Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

"Oh. So that's why Variables is still so small?"X, "How Loe Can You Grow?"
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This page was last edited on August 13, 2024, at 21:19:58.

"E" redirects here. For the Irrational character, see Euler's Constant.
"I" redirects here. For the number character, see Imaginary Number.

Variables, also referred to as Letters, are a species that reside in the Equation Playground, in the genus Algebraliens. X is the most notable variable, mainly due to their role as the co-host of Battle for BFDI and Battle for BFB.

Known members[]



Cave drawings[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Possibly Variable[]


  • It was widely believed that Variables and Integers were the same species, until "The Number Playground Chronicle!" had clarified that the two were in fact separate species.
  • Despite having similar characteristics, the GO Guys do not appear to be variables.
  • All variables apparently have numerical values.
  • In "The Official Four and X Plush" X says that all variables' value changes daily. Since this short is non-canon, it's unknown if this is true or if values stay the same after they're solved.
  • Two variables can actually represent the same letter, being uppercase and lowercase versions. One example of this is D variable and d variable, being two completely distinct colors.
Species: IntegersVariablesPolygonsIrrationalsOperatorsFractionsPolyhedrons

Integers: ZeroOneTwoThreeFour (variations) • FiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenEquation characters
Variables: aNX (variations) • yZ
Polygons: TriangleQuadrilateralRectanglePentagonHexagonOctagonNonagonUndecagon
Irrationals: PiPhiEuler's ConstantSquare Root of TwoTau
Operators: PlusMinusTimesDivideSquare Root
Polyhedrons: CubeTetrahedronOctahedronIcosahedronDodecahedron
Fractions: One-QuarterOne-ThirdOne-HalfThree Quarters
Other: Imaginary NumberCubeyInfinityScared/DumbList of fusions and splits of AlgebraliansDonut
Recommended Algebralians: AsteriskbDdeEmfFour and X put togetherGhijaysillyboy (j)NintySixObelusOne MillionPositiveSquare BracketTWwhY (Y)
