Battle for Dream Island Wiki
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Character Gallery Relationships

"I hardly remember meeting Vomit." — Eggy (altered)
This article or section contains content that is disputed to be part of the continuity of the BFDI series and is yet to be confirmed canon or not. This content may be BFDI related, but it may or may not have happened in the BFDI canon itself, we don't know yet.

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Reason: The BFDI Mini competition might not be canon but BFDI Mini characters have appeared in canon stuff such as Diamond, Glue, Jordan, Juice Box, and Quartz.
This page was last edited on August 30, 2024, at 18:17:28.

Unknown Gender image

"Who would've guessed?" - Fries, "Today's Very Special Episode"
This character's gender hasn't been revealed within BFDI or by jacknjellify. If the character's pronouns haven't been revealed either, use singular they pronouns when referring to the character. If this information has been revealed, please provide a source when adding it.

For the running gag involving using vomit as food, see Vomit as food.
Not to be confused with Rocky's vomit.

Vomit is a contestant in BFDI Mini Delicious, one of 10 contestants what were picked for the season, originating as a recommended character in "The Reveal".


Vomit is a solid green featureless diagonal sliver of dripping vomit that seems to rest on their largest drip. They are seen being able to move around by floating and rolling although they do seem to have trouble staying still after moving, splatting on the ground after being forced to stop for a challenge.



  • They are called Vomit
  • Vomit is bright green
  • Vomit is a diagonal dripping sliver
  • Vomit has no outline


  • Vomit is called Rocky's Vomit
  • Rocky's Vomit is a puddle
  • Rocky's Vomit has an outline

BFB 15

  • Rocky's Vomit is called Barf Puddle
  • Barf Puddle is dark green
  • Barf Puddle has no outline

BFDI Mini Delicious

  • Barf Puddle is called Vomit
  • Vomit goes back to their BFDI 17 design


Vomit is shown to be rather meek and a physically weak character, but they do help their friends when they need it. They usually have a sad or nervous expression on their face.



Battle for Dream Island[]

In "The Reveal", they appear during the recommended characters crowd scene for that episode being recommended by PestramiShowALT. They are seen in a simple panning shot before the Cake at Stake of that episode with their name and recommender appearing in a black box at the bottom of the screen.

In "Hurtful!", they appear during the recommended characters crowd scene for that episode being recommended by TheMarkbuba55. They appear during the scene of Leafy and Bubble doing all the previous challenges from episode 6 to episode 21.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", they are seen with all the other recommended characters from season 1 during the panning scene on the bleachers watching the last Cake at Stake of the season, they appear in two different places being grouped with different sets of characters due to being recommended in two different episodes. They are seen with the episode 17 recommended characters and the episode 23 recommended characters. They are part of the recommended character "Every Recommended Character" recommended by marioluigi0128 in the previous episode.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

In "Get Digging", Vomit is seen during the scene of Teardrop's rapid flashbacks when she's being forced into W.O.A.H. Bunch, specifically in the flashback to the scene with all the recommended characters from BFDI 17.

In "Get in the Van", they appear in the anniversary wheel that starts the episode with all the other season 1 recommended characters. They appear a total of two times in the wheel due to being recommended in two different episodes.

Battle for BFDI[]

In "The Four is Lava", they appear in the eighth batch of recommended characters, during the credits of the episode in both the green section and the red section, both times being recommended by NeonTehWolf.

BFDI Mini Delicious[]

In "Balloon Toss", Vomit is seen with Chips as a part of "Pair #5". They are seen frowning when Chips spits the balloon on top of them and when the balloon successful stays on top of Vomit making them and Chips safe Vomit is seen smiling.

In "Survive The Desert", Vomit appears flying in from off screen and killing a snake that was bothering Popcorn by falling on it while smiling.

In "Stay On The Balance Beam", Vomit is seen looking blankly ahead when Popsicle and Jordan come smashing through everyone on the balance beam before splatting Vomit onto the beam. They don't fall off however and so are safe from elimination.

In "Screaming Contest", Vomit is seen with a blank facial expression when Cereal Box's mascot comes running in and accidentally ends up smashing into Vomit causing the mascot to start sliding forwards uncontrollably and causing to splat onto the ground and start screaming with this screaming causing Vomit to be safe from elimination. Vomit's trail then causes the mascot to slide into Popcorn and cause them to scream as well.

In "Hide and Seek", Vomit rolls away from Chips scared when it's revealed that Cihps is the seeker for the challenge along with everyone else. He follows Cereal Box and Cake's Dad behind a brick wall to hide however the back of Vomit is poking out from behind the brick wall which Chips does notice however Chips decides to ignore that due to Vomit and Chips being on the same team in the first challenge causing Vomit and the people hiding with them to be safe from elimination.

In "Red Light, Green Light", Vomit starts moving forward when the robot David's back is turned but they stop moving when the robot David turns around however they struggle to stay still and eventually splat onto the ground which the robot David sees causing him to be put up for elimination.

In "Last One to Leave the Circle" Vomit looks sad looking at the vote results as it's revealed that Vomit is eliminated causing Vomit to look even sadder before splatting onto the ground however after Popcorn walks away an unknown arm grabs Vomit and stand them back up again where they spot the rejoin text. They then appear with all the previously eliminated contestants from this season inside of a red circle on the ground to compete for the rejoin. Jordan, who is standing next to them, immediately zooms off which causes Vomit to close their eyes due to the speed at which Jordan travelled. Later Sandwichy has Vomit on their foot and kicks them up into the causing them to splat onto the ground outside of the circle which causes them to not be able to rejoin.

In "Don't Die", Vomit is seen watching the final challenge along with all the other previously eliminated contestants. When Cereal Box wins the season and is awarded their prize Vomit is seen with a wide open smile.


Main article: Vomit/Relationships


Season 5
Episode Number of votes Percentage of votes
7 Unknown 72%


  • The reason why Vomit is shaped that way is because in BFDI 17 Vomit is seen resting on top of the roof of the recommended character House which is slanted.
  • Vomit is the only character in BFDI Mini Delicious to not be an edible character or a character that contains something edible.
  • Vomit's scream in "Screaming Contest" is reused from Woody's scream.
    • This technically gives Vomit a voice actor, that being Michael Huang who is the voice actor of Woody.


Click here to view the image gallery for Vomit.
Click here to view the gallery.

See also[]

BFDI Mini Delicious contestants
Cake's DadCereal BoxChipsJordanMilkshakePopcornPopsicleRaisinSandwichyVomit
