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"E-EW! This is so gross! OMG, Variations of Announcer, why did you have to do that!?"Pencil, "Vomitaco"
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This is a list of recommended characters that are different versions of Announcer.

Announcer x 1222[]

Announcer x 1222 is a recommended character that appeared in "Return of the Hang Glider". It is the original Announcer next to a sloppily written black text reading "x 1,222". They were recommended by ShinyGenesectAron2.

Announcer's Brother[]

Announcer's Brother is a version of Announcer with the word BRO above his head. This is similar to the old Firey Jr. when he had "JUNIOR!" displayed above him. He appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" and was eaten by bugs.

Baby Announcer[]

Baby Announcer is a recommended character that was recommended by jmarston123 in "The Reveal". Baby Announcer is a baby version of the Announcer that has a blue pacifier in his "mouth" and wears white diapers.

Bubble Speaker Box[]

Bubble Speaker Box is possibly created by Bubble or is just based on her. She was recommended by shyguywarrior. She appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" where she was eaten by the poison bugs along with the other recommended characters. She is a variation of the Announcer, colored sky blue and silver.

Cursed Announcer with Body[]

Pin, we have already gone over this. I do not like being called "cursed"!

Cursed Announcer with Body is a character that appeared in "Unboxing 3 Silver Play Buttons (and a BFB 30 announcement!)". He is a variation of Announcer with the body of Flower. He is apparently a friend of Pin.

Evil Announcer[]

Evil Announcer is a recommended character, recommended by kouarasteh in "The Glistening". He is one of the characters who voted for Ice Cube and is an evil version of the Announcer.

Evil Flower Speaker[]

Evil Flower Speaker is a recommended character who was recommended by ChocoBlue23 in BFDI episode 24. She is an evil version of Flower Speaker Box. She got eaten by the bugs along with all of the other recommended characters in the episode. Her appearance is like that of the Flower Speaker Box, but with an evil face. Nothing more is known about her.

Evil Speaker Box[]

Main article: Evil versions of characters#Evil Announcer
Rc Evil Speaker Box

Female Announcer Thing[]

Female Announcer Thing is a recommended character in "Bowling, Now With Explosions!". They were recommended by jmarston123, and are just a female version of announcer with a bow.

Female Speaker Box[]

Female Speaker Box is a recommended character that is a version of the Announcer with long, blonde hair that appeared in "Gardening Hero". Her name tag is misspelled "Female SPEALER Box".

Firey Speaker Box[]

Main article: Firey Speaker Box

Firey Speaker Box is a speaker made by Firey to take over as host in "Don't Pierce My Flesh". He was later cut up by Donut and used as a prize for Cake at Stake in "Questions Answered".

Flower Speaker Box[]

Main article: Flower Speaker Box

Flower Speaker Box is a speaker box made by Flower to counter Firey's Speaker Box. This speaker box ended up being decommissioned via a bowling ball in "Hurtful!".

Flower Speaker Box 2.0[]

Flower Speaker Box 2.0 is a speaker box identical to Flower Speaker Box, but with a number '2' in the bottom right corner.

Four Speaker Box[]

Cave Drawing Naily
This is a Cave Drawing Recommended Character

This character is a Cave Drawing Recommended Character, with a badly drawn art style.

Four Speaker Box is a speaker box recommended in "Chapter Complete". It is a crudely drawn speaker box with a 4 on it.

Golf Ball Speaker Box[]

Golf Ball Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Today's Very Special Episode". She was recommended by Angry 315. She is a white speaker box with dimples, making her a golf ball pattern.

Good Speaker Box[]

Good Speaker Box is a recommended character who appeared in "The Glistening". They were recommended by miles1baseball.

Hexagon Speaker Box[]

Main article: Hexagon Speaker Box

Ice Cube Speaker Box[]

Ice Cube Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". She was recommended by BFDIfan. The Speaker Box is clear blue and round-edged, which resembles Ice Cube.

Kid Speaker Box[]

Kid Speaker Box is a recommended character that is a version of the Announcer wearing a baseball cap.

Leafy Speaker Box[]

We're glad you managed to recover the funds we've lost during this campaign.
— Leafy Speaker Box, "Return of the Hang Glider"

Leafy Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Return of the Hang Glider" after the Announcer Transportation Device crashed and later reappeared with a speaking role in the same episode. She said that she was glad for recovering the money they lost in BFDI's costs.


  • Despite possibly being made by Leafy, Leafy Speaker Box sounds nothing like Leafy.
    • This could mean that speaker boxes are optionally programmed to sound and act like their creators.


MariosonicBFDI Speaker[]

MariosonicBFDI Speaker is a recommended character in BFDI 22, although it appeared in BFDI 23. It looks identical to the Announcer. It was recommended by MariosonicBFDI.

Mrs. Announcer Box[]

Mrs. Announcer Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". She is a white speaker box with Dora's hair. She was recommended by khaniage.

Pen Speaker[]

Pen Speaker is a version of the Announcer based on Pen. He was recommended by firealarmfreak5. He is a white Speaker Box with a pen cap, meant to resemble Pen.

Puffball Speaker Box[]

Main article: Puffball Speaker Box

Puffball Speaker Box is a speaker box that resembles Puffball. It was given to her as a prize in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3" and was later killed by Pin. She was recovered in "Meaty". Interestingly, she is referred to as a member of the Puffball Species rather then a Speaker Box, which could mean she's actually a Puffball, or a hybrid of the two.

Purple Round Speaker[]

Main article: Purple Round Speaker

Purple Round Speaker is a recommended character that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare", "Hurtful!", and "Return of the Hang Glider". It was recommended by PichuxCastform123. It's a purple, floating circle speaker box, which is what it was called during Insectophobe's Nightmare 2.


refsbcj is a recommended character that appeared in "The Escape from Four". It seems to be a fusion of several characters. Announcer (or any other speaker box) (the body), Evil Leafy (or an evil variation of any other character) (the eyebrows) and Robot Flower (the metal sticks) are quite noticeable in this character.

Rocky Speaker Box[]

Rocky Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" where he got eaten by the bugs. Despite being named after Rocky, he just looks like the regular Announcer. He was recommended by BracEFacEDinO.

Saw Speaker Box[]

Saw Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Don't Dig Straight Down". She is an announcer that resembles Saw. She was recommended by bumblebeee64.

Speaker Box V2[]

Speaker Box V2 is a recommended character by arturs2323. They are a regular version of the Announcer but with body assets that appears in "The Glistening" where he voted Ice Cube.

Speaker's Wife[]

Speaker's Wife is a recommended character that appeared in "Gardening Hero". She is a version of Announcer with a pink bow on her head. She was recommended by hamizannaruto.


Speaky is a recommended character that appeared in "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None". They are a white version of the Announcer but with body assets. Speaky was recommended by RedPansClubPenguin.

Spike Ball Speaker Box[]

Main article: Spike Ball Speaker Box

Spongy Speaker Box[]

The Spongy Speaker Box is a speaker box similar to the Announcer and is based on the contestant Spongy. His first appearance was in "Hurtful!". He has pretty much the same color palette as Spongy.

He last appeared in "Return of the Hang Glider" out of the UFO with all the other different speaker boxes convincing the Announcer to come home with them.

Teardrop Speaker Box[]

It's proven unsuccessful; and now it's time to come home.
— Teardrop Speaker Box, "Return of the Hang Glider"

The Teardrop Speaker Box is a recommended character that appeared in "Hurtful!". Later, she was one of the speaker boxes seen in "Return of the Hang Glider" when the announcer transportation device crashed. She talked to the Announcer, telling him to come home. She is a blue-colored version of the Announcer, meant to resemble Teardrop. However, she can speak and might sound similar to Teardrop if she could talk.


Tennis Ball Speaker Box[]

What do you mean "replica"? I'm the original.

The Tennis Ball Speaker Box, according to himself, is the original Announcer disguised as Tennis Ball by Tennis Ball himself. He appears in "BFDI's Road to Half a Billion Views" and goes over jacknjellify's history. His texture is similar to the Puffball Speaker Box. Unlike other Speaker Boxes who are variations of contestants, Tennis Ball Speaker Box's voice doesn't sound similar to his creator's.

Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 9.36

A comment made by jacknjellify on the stream chat, claiming the Tennis Ball Speaker Box is the original Announcer.

Triangle Speaker Box[]

Main article: Triangle Speaker Box


UNbox is a recommended character by Diaa that appears in The Four is Lava.

Weird Speaker Box[]

The Weird Speaker Box is a version of the Announcer that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare". When Coiny called him a Weird Speaker Box while talking to Snowball, the Announcer appeared and asks him not to call him as a "Weird Speaker Box", showing an image of Announcer with red eyes and a mouth. A strange liquid is underneath it in the image shown. It also appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning", on Flower's party, with Love Hearts for eyes instead.
