: Shut up idiot

BFDI Rocky: Well everyone except BEEP knows, but it's Prehistoric day!


BFDI Rocky: No idiot. Your first challenge is to make fire using rocks

Smelly poo looks at Rocky

Rocky: Don't even think about it

Kokichi picks up Rocky

Rocky: Put me down, Kokichi!

Kokichi: Nah


Gaty: This isn't funny, they could win this part now!


Octagon: You're not taking this opporotunity for an easy win!

Kokichi: Yes I am

Kokichi starts using Rocky on some wood

Rocky: Ow

Ball: How did you guys already get wood?

Coiny: Yes

Octagon: Well, I'm not about to sit around and let you win!

Octagon knocks Rocky out of Kokichi's hand

Rocky: Wow, Octagon. You were actually useful for once. Good job!

Octagon: Shut up

Rocky: Whatever

Gaty: I got some wood

Octagon: Good

Octagon star uding Rocky on the wood

Rocky: This still hurts

Octagon: Don't care


Octagon: What?! No!

BEEP picks up Rocky and throws him at The stupid dumbs

Octagon: What the hell, man?!


Octagon: I hate him too, but that's just stupid

Rocky: Thank you!

Octagon: I still hate you though

Kokichi: lol

Kokichi picks up Rocky

Coiny: Yes!

Octagon: No!

Octagon takes Rocky back but he also throws him on accident

Ball: Great job, Octagon

Octagon: Be quiet!

Rocky: Can you guys consider me as a living being and not a something you need to win the challenge?

Kokichi: No lol

Kokichi gets Rocky again

Octagon: Get back here!

Octagon goes to take Rocky back but Coiny knowcks him away

Coiny: Quick! Make the fire!

Kokichi makes the fire

Coiny: Yes! We did it!

BFDI Rocky: Yeah, you guys get an advantage

Coiny: Yes!

BFDI Rocky: So have these

BFDI Rocky gives them big bones

Coiny: Uh

BFDI Rocky: It'll make sense when you see the challenge

Coiny: Okay?

BFDI Rocky: Speaking of the next challenge it's to fight each other

Coiny: Aren't we at a disadvantage? We only have 2 members

BFDI Rocky: That's why you guys have to choose who goes three times

Coiny: I'll do it!

Kokichi: pp


Coiny: What

It cuts to Coiny and Gaty on the platforms

BFDI Rocky: First match start!

Coiny: This'll be easy

Gaty hits Coiny

Coiny: Easy!

Coiny hits Gaty and she loses balance.. She manages to pull Coiny down with her

Gaty: Ew, gross!

BFDI Rocky: lol. You guys will land in tar when you lose.

Gaty: Thanks for the warning

BFDI Rocky: lol

Cut to Octagon and Kokichi on the platform

Octagon: You're going down, i-

Kokichi knocks Octagon down

Octagon: Hey!

Kokichi: lol

BFDI Rocky: Next round

It cuts to Rocky and Coiny on the platform

Coiny: Alright, another easy win!

Rocky: Nope

Rocky knocks Coiny off

Coiny: Crap

BFDI Rocky: Next round

It cuts to Kokichi and Ball on the platform. Ball immediately gets knocked off

BFDI Rocky: Next

It cuts to BEEP and Coiny on the platform. BEEP jumps off

BFDI Rocky: Those last 2 rounds were pretty lame. Time for the next round!

Coiny: Who's the next round?

BFDI Rocky: Uh... Coiny vs Coiny

Coiny: Just give me the win

BFDI Rocky: Fine. The next round is Coiny vs Kokichi

Coiny: Just give Kokichi the win

BFDI Rocky: Fine. Rocky automatically moves on due to there being an odd number. In fact, this next round is the final round!

Coiny: Oh yeah!

It cuts to Rocky, Coiny and Kokichi on the platform

Rocky: Well, I'm doomed

Octagon: Try anyway, idiot!

Rocky: I was planning on that! I'm not stupid!

Coiny makes Rocky lose his balance

Rocky: Woah!

Coiny: Ha!

Kokichi: lol

Rocky regains his balance and knocks Kokichi off

Kokichi: Ow

Rocky: Yes!

Coiny: I'm still here

Rocky: I know that

Rocky makes Coiny lose his balance and Coiny does the same to Rocky

Octagon: Come on, idiot!

Rocky: Stop calling me tha-

Rocky falls off and so does Coiny

BFDI Rocky: We'll have to check the cameras for that one

BFDI Rocky checks the cameras

BFDI Rocky: And it seems the winners are...


Gaty: Why would it be the stupid dumbs?


BFDI Rocky: If you'd stop interrupting me, you'd know that the winner is your team


BFDI Rocky: And since The stupid dumbs only have 2 members left, they'll have to compete in the tiebreaker


BFDI Rocky: The tiebreaker is basically the challenge

Coiny: Alright, time to win this!

Kokichi: Nah

Coiny makes Kokichi lose his balance

Kokichi: Oh no

Coiny: Yes! Easy as can b-

Kokichi regains his balance and makes Coiny lose his balance

Coiny: Crap

Kokichi: lol

Kokichi knocks Coiny off

BFDI Rocky: And Kokichi survives!

BFDI Rocky throws an award to Kokichi from the bottom. He catches it.

BFDI Rocky: Coiny, you have a ride in the lame-o-sine to go to

Coiny: Aw, this sucks!

BFDI Rocky: lol

Cut to the elimination area. Coiny goes in the lame-o-sine and it takes off


Oh wait there were none

The stupid dumbs[]

  • Kokichi
  • Coiny (7th)
  • Dying Firey (9th)
  • Flash (11th)
  • Naily (12th)
  • Waluigi (13th)
  • Roblox Charactery (14th)

Smelly poo[]

  • Octagon
  • Gaty
  • Rocky
  • Ball
  • BEEP
  • Teardrop (8th)
  • Disembodied Doll Hand (10th)
  • Triangle (15th)


  • Hexagon (16th)
  • Circle (17th)

Coiny was originally going to be 2nd, but I decided to go with a different finale
