Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Book spook

"Maybe I am doing something wrong." - Book, "Return of the Rocket Ship"
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This is a list of all recommended characters that are different versions of Puffball.


Allball is a recommended character that first appeared in "The Four is Lava". It is a fusion of 8-Ball, Basketball, Golf Ball, Snowball, Tennis Ball, and Puffball. Consisting of most noticeably:

  • Snowball's shape
  • Basketball's stripes
  • Golf Ball's dimples
  • Tennis Ball's outline thickness and color
  • 8-Ball's symbol
  • Puffball's color

Blue Puffball[]

Blue Puffball is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". She appeared briefly after Puffball dodged Spongy's cannonballs.

Evil Puffball[]

Evil Puffball is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". She is the evil version of Puffball.

Green Puffball[]

Green Puffball is a recommended character that appeared in "Taste the Sweetness". They are the green version of Puffball.


Harry is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". They are a rainbow colored Puffball.

puffball four[]

puffball four is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". They appeared while Coiny and Flower were running.

Puffball Speaker Box[]

Main article: Puffball Speaker Box

The Puffball Speaker Box is Puffball's pink and fluffy announcer speaker box, which she won as a Cake at Stake prize in BFDIA 3.

Puffball Speaker Box has pink fur like Puffball, and also speaks like her (with vocoding, color changing, and sparkling). Puffball Speaker Box is considered to be the first proper host of BFDIA, and the first talking host since Announcer and Firey and Flower's speaker boxes. She was temporarily decommissioned at the beginning of BFDIA 5 before returning to her hosting role in BFDIA 8 in place of Firey Speaker Box.


Purfball is a recommended character that appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom". They are a lavender-colored variation of Puffball with limbs. They were recommended by 8cartman.


Screwball is a recommended character that appeared in "Taste the Sweetness". He appeared briefly when Puffball Speaker Box mentions there's hundreds of eager customers.


  1. According to recommender; may not be canon.