Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

BKoF: I'm going to tell Paper Lantern she looks ugly through the computer.

BKoF: "U look ugly and have no friends" now i will send haha

BKoF's Compter: sent

Paper Lantern's Computer: beeeeeep

Paper Lantern: Wow I got a text from a friend, yay

(Paper Lantern reads the text)

Paper Lantern: Well that was mean.

BKoF: Maybe I shouldn't have sent that, I feel bad now.

Paper Lantern: I'm crying so much right now I should tell a trusted adult.

(Beehive enters the room.)

Paper Lantern: Beehive this kid is bullying me.

Beehive: I will call the police.

Pendleberry Police Officer: Hey, it's the police.

(The police take BKoF away.)

Paper Lantern and Beehive: CYBERBULLYING IS BAD