Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Unlike the last ceremony, the cake this time is the 28th letter of the alphabet, Vrrrpt!

Vrrrpt[1] (Vrrrpt) is an Algebralian who appeared in "Seasonal Shift". They are based on the (fictional) 28th letter of the English alphabet after being affected by The Shift. They are used as a Cake at Stake prize.


Vrrrpt is a teal Variable that resembles a downward pointing arrow with a crossbar on top. The crossbar has an extra, downwards line on their right. They do not have limbs.



Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two[]

In "Seasonal Shift", Ean uses them as the episode's cake, giving them to Black Hole. Unfortunately, this would be Vrrrpt's demise, as they're immediately sucked in.


  • Vrrrpt is the first Algebralian to be limbless, and to be used as an episode's cake.
    • Excluding any recommended characters from other episodes, and non-canon characters, they are also the first algebraic variable to not have any spoken dialogue.
  • Vrrrpt is occasionally referred to "Verpt". (IPA: vˈɜːɹpt). The proper spelling has been revealed on a TPOT 15 YouTube short with subtitles Jacknjellify made.



  1. Myprofftheyrenamedthis


Species: IntegersVariablesPolygonsIrrationalsOperatorsFractionsPolyhedrons

Integers: Zero (Zero (character)) • OneTwoThreeFour (variations) • FiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenTwenty-FourSixty-ThreeTwo Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-ThreeEquation characters
Variables: aNX (variations) • yZEanVrrrpt
Polygons: TriangleQuadrilateralRectanglePentagonHexagonOctagonNonagonUndecagon
Irrationals: PiPhiEuler's ConstantSquare Root of TwoTau
Operators: PlusMinusTimesDivideSquare Root
Polyhedrons: CubeTetrahedronOctahedronIcosahedronDodecahedron
Fractions: One-QuarterOne-ThirdOne-HalfThree Quarters
Other: Imaginary NumberCubeyInfinityScared/DumbList of fusions and splits of AlgebraliansDonut
Recommended Algebralians: AsteriskbDdeEmfFour and X put togetherGhijaysillyboy (j)NintySixObelusOne MillionPositiveSquare BracketTWwhY (Y)
