BFB Danganronpa
Ok guys, I have no idea why I'm doing this, but I might do some bfb danganronpa thing.
What is danganronpa? It's a video game where 16 students are trapped in a school, where the only way out is to kill someone and get away with it. (Warning: It's rated M for a reason)
So yeah, I might do that but with BFB Characters. There will be 18 students in all.
Edit: I forgot to say this all of the students will be BFB Newbies
Edit 2: I also forgot to say this but I will only reveal cast members if u ask if they are in or something idk
crack ships
give me your best crack ships (doesn't have to be bfb) and I will do that name combination thing with them
BFNAR 1: why the frick am I doing this
Circle: Hi square
Square: shut up
Circle: Y U Bully me
Square: Ur mom
👌: Uwu
Square: no
👌: Hecc u
Underpaid McDonalds Employee: I am sad and depressed
Troll face: Good
UME: :(
Troll Face: Lol
Counterfeit Four: Hey guys lets play a game
Me: No I’m the host
Counterfeit Four: no I’m the host
MeepCity: 123 for a gf
Phantom Forces: I’d rather ear 69 popsicle sticks
MeepCity: meanie
Me: ok let’s do da challenge
UME: Wait what is the prize.
Me: Nothing we are battling for no apparent reason
Me: the challenge is to storm Area 51 go
Dame to cosita just dance: can I join
Me: ok
Sanic: meh 2
Me: Ok but they already left
Sanic: *naruto runs to Area 51 and wins*
Sanic: Noice
Everyone except DTC JD PF and MC: *wins*
DTC JD: Crap
Phantom Forces: Whatever I don’t ca…