raffle results
- 1 who wins 001-J
- 2 who wins 1230
- 3 who wins 5043
- 4 also
- 5 SCP-4247 (Bob)
- 6 who wins 4247
surprise! extra raffle for people who didnt win the past raffles
a clipboard with a man named Bob trapped inside of it
i swear to god fandom let me upload this raffle
but it's scps lol
a button that supposedly ends the world
- Grassies United 2020 (told me via discord)
- GumbaTV1268
- Tidedit101
- IttisyoboiTaco
- MCSTheAdobeAnimator
- Walten Paperclips
- RyoTheDragonGuy RBLX
a book that sends people into a dream that takes place in a fantasy world, which has them as the hero
- TheArtist'sVoid11
- Ggrassy
- Some AT-AT
- BattleReviews
- Thesuperawesome75
- SickBleh
a pill bottle which contains pills that blow anyone who eats them's head up
- GetInThereLewis
- PinFromBFDI
- Official Rocky0
- EdwardBloxy
- TheLittleLani
- Bluegirl79
NOTHINGP signups
No Object That Has Irritating Nice Guy/Gal Personalities
NOTHINGP is a viewer voting show with a twist.
Everyone sucks.
Each contestant must have almost no positive traits and would probably be a worthy candidate for being eliminated first on BFB.
This is because pretty much EVERY object show/viewer voting show's winner is a nice character which all the kids relate to.
But not anymore.
There are a few rules to signing up:
- Your character MUST NOT be nice. However, they can have some redeeming qualities so that voting isn't based on the character but the personality.
- No joke characters and/or humans. *Casually glances over to White Internet Man and Emotegirl12*
- Your character has to have a personality, gender and name. Not just
This is pretty self-e…
BFSH 11: What If It Was All Just A Dream?
You may have to click on pictures to see them more clearly. Also, let's just say the mispelling of squid was on purpose... Also also, I apologize if you were not in this episode. You will surely appear next episode.
The first challenge is to get over a large wall. Flying is allowed, if you are able to. Find out a way to do it in the comments below if you are a contestant in this camp!
The results are in!