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"So what? Variations of David and Dora (L–R) was almost two years ago!"Purple Face, "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" (altered)
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"Pin, I didn't know Variations of David and Dora (L–R) was THIS long."Gaty, "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" (altered)
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This is a list of recommended characters that are different versions of David. David has the most variations so far.

Main · A–D · E–K · L–R · S–Z

Lady Gaga[]

Lady Gaga is a recommended character that was recommended by tyboy618 in The Reveal. She. is a copy of David with long blond hair. Unlike most of the Davids, Lady Gaga has closed eyes and a giant open mouth. There's also words "Poker Face" written in black letters above her head. This is a reference to her song, called "Poker Face". She is identical to Ke$ha, but has the words " Poker Face" above her head, instead of "Tik Tok", like Ke$ha.

Lara Croft[]

Lara Croft is a recommended character who appeared in "The Glistening". They were recommended by NoahLikesApples. She is based on the character of the same name from the Tomb Raider games.

Leafy's Biggest Fan[]

Leafy's Biggest Fan is a recommended character from "Return of the Hang Glider". It is a green David fan of Leafy. It was recommended by MatrVincent.


Lemi12 is recommended character who first appeared in "Today's Very Special Episode". They were recommended by Lara K.


Main article: Lewis

Lewis is minor character who appeared in "Intruder Alert". They appear to look like David but with an upside-down head.

Lewis's Cousin[]

Lewis's Cousin is a character recommended by Tfinity. They appeared in Catch These Hands. They are a wide variation of Lewis with blue skin.


Lily is a character recommended by A R. P.. She appeared in the second batch of recommended characters in Return of the Rocket Ship. She is a variation of David with pink hair and a flower in it.


Lily is recommended character who appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". They were recommended by kingkai.


Lindsay is recommended character who appeared in "The Glistening". She is based off of the Total Drama contestant with the same name. They were recommended by baseballfan111100.


lorentzl is a recommended character from "The Four is Lava". It is based on Lorentzel. They were recommended by Top H.


Luigi is a character recommended by PetstramiShowALT in "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" and "Gardening Hero". It is a variation of David that resembles Luigi from the Mario franchise.


Lunari is recommended character who appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". They were recommended by Lunari Stars.


Mari is a recommended character recommended by ProblematicPerwimklePlum in "Chapter Complete".


Mario is a character recommended by PetstramiShowALT in Bowling, Now with Explosions!. It is a variation of David that resembles Mario from the Mario franchise.


Matthew is a character recommended by Matthewmations. He appeared in Don't Dig Straight Down.


max is a character recommended by max in Return of the Rocket Ship. max has brown hair, a blush, and is doing a peace sign.

Me butt David[]

Me butt David is a recommended character that appeared in Let's Raid The Warehouse. It is a brunette David with a black shirt and tongue out. He was recommended by Parker, who the character is presumably based on.

Medusa Head[]

Medusa Head is a recommended character who first appeared in BFB 7. They were recommended by ÆSTHETIC OBJECTS.


Meloetta is a recommended character who appeared in Gardening Hero, as one of the gaspers in space. It looks like David except with the hair and head lip, based on a character named Meloetta in the game Pokémon. It was recommended by meloettagirl1999.

Metal Man[]

Metal Man is a recommended character that was recommended by geriolah7 in The Reveal. Metal Man is a metal version of David. Metal Man also has reflections on his head, which include the reflections of Coca-Cola Ice Cube and Girl Pen which were standing next to him in the crowd.

Metal Man HD 3

Metal Man with Coca-Cola Ice Cube and Girl Pen, both standing next to him.

Michael Jackson[]

Michael Jackson is a recommended character who appeared in Don't Pierce My Flesh. They were recommended by Jumsumoto. It is a David clone, but it's supposed to be Michael Jackson, as the name suggests.

Michelle Obama[]

Michelle Obama is one of the recommended characters shown in Don't Pierce My Flesh when Leafy, Flower, Bubble, and Firey were racing. She possibly died when The Volcano erupted later in the episode. She was recommended by PakoWhiteWaffles. Her appearance has brown outlines and inlines and straight, dark brown-colored hair.

She is intended to resemble Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States and the wife of former president Barack Obama.

Minecraft Guy[]

Minecraft Guy is a recommended character that appeared in Gardening Hero. He resembles Steve, the main player in the game Minecraft.

Mouse Guy[]

Mouse Guy is a character recommended by MiitopianOlive in Don't Dig Straight Down. Mouse Guy is a mix of David and a mouse.

My Avatar[]

My Avatar is a character recommended by Jednolithy in 'B.F.B. = Back From Beginning".


Noah is a recommended character who was recommended by KasumiNoahBox in "Gardening Hero". They are based on the character, Noah, from the Total Drama series.

Nicole the Cowgirl[]

Nicole the Cowgirl is a recommended character recommended by Cowgirl27733 in Episode 19. She is a cowboy-style looking female riding on a horse's back.

Notch (Creator of Minecraft)[]

Notch (Creator of Minecraft) is a character recommended by malcolmthegamer. He was one of the many recommended characters to vote for Ice Cube in The Glistening. As the name implies, he is based off of Markus Persson, commonly known as Notch, the creator of Minecraft.

He is a variation of David with a large square head.

Nurse Lily[]

Nurse Lily is a recommended character that appeared in episode 16. It is a variation of David that has a coat, syringe, hair, glasses, and a nurse hat. It was recommended by pinkbelossom. Nurse Lily bears a resemblance to Nurse Joy, a character from the Pokémon franchise.


Pachirisu is a recommended character who appeared in The Reveal. It was recommended by BlockyCuzco. It is a version of David with ears and a large tail that are light blue and white. It is based off a Pokémon named Pachirisu that appeared in the games: Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl.

Paige Michalchuk[]

Paige Michalchuk is a recommended character who appeared in "The Glistening". They were recommended by egiaPkuhclahciM. She is based on the Degrassi character of the same name.


Pansage was a recommended character that appeared in Rescission. It was a variation of David that resembles the grass monkey Pokémon, Pansage. It was recommended by pokefan123135. It was killed by Pencil and the Emergency Button.

Paul Revere[]

Paul Revere is a recommended character who appeared in "Gardening Hero", recommended by BlueLucario98. He is based on the person of the same name.


PencilDitz is a recommended character who appeared in Don't Pierce My Flesh. She was recommended by DaKillahBunnyz. It is a David with long, brown hair

Penguin David[]

Penguin David is a recommended character that appeared in Return of the Hang Glider. It is a David that is wearing a top hat and has yellow feet.


Penny is a character recommended by Molly S.. She appeared in the first batch of recommended characters watching Cake at Stake in Return of the Rocket Ship. She is a variation of David with brown hair, and has Check-It Eyebrows.


PestramiShowALT is a recommended character who appeared in "Bowling, Now with Explosions!". They were recommended by a user with the same name PestramiShowALT.


Peter is a character recommended by FIREY. They appeared in Catch These Hands. They are a variation of David with the head rotated 90 degrees to the right.

Piggy Bank[]

Piggy Bank is a recommended character who first appeared in "The Four is Lava". Recommended by ORANGE D. It is a piggy bank with David's face.

Princess Peach[]

Princess Peach is a recommended character recommended by PetstramiShowALT in episode 16. She is a character from the Mario franchise.


Puppet is a recommended character and a David version of the BFDI Mini Deluxe contestant with the same name. Their David version appeared in "The Four is Lava".

Purple Girl with Wind Hair and Angry Eyes[]

Main article: List of BFDI Mini contestants#Purple Girl with Wind Hair and Angry Eyes


rat. is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". They were recommended by Papiomike.

Rebecca Black[]

Rebecca Black is a recommended character from episode 17. It was recommended by JACKIEMON1. It is a stick figure similar to David but with long, black hair shouting "Friday", Rebecca Black's most infamous song. She is identical to two other recommended characters, Lady GaGa and Ke$ha, except for the fact she has black hair.

Red Stickman[]

Red Stickman is a character recommended by reddit8907. They are a red version of David.


RedBirdBlocks is a recommended character that appeared in What Do You Think of Roleplay?. He was recommended by BFDIFan100026cookierainbow


Reimu is a character recommended by ZackTheEpic. She is based on Reimu Hakurei from Touhou Project.


Richard is a character recommended by Satyarichard. He is a gold version of David with white outlines. He has the same colors as Loser.

Rick Roll[]

Rick Roll is a recommended character in Vomitaco. He was recommended by JACKIEMON1. He is a reference to Rick Astley's song "Never Gonna Give You Up", which was a popular meme where Rick Astley would come up out of nowhere to troll people being called a Rick Roll.

Robot Dora[]

Robot Dora is a recommended character who appeared in "Catch These Hands". They were recommended by fss1611. They are A fusion of Dora and Roboty.


roboy is a recommended character who appeared in "Chapter Complete". They were recommended by BlueProductions. They are A fusion of David and Roboty.
