Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This article lists variations of TPOT debuters that are not covered by more specific articles (Variations of Nonexisty, Variations of Price Tag).

Budget Cuts[]

Budget Cuts is a recommended character. They look like Scissors, but in a different color, although with arms and with a regular mouth.


Camery is a recommended character. They look like Camera but they have legs and their limbs are black.


Drummer is a recommended character that first appeared in "Catch These Hands". It was recommended by Soviet Pepega. It is a fusion of David and Snare Drum.

Evry Charecter Fused[]

Evry charecter fused is a recommended character. They are a fusion of every TPOT debuter.

Magic Conch[]

Magic Conch is a recommended character. They look like Conch Shell but with a wizard hat.

Tape Dispenser[]

Tape Dispenser is a recommended character. They look like Tape, but in a different color.

VHS Tape[]

VHS Tape is a recommended character that was recommended by B L O C K Y. They look like VHSy but without limbs.
